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Everything posted by LoeiI

  1. Doubt very much the OP has said feeling, dare say an agent would have also picked up on the missing PSAS Receipt for payment for the PCR tests in Phuket
  2. Agreed as i put in a previous reply if you feel confident enough to complete the process and upload all the documents correctly alone feel free to crack on with it but if your not confident dealing with the authorities and the IT side of it whether TP / Visa or whatever employing an agent doesn't seem a high price to pay for peace of mind. I equate employing an agent to changing the oil on the motorbikes i could get down on the concrete remove the plug get oil all over the place cross thread the plug upon reinsertion then struggle to to get back onto my feet or i could go to the shop and get a qualified bloke to do it for about a fiver ???? not much of a decision if I'm honest ????
  3. The difference in uploading all the docs to an an agent than to the actual TP website itself seems to be the TP website haven't responded to his application leaving him up Sh%t creek without the proverbial paddle, so were all the docs uploaded correctly ?? surely the agent would have advised you if you sent all the docs to them. I'm also pretty sure an agent can chase it up with the right people, not sure what difference it makes if they're doing 3 or 4 an hour or 30 or 40 an hour it still only costs you 3k, cheap i would say if you get the TP
  4. The utter panic and desolation of the OP's posts tells me if they were sat there with an authorised TP obtained through an agent they would probably consider it was 3000 baht well spent, the agents facilitate these applications / services for a living whether TP / Visa or whatever they are experts and know exactly what to do and who to contact if there is a problem, if you feel confident enough to complete the process and upload all the documents alone crack on if your not good at forms / processes / computer stuff 3k doesn't seem a high price to pay for peace of mind
  5. Thanks for the reply I think it might be prudent to rearrange the trip unless things change (Which doesn't seem very likely)
  6. I know some really nice Buffalo girls some as thick as mince and the fact that they can suck a marble through 18 inches of garden hose has nothing to do with my admiration for them ????????
  7. Apparently his nickname was the Undertaker now his birds had to phone one ????????????
  8. An old fella once told me prostitution was the second oldest profession, I said whats the first he said Begging I said hows that ? he said well somebody had to beg for it
  9. Is there supposed to be an announcement from the government regarding Thailand pass on 4th Jan 2022 ? I have a flight to UK mid Jan returning early Feb so if the situation remains as it is at present i would need to do either 7 days quarantine in an AQ hotel in Bangkok or 7 days in the phuket sandbox ? TIA for any replies
  10. Probably difficult to prove but easy to solve as Unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed within a mile of any airport
  11. Right knee was bad before i came back in June had a couple of steroid injections in uk that didn't do much, the Mrs got me some black sesame oil capsules (not usually into any of that herbal Sh*te) but have certainly felt better since i started taking them
  12. Nowt up wi Donny..................................................... Nah your right ????
  13. Way up in an Issan village 100 baht, bloke and his Mrs does it they're in my phone as Mr & Mrs Sh*te he does however just dump it into a derelict field between the village and the town doesn't smell too good when you pass it on the motorbike ????????
  14. The closest I've got to dress shorts are a couple of pairs with the netting still slightly intact thereby preventing my Plums rolling out when i sit down ????
  15. Is that a Puma or are you 3 foot 1 ? ????
  16. The Mrs has been dressed up like Sir Ranulf Fiennes on a polar expedition recently, by the time i get half her gear off I've forgotton why i am doing it
  17. The local hospital in Phukradueng Loei
  18. The Mrs had her 2nd jab end of September AZ and they said this morning when i had my booster that she couldn't have her booster till early Jan
  19. I was getting a bit worried about it TBH I had 2 AZ jabs in England Feb & May and was going to wait until my visit to England in Jan for the booster (Not so sure it will be happening looking at the news) I was spooked when they said AZ wasn't much kop against omicron, so the Mrs went to see the local pharmacist yesterday he was so helpful, i was in at the local hospital this morning for the Pfizer booster just passport and copies of AZ jabs needed couldn't believe how slick it was.
  20. Poor old bozzas on the bones of his ar%e too many Bas%ard kids and ex wives to feed apparently he cant even afford to buy wallpaper bless
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