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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. Okay, thanks, I am not familiar with that visa.
  2. Definition of an Expert ; 'Ex' meaning a has been; 'spert', (sic) a large drip
  3. As I said in the post, she has a Masters in Accountancy; that was the clue
  4. My Thai g/f has two degrees from Thai Universities, one a Masters in Accountancy and she is almost totally ignorant of World history, general science and World geography. Intelligence and knowledge are two different things. In polite Western social situations, she could easily come across as a thick as a brick, pretty bimbo when she is nothing of the kind.
  5. No it doesnt, but don't let facts get in the way of a good quote From google: Lebanon, India, and Malaysia are all in the top five for worst drivers in the world, with the US, Turkey, and Canada all featuring in the top 10, too.Feb 1, 2566 BE
  6. Read the post before you reply
  7. Joke mate, although the majority of flying accidents are in the general aviation sector. See my FAA quote in another post.
  8. The last statement was a joke, a not very good one obviously. The point I was trying to make, is that rocking up to a pleasure flight company, jumping into a C172, without knowing the experience, competence, qualification or hours of the pilot you are trusting with your life, especially here in LOS, is not a good idea, There is a very good reason why the US recently introduced the 1,500 hours minimum for all new First Officers in airlines. As I think you are saying, experience is safety, usually, I too have some thousands of hours and I owned my own PA28-201 for many years. My training, yonks ago, was as a Military Pilot and I brought that experience to my private flying. What I saw at my flying club often used to horrify me, but it takes all kinds. Personally, knowing the slack application of rules, and of equipment , that we see here, I would not take a private flight.
  9. Please yourself. Here is a bit of info that may help some understand. There are three groups of pilots. The first are private pilots, usually fairly low hours, limited knowledge of aerodynamics and associated aviation science, flying low tech equipped aircraft, in the lower airspace where weather is a high risk factor in flight safety. It takes only 40 hours to gain a basic qualification to fly in this group, with no continuing professional training required. There are quite often ignorant of risk management and the risks they are running. They have the highest number of accidents among all pilots. Since 1962, The National Travel and Safety Board (NTSB) has maintained a database of aviation accidents across the United States. NTSB has found that the fatality rate for private aircraft is significantly higher per 100,000 flight hours than commercial aircraft.Jul 20, 2565 BE The second are the professional commercial /bush pilots. Medium to high hours, 18 months to 2 years of basic training, holding CPL or ATPL qualification, flying higher tech aircraft. These people are trained to be risk averse and undertake continuous profession development. They are risk aware and CRM trained. The third group are military pilots. Highly trained over a minimum of 2 to 3 years before becoming operational. They are risk takers, but under controlled conditions. They fly high tech capable aircraft and, in the main, highly professional. Which group would you just your life to?
  10. That guarantees nothing, plenty of pilots have manged to kill themselves through poor training, over confidence, bad maintenance, or just plain stupidity. . Low hours private pilots are dangerous, medium hours private pilots can be just as dangerous. High hours private pilots don't exist as they are mostly all dead.
  11. Not the point. And I dare say that in another Asian country, they would be treated as foreigners, indeed I know that they are in at least 4 that I can name .
  12. I just don't get this post. Injecting T is madness, unless you are a body building type who is dedicated to having a shorter life. I too am older, with a young partner. True, you will not get the same intensity of urges now as you did in your younger years, its called aging, a natural process, live with it, because at least you are alive. Just be happy to have lived as long as you have, and a good few years longer than the T taking people will ever live. Anyone, medical Doctor or not, U Tuber or not, who tells you that there are very few dangers with taking any steroid, including T, is lying through their teeth. The dangers are real and manifest.
  13. Its not just Thailand. The Younger generation are often ignorant dimwits. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_pw8duzGUg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufmcubp2szg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQVnHsLwRg4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRh1zXFKC_o
  14. and only China . 'There are none so blind............' etc
  15. Yes. I'm not sure how the posters on here have such small bills, even with the increases. We have one air con going 24/7, the pool pump on for 4 hours per day, one fridge, microwave, air fryer. Normal bill is circa 3,800 pm. I have yet to see this months, but I anticipate circa 5,000.
  16. I was making the comparison , as we all should when discussing any subjective assessment made by someone else. I should have added Liverpool of course, silly me.
  17. The OP has clearly never been to a Spanish city, or a Mexican city, or a Russian or Chinese City, or a .................. I could go on.
  18. I agree. Some are common sense, unless you are a naive dullard, some are plain wrong, (walking is a great way to see places and things you won't see from a scam ridden taxi) and I am happy to hold hands and kiss my Thai g/f in public. If I didn't she would soon be on my case. The whole point of visiting new countries and new cities is that you discover things you didn't know, but keep your wits about you. A normal travel guide is a good start.
  19. Where governments and government agencies are concerned, it's always 'them' and 'you' . Not just the case here, but Worldwide.
  20. That's true, but I wonder how many expats do just that?
  21. No, he's given up on idiocy and immaturity, not in himself, but in those he socialised with. I get that. .
  22. No, and I never was., I am more than happy with that. I socialise with a very small group of like minded friends, not all the time, but regularly enough. I like my own space and value time on my own. I don't do festivals. If I am deemed to be anti social; well I am happy with that title too.
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