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Everything posted by BE88

  1. Thank you for the information about this experience that many of us here believe will come. It's a sword of Damocles that I want to avoid
  2. It would be interesting to know how many millions he paid for his royal pardon and preferential treatment as a prisoner.
  3. I am in a position to say it and do it, this is how I intend to be free. Who cares about the Thai government?
  4. I transferred 5M ten years ago, but now it's time to change course by liquidating all with no tax payers????
  5. Definitely leaving Thailand is my option as a classified Thai rich taxpayer, all my remittances will no longer enter Thailand from next month and consequently my bank accounts in Thailand will go to zero.
  6. An oven roast would be tastier
  7. And more taxes for expatriates to read in today's Bangkok Post .....considered appropriate tax collection......
  8. I don't care which party she joined but this political woman at least defends the right to decide for themselves to remain with their own freedom to decide and not to listen to what the government says to do like sheep without any freedom to decide for themselves.
  9. Putin stated that Trump did more than sanctions against Russia when he was in power as well as against China and it was his start of the Cold War against China. During his reign he surrounded himself with the most militant pro-war collaborators, to say that he is the one who will not start the third world war is fallacious. Neither JB nor DT are worthy of becoming the next president, it will be better for Americans to choose more capable people and not dead people who talk or evangelical preachers. If I could vote, I would vote for peoples like Tulsi Goobard
  10. You make me laugh with your stupid comment, you know nothing and you allow yourself to call me a liar. Jealousy makes you take bad steps.
  11. Wrong in the country where selling prices have fallen by 50% and therefore I got a deal if I buy now but the future is not rosy in Europe for home sellers so I think I'll make another deal waiting for the situation to deteriorate further more. Don't worry about me, thanks.
  12. We recently established a hub in Bangkok as part of McKinsey’s Digital Labs in order to bring the best of our global firm to the region and expand the digital capabilities of future Thai leaders. The precise answers are to be asked to McKinsey.
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