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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. He is talking about the surface of the Earth, not it's overall shape. Dear me!
  2. The Earth is not round, due to rotational forces, its an oblate spheroid, that's science fact for you.
  3. You mean all Popes, priests, Imams, Vicars, Bishops, Arch Bishops, Monks of all kinds and persuasions, people in gaudy dresses, with silly hats and comical religious costumes? I think you misinterpret my comments, I can't abide any of them and they are all to a men (as very few religions allow women to participate, how's that for discrimination? ). They all try to indoctrinate and manipulate for their own ends.
  4. Oh do me a favour mate. They are universal guidelines, not restricted to the UK. Anyone should be able to see that, clearly not in your case.
  5. To a degree, yes. I am attracted to some of Bhudia's teachings and I try to live what one could characterise as a life of 'Christian Values', even if I am not Buddhist or Christian. However, I still hold that some religions, at least on the fringes, teach hatred, violence and discrimination, all in the name of their twisted beliefs. I want none of that
  6. Not at all, I am stating a universal; truth, no 'trolling' involved
  7. All fairy tales and mythical stories of Gods and Devils are, by definition, idiotic, designed to be entertaining, usually to children, and not to be taken seriously,. as in Guardians of the Galaxy for example.
  8. Yes I agree that science can and is a force for good and for evil, but that's humans for you. We are a savage, violent, manipulative, selfish, self serving species. I have no doubt at all that we will destroy ourselves eventually.
  9. 10,000 eh? Well that just goes to show, if not prove, the idiocy of it all.
  10. Glad to. It enables them to educate the others in the reality of life, death, science, the Universe and the lack of a God in all of this. 'Science rules', based on empirical evidence, religion is mystical, fairy tail dogma, based on no evidence at all and is designed from the earliest times of human existence to control the plebs.
  11. Umm, tricky one that. More logical and perhaps less gullible, but no, not more intelligent, they just use their intelligence to better effect
  12. Thats the problem with taking older dogs, rescue dogs, saving soi dogs. Its good in terms of their future, but risky
  13. The one big thing I insist on with my two dogs is that I can take their food/treat/toy off them at any time. I train them as puppies. It marks you out as the pack leader and is a basic need with pet dogs. If I even get a growl, a sharp voice telling off will send them away, tails down.
  14. Is the dog vaccinated against, among other things Rabies? Dogs teeth are full of all kinds of nasty bacteria, so a good wash out with blue alcohol and an antiseptic plaster is sensible. The case for a tetanus jab is more debatable. If you say your dogs never leave a protected garden then I probably wouldnt bother, but if you would feel happier, then go ahead. Just don't let the clinic give you the whole rabies treatment, if your dogs are protected. This from the UK NHS help line: See a GP or contact NHS 111 if you're concerned about a wound, particularly if: the wound is deep the wound contains dirt or a foreign object you have not been fully vaccinated against tetanus you're not sure whether you have been fully vaccinated against tetanus
  15. I agree, but believing in a God is.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlxHX2NFgcw Anyone can find Google 'facts'. Here's where I got mine.
  17. A great quote from Albert Einstein: 'I only know of two things that are infinite, the Universe and human stupidity, and I'm not at all sure about the Universe'. Seems appropriate here.
  18. Still a Saturday night.
  19. I can't believe that this post is still going. Hasn't everything been said on the subject, by both rational thinkers and the deluded religious folk, or will it continue until the Second Coming? For the avoidance of doubt, I am not at all religious, so my 'Second Coming' is just a great Saturday night with a talented hooker.
  20. There are no 'facts' in the Bible; its a fairy story for the gullible.
  21. What, for an extension? Since when have you not had to submit bank letter and book? Or are you taking about the 90 day report?
  22. Thats it, resort to insults; pathetic.
  23. Sorry to be pedantic, but for the sake of accuracy, V1 is the last abort speed, Vr is rotation.
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