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Everything posted by ronster

  1. Gastrosec also works the same . Buy in any pharmacy usually.
  2. What flipside ? It's all on camera them clearly taking the money out of the bill folder . You would be a great restaurant owner 🙈
  3. Where to start with everything that is wrong in this !! 😳
  4. Can't believe the restaurant done nothing and let them go with an apology and payment. Obviously doesn't want the word to get around what happened as they think it will scare their other russian customers away . Money wins !! 🙈
  5. They can cancel the 40 million tourists they wanted ! 😷🤡
  6. Shifted in the upward direction as usual as far as samui is concerned 🫤
  7. Seems to be a common thing loads of Chinese in non tourist areas running these places. Thankfully they are not given long term visas 🙄🙈
  8. He be wishing he didn't ask for that . Especially when 10 of them start stomping his head at the same time while he screams for his mother !! 🙄🙈
  9. So was it the mechanic taking it for a test drive that got too excited or the owner ?
  10. Rubbish. I can go and search for hotels in samui next month and there is loads to pick from so nowhere near fully booked !!
  11. Good idea !! Steal a bike from a small island and then take it to another island that is even smaller and can be seen from the first island. No chance of being caught 😂🙈
  12. What ??? 3 month suspension !! Should be immediately banned from ever flying a plane again and jailed for endangering passengers life's.
  13. So he was going to make a video about going to buy a phone charger ? Jesus Christ is this what the world has come too !! Absolute tool trying to get the most common scams known by thousands about bkk on camera for likes .🙄🙈
  14. Make sure they pay 3 times the cost for wine and 10 times the cost for visiting certain tourist areas 👍
  15. Odd they didn't find him sooner . No CCTV at the platform ? As for the guy that slept there in the afternoons 😳
  16. All the illegal casinos will be rubbing their hands then !
  17. Wonder how many people will see this as a good luck sign and rush out to buy 468 lottery number 😂
  18. She looks like she has used that fake virgin Mary pose before many times ! Sorry not sorry by the look of her fake pose .
  19. Several times people have tried to buy certain numbers and been told can't buy it for some reason. There was no special story or religious tale on Facebook etc where people usually go out and buy thousands of that number . Makes me wonder if sellers know something the buyers don't 🤔
  20. So how are they being charged for having gambling chips that are no use anywhere other than in that room to play poker or were they writing down money owed ?
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