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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. You are badly misinformed. The West's armament industry is doing brilliantly. The West's military are heavily committed in a proxy war, which is degrading Russia and its friends while testing new weapon systems, and gathering vital intelligence. Believe me when I say that NATO is in no rush to see this war end. With no war, Ukraine is the bread basket of major countries and could be rich, that's when it gets to pay back all the loans it has been given, probably for the next 100 years. Its money in the bank for the Western powers.
  2. I couldn't give a sxxt about them. They can all get shipped back to the front line for me, the sooner the better.
  3. That doesn't make them wrong.
  4. Yep. I'm afraid that many expats, even those who have invested heavily, financially and emotionally, in their life here. for years, forget that the vast majority of us are here on sufferance, at the wim of the government, and/or the military, for a maximum of 12 months, until the next extension. While I am left alone and treated with a reasonable level of respect. as a law abiding visitor I will stay. If that stops I will leave, without a backward glance.
  5. Turkeys running to the abattoir saying, please kill me. I have never read such a bunch of naïve posts, ever.
  6. Try SCB in Big C South. Take passport and a proof of where you are staying in Jomtien. They are pretty accommodating. No need to pay an agent.
  7. I would suggest that many people place considerably more trust in their technology than perhaps they should and should review the risks they are taking with one phone, or two. I may well be wrong but I think most people do not have the range of apps you suggest, or don't need them if they do. I minimize my exposure to any apps that I don't actually need day to day. A friend of mine lost his phone two weeks ago and he is beside himself in worry at the loss of access to his apps and the risk to which he has exposed himself. I refuse to be that reliant on the technology.
  8. SCB allow one app per account, so you can't access one account from two phones, not that I'm entirely clear why you would want to.
  9. In that case you need a new visa.
  10. no its not, but I was told that a renewal of the TM30 was required by me, even though I had not left the country in 5 years and have lived at the same address for 7 years. As usual, they make it up as trey go along. Fortunately, the TM30 desk is next to the 90 day desk, so not much of a sweat, just irritating to be told different things at different times.
  11. Just filled in my TM47: question, box marked 'Gender' two choices, male or female. How very sensible of the Thais
  12. I've read through the whole of this post and what is ringing around my head is that it seems like self flagellation to me. get an agent to do it for you.
  13. Its fairly straight forward to do in the UK. I've done it. They are subject to the same rules as everyone else , you've just got to ensure that they are not sacked for carrying out legitimate Union business.
  14. 'The idea of 'romance' can come in many different forms. It can be an intellectual bonding for example ( very hard to find in another culture), It may just be a generally caring attitude by a partner. In my own case, with my long term GF, its her respect and her gratitude for the relationship and what it means to her, outside of her own culture. She is loving, very tactile and none confrontational. not judgmental, loyal and not overly possessive. If that's romance then I have it.
  15. No it does not. Holding an election during a fight for survival war would be dumb indeed.
  16. You don't have to prove that you never left the UK. Renewing a passport from outside the country signifies nothing more than you are in that country at the time of renewal. You are crediting the systems and overview by officials with far more credit than they are due. Why should they be at all interested?
  17. Only if you tell them Also, if they don't record departures, as you say, they certainly must record arrivals, so how can one "arrive" when they have never "departed?" Good question. but they cant cross check with the system they have in place.
  18. Airline and ship PNRs are kept for 90 days. Private flights are not kept at all. GA flights are not recorded by name bar the pilot and are not kept after the flight plan expires. There is no search facility available across data bases to find a particular individual, bar those used by the Security Services and Interpol, who are hardly looking for Joe Bloggs on holiday. The Home Office can only estimate emigration numbers, which by definition, will be highly inaccurate. UK is way behind Thailand in knowing where immigrants are and how many have left. Its pathetic but true.
  19. Pray tell us how? They cannot find out. because that information is not recorded and stored anywhere .
  20. Okay, firstly, there are no immigration records that record UK departures, that was abandoned years ago. Unless you tell the authorizes where you are, there is no mechanism available to them to find out. My discrete private IP I use to, for example, file a UK tax return, its another level of privacy for me. I value freedom from any kind of scrutiny by the UK, what I do and where I am is none of their business.
  21. The Palestinian's are a rag bag of isolated peoples, shunned and ignored by the majority of Arab States, fueled by terrorist activity, bound by nothing and existing in two separate enclaves, or living on other countries, that reject each other. Where is the Nation State here? It does not exist.
  22. A foolish move, to recognise a 'State' where none exists
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