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Doctor Tom

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Everything posted by Doctor Tom

  1. There is no Palestinian 'State' to recognise.
  2. I do neither of those things., I also have a private, discrete IP on my VPN.
  3. I'm working on it, but so far, not very successfully.
  4. No loss to the Israelis, the place has turned into a dumping ground of trash, with nowhere to visit but to your hotel beach. Not on my list to visit again any time soon. For Maldives, also read Bali.
  5. My advice is to leave it alone, otherwise you may make a whole lot of trouble for yourself. If the tiles are stable, its best not to mess with the heat and movement transfers that can happen if you put one layer upon another. I have just had to retile my lounge ( a large area) in a house just 10 years old. This was caused by thermal changes and thin tiles. All fixed now, but as you say, a nightmare of dust and noise.
  6. All you need is the number on your phone, of a person who can use a drill. There is no point demeaning yourself with manual work.
  7. As far as I know, not legally, but take advice, as that may be out of date info. If that is your plan OP, I'm surprised that you are not already using a Lawyer and indeed that you are asking on here, an open forum, where you have no idea who you are engaging with. . Don't be naive, get good legal advice before you do anything.
  8. I was bed ridden for 3 weeks, and another three on crutches, with Dengue, which did serious and lasting damage to my knee and hip joints. The pain in that time was intense. Its a very bad virus to get and not that much that you can do to avoid it. Luck of the draw.
  9. Absolutely right. There is a great deal of false and misleading information floating around social media. Relax expats, especially the ones on retirement extensions.
  10. My bank has no idea where I am, with the obvious exception of SCB here .
  11. I thought that was marriage?
  12. As the nurse said to me when I had my last vaccination: 'just a short prick Sir' . It was a statement, not a question, I hope !
  13. Robinson, not his real name of course, which says something about him, is a far right, fascist, racist thug, one of many that we have seen over the years, with a following of other thugs and hooligans. At the end of the day, he is just one more nonentity that no one sensible and reasonable takes at all seriously.
  14. That's the trouble with this forum, no sense of humor.
  15. Life is far too short for gardening, decorating, working on a car, building stuff, fixing stuff and putting up with a whining female.
  16. I fix nothing, if it stops, breaks, disintegrates. or I just get fed up with it, I buy a new one. Most of the crap here is Chinese anyway, so it usually lasts about as long as a tuna sandwich in 36 degrees.
  17. Many of you guys must be using a different 'Wise' to me. Its quick and cheap to use. Yes there is the odd delay, but very rarely and its always on the Thai end. Not sure why others are being charged excessively, in their view. My fees for transfers are way below any when using my debit card in a Thai ATM and the exchange rate is as good or better than any I can get with either a Thai or a UK bank. Very odd.
  18. Just did a wise transfer from UK to SCB, it took 5 seconds to get into my account.
  19. Now that I don't believe, sorry.
  20. Okay, but there must be quite serious restrictions and exclusions for that premium
  21. Okay, maybe not for some individuals
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