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  1. These are small details of little importance, everything is possible in LOS, even shooting yourself three times in the head, you would always be declared to have wanted to commit suicide.
  2. 15,000 doctors paid by Big Pharma, which pays very well if you have an easy shot with a good bank account
  3. Here's what happens when the world's richest man buys the presidency May be you read better
  4. But if the ferries in Thailand aren't even capable of putting out a car fire with an internal combustion engine, are you so sure that with a UV they don't know that using sea water doesn't put it out but feeds it.
  5. I always pay cash upon receipt and no problem
  6. And new electrical cables in the house.
  7. It is estimated that there are around 500,000 idiots dead or wounded in this war decided from here they are careful not to go on the battlefield.
  8. Says the warrior behind his keyboard
  9. Sorry to disappoint you but you certainly with this answer
  10. Stupefied and irresponsible decision of a bad loser
  11. The goods spoil quickly so she have to act quickly with the last customer.
  12. In my opinion I consider that the payment of a pension is not an income but a form of savings. My pension was calculated like this by my government without any increase for inflation or anything else, so the monthly payments are only savings that I have deposited in my working life in a pension fund. Many have not had this "privilege" and so their pension becomes an income. And here now the big question...
  13. Yes and next year we will always be in the "category Tiers 3" even paying taxes.

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