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Everything posted by FridgeMagnet1

  1. No, I find it strange (not suspicious) that two of the biggest vaccine manufacturers in the world, with all their resources and experience, have been unable to produce an effective Covid vaccine. As I suspect are the EU (and to a lesser extent the UK) who bet big on Sanofil in 2020 no suspicion or allegations of a coverup, or claims of Wumao activity or any other paranoid notions. Just that it’s odd that 2 major vaccine manufacturers have seemingly struck a blank (so far)
  2. Antibodies for every vaccine that has ever existed fade after months / years. What point do you think you are making?
  3. It’s because they don’t have enough AZ, and they can’t get it right now. They can get SV now and make the most of what they have. it’s not a difficult thing to understand why wouldn’t you use it, if it’s as effective as their studies show?
  4. It’s approved by the WHO, but don’t let facts get in the way of this
  5. Yes I understand it very well. Please refer to the comment I was responding to
  6. “Can you believe it, they just ordered more doses of Sinovac, despite everything I’ve posted on the ThaiVisa forum. Yeah, it’s only got a 51% efficacy rate and even the Thais won’t take it”
  7. Sinivac is the most widely administered of all the COVID vaccines what on earth are you wittering on about?
  8. Strange isn’t it? looking through my vaccine records and it’s all Merck and Sanofil Pasteur, yet both giants of the vaccine Industry have completely drawn a blank with COVID19
  9. “Recently signalled” and “hinted” yep, you can take that to the bank, comrade and vaccines are not for facilitating travel, they are administered in order to save lives, especially at your age
  10. 2 points for you: 1) Vaccines are there to stop you from getting ill and dying, not to facilitate travel 2) It doesn’t matter what vaccine you take in Thailand, the UK doesn’t recognize any vaccine administered outside UK, EU and US, no matter what brand it is anything else you need clearing up?
  11. Yes it is, but what do you expect from him?. But that doesn’t mean mixing SV and AZ is a bad strategy. In fact it’s looking like a very good one
  12. It’s not been flagged as a variant of concern. It’s just click bait
  13. Sinovac vaccine is still reasonably effective against Delta, as long as you’ve had both doses. 59% effective against infection, 70% against moderate disease, and ~100% against severe disease. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34396940/
  14. These Ivermectin loons absolutely terrify me There is no evidence whatsoever that this thing has any effect on COVID-19. yet look at them here
  15. No, the major problem with Ivermectin is that there is no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies. do you understand this?
  16. As I say above (we all know how these extensions are obtained) Does anyone have experience of having these extensions in your passport? I had expect questions at immigration when I left Thailand, but had none
  17. Affect an application for a tourists visa in my own country? I entered Thailand last year on a Non-B and due to Covid, ended up getting an extension of stay based on volunteering for 12 months from a visa agent (we all know how this extensions are obtained) now I’m back in UK and looking to get back to Thailand for a visit. Will having that volunteer extension in my passport in any way preclude me from getting a 90 day tourist visa? Do they take a dim View of these? cheers
  18. Over a billion doses of Sinovac have been administered so far, so there should be enough data out there for people to make an informed choice. it’s neither dangerous nor “<deleted>”
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