Common cause being the landlord ripping people off charging far more than the government rate !
If you want to see this clear as day look at samui property for rent , 7-10 bht per unit and no doubt it will keep rising !
Not true , the mitsubishi dealer I was at last month had several that had been traded in sitting for sale beside the showroom and they all looked like new after being cleaned up to showroom standard .
Although probably not older than 2-3 year old judging by the model of them.
300 bht a month for buying goods ! 😳
Can't get it if retired 🤔
So if you are say 70 year old or up and can't work anymore and no family to support you , then you ain't getting a thing 🫤
Irrelevant as it is , but why are 2 fourteen year old girls out at 4/5am in the morning ?
As for the driver jail him for 10 years plus. Saying he had 2 beers , 2 beers don't make you almost 4 times over the limit to drive !!
So if medical expenses are capped at 80000bht then who will pay the rest ?
Or are they planning on dumping the injured with a medical bill which they will deduct from insurance payout for injuries etc .
Most feasible way to hold a race would be organise a street circuit in Bangkok . This cuts out the insane cost of building a race track that would mostly sit unused.
Were you on a desert island to try a few dozen 😀
I haven't seen any others to try but have heard Guinness is a good one . Also haven't tried zero alcohol gin , but at the same price as alcoholic gin I would be reluctant to pay a fortune for basically a bottle of flavoured water 😁
Crush any buses owned by the company and jail anyone who is to blame for authorizing these modifications being put on the buses or trying to remove them for a minimum of 10 years !
What do you expect when you have kids 6 year old and up going around with friends on the back of scooters . None of who are wearing a helmet or have a licence.
Yet the police will ignore them as if invisible , but no problem pulling a non Thai over for no helmet to extract a monetary on the spot fine which ends up God knows where !!!