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Everything posted by BE88

  1. In my opinion I consider that the payment of a pension is not an income but a form of savings. My pension was calculated like this by my government without any increase for inflation or anything else, so the monthly payments are only savings that I have deposited in my working life in a pension fund. Many have not had this "privilege" and so their pension becomes an income. And here now the big question...
  2. Yes and next year we will always be in the "category Tiers 3" even paying taxes.
  3. The customer is always right not the manager who answered, what an idiot
  4. Best wishes to https://www.mesap.it/associati/blue-engineering/
  5. So a thief comes to my house and steals money and gold from me but leaves me with bags full of money that I don't count and I hand it over to the police and file a complaint for theft against the thief. Someone has watched too many Thai fiction films on TV all stupid like this story
  6. But they are all mercenaries, Russia pays them more than a million $ a month.
  7. No intention of leaving Thailand now that Europe is preparing for war with Russia would be an idiotic idea, leaving for 6 months to go to another country this is planned for next year but returning to Thailand afterwards.
  8. Someone in the government has noticed that expats are no longer investing in real estate and that the inflow of money from expats is decreasing.
  9. But what bull<deleted>, all the politicians in international meetings read the copy.
  10. And it will increase tourists in Thailand
  11. So a wrong translation from google, as others said she just wanted a drink https://poseidn.com Drink Bombs - Cocktails, Hot chocolate and Tea. EASY. DELICIOUS. BEAUTIFUL. 😁
  12. I own a Samsung, a Hairer and a TCL, The TCL is much better than the other two.
  13. Yes but this depends on who you are, many do not care about this aspect of the couple that they only ask to be served at the table, while others desire other more intellectual aspects even if the difference in vision can be very different for our different origins, that can be stimulating but also presents risks of mutual incomprehension, and before venturing on this path it is good to know the Thai vision on many aspects that can be very incomprehensible for us, both in the religious and social aspect. I believe that if you are lucky enough to have an intelligent person in an emotional relationship it could be wise not to want to impose yourself with your own ideas or concepts but to respect the visions of others to find a good harmony in the couple's relationships, after all having other visions to evaluate or discover are an enrichment to your own vision.
  14. Even at 50 a Thai woman can still be beautiful compared to Western women but when you get to ask yourself this if you take a mirror and look inside yourself maybe you should not change because you would not have much choice for a stable relationship.
  15. https://articles.smartasset.com/best-states-to-retire/ux/index.html?utm_source=smartasset&utm_campaign=sma__falc_relatedposts_retire&utm_content=beststates_grey Why should Americans come to Thailand and pay taxes on the pension when they don't pay them at home?
  16. I don't know where you live, maybe in Lumpini, but that's not what I see where I live. Maybe you mean to say that this tax is reserved for rich Thais and at least the Chinese middle class ? Then this is the joke of the day
  17. Maybe another 20, who knows
  18. What you say is non sense if it is as you say that we do not count for anything then why tax us also on our global income? So they have surely calculated that there is a lot of $$$$ coming soon.
  19. I expect the Thaksin government to fall in a few months
  20. And ? Visa 0 is for everyone, married and not married but if don't have money stay definitely on LOS and no pay tax .
  21. Yes it is the easiest solution without future problems that I also chose.
  22. This will never come because we live in a racist country where every foreigner is considered a category B.
  23. I was getting bored these last two years now you give me the chance to live 6 months in another country. Thank you so much Thai government
  24. Nope, this is the news of September 6th 21;41 because you understand well and not said on the future you not know
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