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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. Is there a pill that will help you understand a joke when you see one?
  2. I have a daughter. I lead by example.
  3. I used to work the graveyard shift and one bar in town would open at 6am for us. We were having a well deserved happy hour after work while surrounded by lifelong alcoholics who took advantage of the early hour opening.
  4. Bamboo fiber AliExpress https://a.aliexpress.com/_mPwlvug
  5. I don't go to coffee shops anymore. Got tired of searching for a seat while some skanky yoga instructor is sprawled out on sofa alone at a table for 6 or more having ordered only one coffee four hours prior and is only 10% of the way through her emails.
  6. Yet if you listen to them talk to each other you will never hear any of that. They just say that to you to make you feel good.
  7. A girl was bartending and asked me if we could go out after she got off. We did. Had a really great time. She took me home. Without being too graphic let's say we could not physically have been closer to becoming one when she said "Don't. You won't call me tomorrow." I ran out of there before she could say another word. There is no "She said, he said" anymore. Only "She said, he looses everything"
  8. So you are second class human that can't buy land and need to report your wearabouts constantly but will be fully taxed on foreign income. Okay Thailand. Be careful what you wish for.
  9. 20 minutes later: Thailand to tax foreign income on retirees living in luxury resorts in Thailand. 2 minutes later: Retirees going back home.
  10. As a side note the 12 month statement self ordered is no good for a visa extension. At least not in Samui. The bank told.me it was and when I got to Immigration they said no. The bank staff insisted and even got on the phone with the Immigration boss and assured him it was an official transcript due to some official markings on it. Do you think the I/O was cool and apologized? Yeah, not so much but he did say he would extend my deadline a week and let the bank give me a new official official bank statement. Round and round we go.
  11. Unfortunately the Spanish and Ugandans don't.
  12. That's what poo plah rah is made out of.
  13. Get the PEA app. You can quickly review a year worth of activity, pay your bill and submit outages online.among many other useful tools. Very helpful and should immediately show the increase disparity as a starting point. If your habits have not changed something shady is going on.
  14. Thai Customs would only care if they were shipped in in a box. Are you thinking of Immigration?
  15. Not to defend Nigerians as they have an earned reputation but just because you often are told they are the boogimen it doesn't mean they are only ones. Maybe they are just the easy targets. Since most of the cocaine in Africa comes from Colombia and Perù via Brazil and then goes farther East and the heroin comes from, shall we say, local sources or Afghanistan and heads West through Africa it seems strange that an East African who might typically middle a transaction at home would be the organization kingpin based in Bangkok.
  16. They crazy part is there are never Chinese busts. Wonder why 🤔
  17. This was a joke attempt I guess but in reality he's probably shipping to Nigeria by the ton. Kinda hard to launder money 20 baht at a time.
  18. A ladyboy crack down will be a change. Usually they are crack up.
  19. Gin Kee Pii Nawn. Ask I Thai of you don't understand it.
  20. I have a Xiaomi robot with LIDAR. It vacuums and mops. Probably saved me a few hundred hours of work. Yes I will still do a deeper hand clean on occasion when warranted but for a daily sweep it can't be beat.
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