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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. yeh, dogs know all about roads. They read road signs too. Kids bait the dogs and they react, the elderly know about dogs and don't get bitten. Anyone with half a brain knows how to deal with stray dogs, even ones with collars.
  2. White vinegar does it and it is harmless to the animals. 20 Baht a bottle from Big C or Lotus. We put it around our gates to keep away the odd soi dog, if only to stop our two dogs from barking at them. Without rain, the effect seems to last quite a time, days, not hours
  3. If I knew who the poster was and knew his neighbor, I would certainly tell them who was responsible.
  4. He has none of mine. Animal cruelty is never acceptable and this was just that. Reserve your sympathy for that poor unknowing animal.
  5. Then you are a poor human being mate.
  6. and get laughed out of the Station by the cops. Do wake up, this is Thailand for Gods sake.
  7. Don't post it if you can't take the justified criticism that is bound to come your way for your wife's actions.
  8. Of course its the drivers fault. The rest of us manage to avoid running over soi dogs lying in the road, his wife was just careless and irresponsible.
  9. Aren't you a treat? Hardly a smiling matter, whatever the provocation.
  10. All much the same, how about mountains, white water rafting, the cultural centers of the country such as Sukhothai and Chang Mai, how about going to Laos on a day trip, Nong Kai on the banks of the Mekong, all the festivals and meets in Central Thailand. Its not all about beaches, although we have stunning ones here, East of Rayong and on Koh Samet and Koh Chang.
  11. Almost none of those 10 are true in any real sense. Its expensive, as much as Bangkok, if not more so/ It is crime and scam ridden, the weather is not nearly as stable and acceptable as other parts of Thailand. You have to fly to get anywhere from there, you are effectively restricted to a very small area of the country. Finally,. the locals are generally unfriendly. No thanks.
  12. Totally useless plastic helmets are a source of danger, not protection. The government should ban them and Lotus and Big C need to stop selling them, but of course, they are too dumb and uncaring to do that. Talking about dumb, far too many farangs riding motorbikes without helmets and they at least should know better.
  13. Forgive me OP, but you seem very naïve, with under developed thinking on your retirement plans. Others here are winding you up and supporting your clear lack of retirement planning. You asked in an earlier post why some posters are making a big deal about health insurance, or other health cover, see what I mean? If you are even asking that question you need to seriously question your motives for thinking of leaving your home for anywhere else, let alone Thailand. Good luck.
  14. The fact is nobody on here can advise you about retiring here. with any degree of accuracy They can tell you about their own experiences, from which you can make your own judgement, but they are a mere few members of a public anonymous forum, so they have their own views, beefs, prejudices, biases, and none may be relevant to you, in fact none are probably directly relevant to you and your situation. These forums are valuable in terms of finding out the mechanics of visas, extensions, 90 day reports, getting a Thai D, navigating Thai government bureaucracy etc. What they can't do is give you any information worth a jot on how and where to live, love and your on particular finances. They are too individual to be of any use. I saw that some one had said that $2000 is fine for living here. I need at least double that figure to live as I do, so how relevant is either comment to you? You need to live it to know it. I can no more recommend this location/country for your retirement, than I can recommend anywhere/somewhere different. Neither can anyone else.
  15. I'm glad I dont indulge in social media. Basic Internet for me and e mail for communication. My only exception is Whatsapp to talk to my kids and it pains me that it's owned by Facespace, or is it Instachat, or Snapbook?
  16. Tell that to the Russians and Chinese, all big friends of Thailand.
  17. Don't go, I wouldn't
  18. Photo on your phone of: pp pic page, original visa, latest extension and, if you are a pedant, your last TM30 and last 90 day report receipt . End of discussion. Oh, and lock away your passport in a secure dry place.
  19. None that I can think of, it leaves you time to watch sports and movies yourself.
  20. The Thai's of course, farangs are never right
  21. A chainsaw for 2,000 Baht; that answers your question for you.
  22. I don't do 'faith'. I think you have the wrong person here. I'm the science dude, not the deluded dude
  23. I love blind optimism. I never said science has all the answers, but what answers it does have are based on empirical proven data and hard evidence , not mystic BS and blind optimism. If your wish for World peace and the total alleviation of poverty are to be realised, worthy if impossible dreams, it will be done with science, not praying to a nobody. If your 'God' could have done it, he would have done it already.
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