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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. Parliament make the Laws. Parliament is supreme, not the Judiciary, whose job it is to interpret the will of parliament. This is screwed up, as usual, by Human Rights Law, which in far too many cases thwarts the will of Parliament and indeed of the people.
  2. We all need to be very aware, 'street wise' if you prefer that term, accepting, flexible and knowledgeable when you move from one culture to live in another. The OP may well be reading things into situations that are not really there and doing this for other reasons, such as medical depression, past negative experiences in life, a sense of personal and professional failure. If any of these are relevant then therapy may help. It's very much a state of mind. There are many things that frustrate me about Thailand and the Thai's, but I weight those things against my dislike, almost a loathing, of the UK, it's miserable, feckless, work shy people, it's politics, it's environment, even though I am British born and raised. The answer, if there is one, lies with the OP alone. He states that he is, for whatever reason 'stuck here' that alone could explain the negativity. In reality, it is a fact that people are rarely 'stuck permanently' anywhere and planning and seeing a way out, even if not acted upon, can help a feeling of helplessness. Taking control of all aspects of ones life helps perspective, indeed is vital for a stable and happy frame of mind.
  3. Yes to both those questions, but she died a long time ago, well before I moved here, alone. Our plan was to retire together somewhere warm and tropical, but it never happened for her.
  4. I have answered you, get rid of it. It's an answer, but you may not like it.
  5. I had fitted a UV system to my pool. Almost maintenance free and fresh water. I have no idea why anyone still fits a salt chlorinate system. I haven't had to chemically adjust the balance in my pool for over 3 years, just the very occasionally algicide at certain times of the year. Ditch the chlorinator and fit UV. It will save you lots of work and money.
  6. Why, Just following thousands of his own countrymen, as they commit genocide in an illegal war.
  7. Some people, maybe many people, should not be allowed to vote. They don't have the intelligence for the task.
  8. Not really, they were all as bad as each other.
  9. Yep, that's who you want as your next President, a deluded lunatic, following on from an doddery old man with dementia and a racist, misogamist, narcistic , ego maniac. Come on America, you can surly do better than this.
  10. Nice, well worth it. Love the view and the carefully placed ornamental stones.
  11. So, with your obvious extensive unbiased knowledge, how using a legit agent to do the leg work, when you meet all the criteria for an extension is corruption? With that kind of attitude, you either don't know Thailand at all, or you will get mighty miserable trying to live here.
  12. Although I get irritated a bit by it, although not so much now the online system is working well, I actually wish the UK had the same system . It seems to me to be quite sensible to know where the aliens living in your country actually are. The UK make little to no effort to track their migrants, a good few of whom are reported to be involved in organised criminal activity.
  13. Who cares, they broke the rules end of. Its largely because of those idiots that the rest of us have to jump through so many immigration hoops, like 90 day reports and TM30s.
  14. I started using an agent at the same time and for the same reason. That was some 5 years ago and it is worth every penny I pay them. Just got my latest annual extension last week. Effortless and more to the point, stress free.
  15. I'm not old, well not too old, but I use an agent for absolutely everything here. The less I have to interact with Authority the better. I'm also as lazy as hell now and I just can't be arsed to make the effort to do stuff myself.
  16. And the sensible thing to do is start the process 12 months before your old one expires. Reason, because you normally need 6 months validity on it to avoid issues with immigrations. That gives a good buffer in case the muppets in the Passport Office screw up, WFH, go on strike, Go Slow (as if that could be possible), or just generally fxxx up, which, being a UK government Agency they can easily do.
  17. Look mate, firstly, you cast doubt on a legit agent, in one short sentence, without any real explanation. Then you post the reason, which was clearly your fault. I have used Key Visa for a number of services over the last 7 years and I have found them trustworthy, honest and reliable. They did the leg work for my yearly extension only last week Expect to get challenged, with counter experiences, on this public forum, if you tell stories and make comments as you did.
  18. You opened yourself to these comments. You dont plan your travel without getting all your ducks in a row, we all know that. Sounds like your ducks were all over the lake, hence the comments.
  19. Prior Planning Prevents Pxxx Poor Performance
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