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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. No. The coffee is poor standard and expensive. It was a great idea 30 years ago, now its dated and avoided by all real coffee lovers. I suspect that most people go to a SB to work on their mobiles and laptops on nice seating, in aircon, not much to do with the standard of the cheapo coffee.
  2. Indeed so, will we even notice. They are a bunch of inefficient feckless muppets
  3. There are precious few 'facts' about and in Thailand. You work, you pay tax, we all know that. Even online teachers using a VPN are liable to tax if they are living here, its just that many seem to avoid it or can't do it legally on their visa.
  4. What have you been ingesting mate? You seem to be a tad disconnected with the rest of the World.
  5. Well he won't get much for that amount. It wouldn't buy him one wing of an F35. It hardly makes him a threat to anyone, bar perhaps a few alligators.
  6. Doesn't work well on NOW TV
  7. to what?
  8. Yes, but down here near Rayong, its been hot. Its the second year where we have seen almost nothing of a cool season. Its a great topic of conversation among the old and wise coffee shop society here.
  9. so what, the guy is a nasty piece of work anyway.
  10. Haha, tried that, Bought one, great , prefect size, ordered another two, totally different size although the same labels as the first. If you get the right size first time, thank your lucky stars and give up.
  11. And beware sizing. they show a pic large size and when whatever comes you find its a model of what you wanted, Clothes and shoes are a real lottery in terms of size on both sites. Last week I ordered a replacement vacuum hose for pool cleaning, what was delivered was a brush? Go figure.
  12. Depends what you mean by better. They are both much worse than Amazon (outside of Thailand) , but I would say that Lazarda's suppliers are marginally more trustworthy, but it is marginally.
  13. Really? That must have passed me by then
  14. So what has the last 3 months of no rain called then, the almost dry season, or the season before the dry season? As I experience it here, its either hot and dry, or hot and wet, with, if we are lucky, a couple of months of not so hot and dry over Christmas.
  15. Can anyone recommend, or have information on, a Thai litigation lawyer based in Bangkok. The information is for a Thai family who have a problem they need a lawyer to help them sort out. A Thai lawyer, not a farang, and English not a requirement. A small firm or one man/woman/them band would be prefect. PM me if you prefer. Thanks.
  16. Its really rather obvious. Because they haven't got the money to pay for the treatment and after care.
  17. The Insurers would have insisted on a report to them on alcohol or drug levels. Don't tell them and they won't pay out, so the hospital will comply, by first obtaining permission from this idiot, no permission, no insurance pay out. Its all in the exclusions that too many don't bother to read, or if they do, ignore.
  18. Humour, not a fan eh mate?
  19. You mean they planted the dog in the road in the hope that his dumb Mrs. would run it over? Bit far fetched don't you think? How many times do you think this 'cash cow' has been run over?
  20. Yes , in droves, same in Pattaya.
  21. Nobody has used bad language here that I can see. What they have done is express strong opinions and reactions, to someone who advocates the illegal killing of domestic and soi animals and expresses his delight in the fact that his wife has injured a dog. I don't see how this can be characterized as 'family friendly' as a subject and when it was bound to result in strong expressions of disgust at the OP from other members. If anything, this post needs to be shut down, now.
  22. And is it acceptable for the OP to say he is going out to poison dogs, kill them indiscriminately, get the dog the next time he sees it? That is very dumb in my book as well as illegal here. So he is advocating an illegal activity, which is against forum rules. If he didn't want to attract criticism of him or his wife, he should have kept the story to himself. I would venture to suggest that no forum is for 'family entertainment'.
  23. Its the way of the Thais. Its hardly sensible but it happens. Deal with it if you want to live here. You're not in Basingstoke now, or wherever else you come from.
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