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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. The only good point you have made mate. I'm done.
  2. It's a perfectly valid statement, ( and choice) that's why it gets repeated so many times to whining post subjects like this one. This subject is one that any amount of angst and pointless debate will not change. Why put up with a place that annoys you so much? Who would do that, bar a masochist, or a perennial moaner at all things Thai?
  3. I'm not an apologist for anyone or anything here. I just live in the real World of Thailand, as it is, warts and all, not what I would w3ant it to be. It makes for a less stressful life than many on this forum seem to suffer from. You getting annoyed at my defense of reality is just such a case in point. If you don't like my posts, don't read them, or better still, block me, simples.
  4. All of you here on this post, who get annoyed at duel pricing, are banging their heads against a brick wall. You will lose every argument, every time, it is what it is, it isn't going to change, so getting annoyed or irritated by it is a waste of time, energy and discussion on a forums.
  5. I'm too lazy and I don't like Immigration, full of smelly farangs and grumpy IOs .
  6. That argument doesn't wash. 'Poor foreigners' as you put it, in Thailand, if on a local salary, are poor by choice, not so Thais. Tourists coming here are definitely not poor, or they couldn't afford to come here.
  7. To avoid a long debate at the ticket office. And so what?
  8. That is nothing to do with duel pricing. When my Thai family go to an attraction, it is often mob handed; maybe 4 or 5 adults' or more, 5 children or more. Going to attractions can be prohibitively expensive for a Thai family outing. Tourists often go in twos, or maybe two by two. They have planned and financed their exotic holiday. The attraction needs to make a profit. It makes eminent sense to charge those that can afford it more than the locals who struggle to finance it. This is all there is to it, but overly sensitive, mainly Western, first country privileged foreigners like to see this as discrimination or even downright racism. Its not, its real World economics and social necessity. Get over it.
  9. Because its economics, not racism. Try not to be so sensitive.
  10. Some here just like to shout racism at every instance of anything they don't agree with. If you don't like it, don't go to the attractions. If you feel that Thailand is racist, then leave. It really is as simple as that.
  11. This tired old chestnut is just boring. Pricing poorer Thais out of attractions that are too expensive for them is idiotic. However, those same attractions need money to maintain and survive. Tourists have more money, therefore they subsidize the attractions , and in doing so, the Thais. Now drop it please. The post is irritating, not duel pricing.
  12. We have a nightly ritual in our 'house'. Gate locked. all chargers off, no unnecessary electrical items left on and plugged in, gas turned off, doors locked, Try that in a condo building, with a thousand other people in their rooms, some of them blind drunk, stupid, drugged up, or all three at once. I loath condo living and this is one of the reasons why, among many. Good job sleeping soundly on a high floor.
  13. All successful ones do. Even in a family business, with Mum, Dads and kids, you still need that list to prosper
  14. They are all different from each other. If you don't see that, even here, then you are a sad person indeed and even more cynical than me
  15. What's 'real' in any relationship? It works for us both, for now. I'm too World weary and cynical to be ripped off by anyone , least of all her.
  16. I've got an age appropriate g/f, she is 30 years my junior.
  17. What is does do is to destroy interpersonal relationships, corporate culture, leadership, integration , strategic planning and cohesion in companies and organizations and removes management control and inability to assess performance. Its a lazy persons charter and should be unacceptable in a growing and efficient company. .
  18. WFH is a charter for the feckless, useless, anti social and just plain lazy.
  19. I teach aerodynamics and general aviation subjects to aviation students online, through a US based facilitator., They pay me $12 per hour, so I clearly don't do it for the money, but its hassle free and I can pick and choose both hours of availability and what students I want to teach. I don't teach English and I don't teach under 18s.
  20. 6.5 million for a watch, ridiculous . Does it tell a different time from the rest of us? Even if you just consider it an item of jewelry, its still ridiculous.
  21. As usual on here, those with the least logic in their comments are the first to turn to insults, pathetic mate.
  22. and why not? It started out as a foreigner bashing rant, so what do you expect.
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