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Posts posted by way2muchcoffee

  1. You liberals should take a closer look at the crime reports. I'd guess that 3 out of four thieves that are caught reported that they were stealing in order to support their drug habit. Not hurting anyone? Thailand needs another big drug dealer purge.

    And with that comment you are willing to become judge, jury, and executioner based on a 'guess'. Shame.

  2. Look, do you honestly think a successful attorney would blow his client list by taking up with such a woman? I think not. Even the scummiest of criminal lawyers don't have wives like this. I would never retain counsel that had this type of judgement.

    Interesting comment gk. Evidently you are an elitist snob. Impugning somebody because they happen to be born to a poor family?

    Personally I think the o.p. is a troll.

    But your comments, gk, are extremely offensive and show your mindset clearly.

  3. Quite so.Let's hope that the elections will be conducted fairly without interference or attempted interference by any of the state's agencies.The record in previous elections was very poor on this point.


    Military interference.

    Government interference from whatever side is controlling gov't.

    Vote buying from both sides.

    Positioning of booths so observers can see the votes made Thaksin gov't.

    Inability to campaign for fear of violence (Udon Lovers, RCM51, DAAD, etc.)

    Campaign Donation Fraud (Dems allegedly)

  4. 1. For an Issan farming family a 300,000 bt upgrade of house is more than generous.

    2. No more than 5,000 bt per month should be necessary, perhaps 10k if you are particularly generous.

    3. Sin Sod, maybe 100k

  5. You can't be for real.

    You say you built a family of farmers a 3 million Bt house and a monthly stipend of 30,000 bt. You are also worried that you will look like a dupe to the village. News flash. You already do look like a dupe to the village, her family, and probably everybody else who has anything to do with Thailand.

    You claim to be sick of western women and their plastic values. Excuse me. Haven't you just dished out about $95,000 to the family for a house and a further $1000 per month?

    You can't ask for anything better than the girl you are marrying. How about a discount?

  6. Hey son. Why are you hitting your sister? Whack, whack, whack, whack. Now that will teach you not to hit people....

    The death penalty. State sponsored murder. The ultimate penalty steeped in the ultimate hypocrisy.

    Don't you just love these bleeding heart liberals that live in their own little utopia? As soon as any news report pertaining to the death penalty comes up I always think 'here we go again - just watch them come out of the woodwork'. Maybe you should change your user name from way2muchcoffee to

    way2muchcrap because that's what it is. Wake up and welcome to the real world.

    Actually thought I was in the real world of civilized people who have developed emotionally and have moved past being motivated by base and petty revenge. I believed I was amongst people who actually use their brains to analyze the world, and use compassion as a moral compass to keep their atavistic animal natures in check. I guess I was mistaken.

  7. Of course Thaksin will continue the legal fight.

    You cannot have a situation in a so-called democracy where the Military junta make laws up on the hoof, (equivalent to acts of parliament!!! indeed).

    And then have Military junta appointed judiciary undertake political showtrials.

    Where does a Military Junta "coup issued law" take its place in a democracy?

    The Military Junta "coup issued law" was obviously illegal in thailand before the Military junta appointed judiciary ruled it was valid in a "democracy".

    Be interesting to see the the world court's reaction to that take on democracy.

    My understanding was that the coup issued 'law' was simply about creating and appointing the AEC to investigate Thaksin. If this is true it means their job was to gather evidence and forward it to the NACC and government prosecutors to review and decide whether to proceed based on the evidence. Is this what you are railing on about CLOD? If, in my limited knowledge, the situation was something different than I've described above then I am more than willing to be educated by other posters here who have followed more closely.

  8. Let's see. One post. Never been back to the thread. Could be a troll. In the even it isn't, I think fredob43 is not correct.

    The OP said it was a small 'purple' pill. Valiums, or diazepam, are not purple, they are light blue. Valiums are small though. Xanax is definitely not the same thing as Valium. They are similar in their prescribed usage.

  9. Like the poo thrower at Abhisit's house, there are lots of people who will take advantage of the situation and they aren't really 'red'.

    That is true. On the other hand the bomb throwers could very well be red... or yellow, or blue, or green, or brown, or none of the above. As someone mentioned before we will not know until someone or multiple people have been arrested.

  10. I tend to think that a friend of hers put her up to it with no malice intended. However, her designs could certainly have been much more sinister. If there is any way to have the pill tested I would do that. Can you find out from her what it was, then get a lab test done? That's how I would play it. It will certainly help the lab and ease your costs if you have some idea what the pill contained, otherwise it is an 'unknown' and testing could be expensive.

  11. Summarize, banning the democrat party is as ludicrous as banning TRT before it.

    Honestly, how did Thailand end up in a situation where the judiciary is the highest power in the country. Trias Politica stipulates a balance in the three branches. The coup SERIOUSLY messed that up. It's ludicrous to be even discussing the banning of a whole party that was democratically elected; Democrat party as much as TRT and Phua Prachachon.

    I don't really agree.

    If it can be shown that a party took large payments, and failed to report or account for them properly, and that senior party executives/leaders were aware of this fact, then the party should be punished.

    There are laws about this, nobody has the right to ignore them or to pick & choose whether to apply them, and most of the (non-party-executive) MPs would still be in Parliament and representing their electorate, just as the PPP (now PTP) MPs do.

    The same standards apply to the Democrats as TRT or PPP.

    Any party or government must operate within the legal-framework, or it all becomes just a game, as a former-PM implied when he spoke recently of people considering "playing at politics".

    Completely agree. If the Democrat leadership is found to have conspired to violate election law then the Democrats must go. Much as I approve of the Abhisit leadership and the disappointment I and others would face, that would be the only acceptable outcome. That is the law and the law must be respected and adhered to.

  12. Wife and her mom were abandoned by father when the wife was about 3 yrs old. Mom left a couple of years later. Wife was raised by grandma. Wife's mom visited twice over the next decade. Mom died right around the time I met my wife. Now there is some limited contact with dad, but nothing more than that.

    Grandma can be a pain sometimes, but mostly she's harmless and doesn't ask for much, at least not any more. She tried it on for a couple of years but has since backed off and only asks when she really needs it and usually small amounts. She is a hard Issan grandma and gets by on very little.

    I guess I got lucky in the scheme of things.

  13. Again, this is the beginning of a civil war mentality. We're from Isaan, so we're red and love Thaksin. Is there even a CHOICE in most of those villages to NOT be pro red? Their propaganda says they are pro democracy and freedom. I don't believe it for a second.

    It is an interesting point. My wife hails from Surin - definite Thaksin country. On the night of the assets verdict she was over at her sister's place in BKK. A fight ensued between my wife and her sister's husband. Wife said something to the effect that Thaksin deserves what he has coming. She was immediately the target of violent verbal abuse. The fight even caused a rift between her sister and sister's husband, who now haven't spoken to each other for a couple of days. Passions are definitely high. Anger is strong.

  14. You are quite right.Another example is the retroactive pardon the junta gave the criminals who launched the last military coup.In many countries they would have been shot or given long gaol terms.

    In many countries a Thaksin figure would be in jail. In many countries a Thaksin figure could never have been PM. In many other countries a Thaksin figure would be executed.

  15. I think those reds are not supporting "stupidly just for what he did for the rural poor". That is just a political excuse tactic. Those reds are simply "like-minded" like him. Cheaters and betrayers to the country and people. It's time the government should educate this people and not to be used in the wrong manner. And this include you :) .

    While this might be true of many in the redshirt leadership I think you are wrong about the rank and file. I believe the rank and file believe whatever their leadership tells them, for the most part. And they really do appreciate the voice the have been given in Thai politics, having been denied one throughout the history of Thailand.

  16. The Thaksin propaganda machine had less to do with it than you think. The Democratic party has traditionally viewed the the poor as only a cheap source of labor. As always its not what you say but what you do - and that is something that will take the Democratic party years to prove they think otherwise.


    It should be noted that with the Thaksin media machine inundating rural Thais with lies and half truths daily (for years) any progress the Democrats may make will be exceedingly slow. It won't matter if the Democrats offer levels of assistance and support many orders of magnitude greater than Thaksin ever did. Such is the power of propaganda.

  17. Rather hard to do Antony. These are the people who have been the work force of Thailand, and the goverment has never done a thing for them until Thaksin came along. Yes he was corrupt as has been every goverment since 32, which any of these banana seller lowlies will tell you. Why are they so concerned about corruption now they ask ... they never have been before?! (hmmmm Did the Statute of Limatations pass on the Blue Diamond affair, thats when a quarter of a million lowlies got kicked out of SA because of Pu Yais insatiable avariciousness)

    That is the real problem not one of the red shirt actually believes that Abh, the Dems and PAD would do a thing for them, or continue any of Thaks populist policies unless they fear them, IE they have to. When you have divisions this deep in society, nothing is going to bridge it overnight. And of course it would be beneath a DEM Pu Yai to actually explain this to a lowly banana seller so thats moot point, eh.

    It is unfortunate that their beliefs are wrong and misguided then. In the last year the Democrats, under the leadership of Abhisit, have promulgated many measures designed to improve the lot of the poor. And they have done it in a fiscally sound and sustainable fashion. That box is opened. All future governments will need to pay attention to the needs of rural Thailand. I believe that Abhisit does care about the plight of people in rural areas.

    Democrat politicians would love to be able to explain their positions to the people in rural areas of Thailand. Unfortunately the Thaksin machine has so demonized them with propaganda and outright lies that any Democrat going to many parts of the north/north east faces violence.

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