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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. OP this story makes me so sad. Do not let her bring the child here, please . If the child is settled in the UK, leave her to live her life there. You will not have any rights here in LOS; however hard you try. The child will not thank either of you if she is living and so called educated here in LOS. I know of what I say. My Thai Brit daughter, 24 year old now, is in the UK, fully educated there and happy to stay there. Despite all we tried to do, and her mother and I are as one on this, we had horrendous problems with me being recognized her biological Father here. Do PM me and I will share the details of all we went through. Just don't let the child out of the UK until you have the full facts, if you ever do. Be well prepared to get a restraining order to prevent the child leaving the UK. Please do all you can to keep her there. Your relationship with the Mother is immaterial to the life and later wishes of the child. As an aside, our daughter dislikes Thailand and only comes here on sufferance. Let her make her own decisions when she is 18. By the way, a few million Baht will be needed for lawyers/court fees if you go down the route of trying to get recognition here.
  2. What? Jealous of what? The guy is a 100% cast gold loser. Lots of those to be found in LOS.
  3. A bit dumb, deluded and stupid if you want to put a label on it. His wife's jailing was something attached to his various 'activates', but I was never interested enough to follow his delusions on his U Tune channel. Frankly, his life sounds like a very poorly written novel, with a predictable plot and lots of unbelievable characters. .
  4. Yes, his wife went to jail. She is out now I believe
  5. Just a nasty low life idiot
  6. Come on mate, you can't possibly be that naive about the sex industry here. It's either owned, controlled, or ripped off (protected ) by them and others in a position of power. How do you think the massive prostitution activity goes on openly here in all of those bars and clubs, when sex work in Thailand is illegal?
  7. He mentions lots of things that he believes to be fact.
  8. No he does not.
  9. Exactly. Do you for one moment think that the video warrior, Sweet Pea (Petal), has any control or influence over that, or himself, or his wife and kids? Dream on.
  10. Not really, its Thai Mafia owned, managed by low life Europeans
  11. It always makes me chuckle when I hear Russia throwing out its threats to NATO of massive retaliation for some statement made by a Western politician. They seem to forget that whatever they threw West they would get back 10 fold x 10 again. To use part of Air Marshall Harris's speech in 1942 about the Nazis, applicable to the Russians 72 years later: , 'They entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everybody else and nobody was going to bomb them. They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind'. Russia may yet see that whirlwind. '
  12. They will rue the day they ever got involved with the Chinese and those that jumped on the EV band wagon and bought that rubbish will weep.
  13. This present Chinese EV idiocy is all going to end in tears. I give it 5 years before it dawns on the lemmings that they have been dupped and ripped off.
  14. A Covid virus, in one form or another, has been known about, or at least experienced, by humans for hundreds of years. Covid 19 was just its latest manifestation. Like a London bus, another one will be along shortly.
  15. Hey wifey, read this 😁
  16. So long as I'm peeing and ejaculating, nothing on Earth would make me undertake a procedure for just having an enlarged prostate, especially in LOS, where the priority in healthcare is money.
  17. Vanes broken, twice in one unit. All three had the same vanes problem, clearly poor manufacturing issues. Replaced them all with Daikin.
  18. Bought three, all broken within 12 months, utter rubbish
  19. Daikin, no argument, but not cheap
  20. It always did. I have never been a fan of Thai food. In my view it has an undeserved reputation, among those who only experience it in expensive western restaurants. Here, in very many cases and locations, it can be bland, or worse still, taste disgusting and inedible.
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