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Everything posted by FridgeMagnet1

  1. Had this issue recently at BKK. Had previously entered on a tourist visa then went home for a month and came back on 30 day exemption. (Had previously had B visa and WP and loads of COVID extensions l) got pulled aside and asked a bunch of questions, showed them my onward ticket to China in 30 days and they were fine with it. Have avoided entering through BKK since then tho.
  2. Anyone done a 30 day visa exemption extension in Udon Thani? TM30 completed by hotel in Udon. 2 entries to Thailand this year and this will be my first extension. Is it a reasonable Immigration office, or should I expect some BS? thanks
  3. You can’t “hack” someone’s bank account just by giving someone your account number. Account numbers aren’t sensitive information like a PAN on a credit card. You can’t do anything with it except to send someone money. Example here: https://www.thepattayaorphanage.org/or/?page_id=44 they publish their account number online so people can donate.
  4. No, they are only allowed to refuse entry of someone is strongly suspected of working in Thailand without a work permit. there is no rule whatsoever about someone living in TH using visa exemptions. They are not breaking any law whatsoever
  5. After 2 years of coming and going on tourist exempt and covid extensions I finally got pulled out of the queue a while ago. The guy was nice enough and I explained I had money and no longer worked and travelled a lot in Thailand. he pointed out I had previously had business visas and work permit and I told him i stopped work 2 years ago. He let me through after a few mins. not a pleasant experience, but not a grilling either
  6. Never get a follow up, do you? they come here, have a meltdown and never come back
  7. How are these places with re-entry permits? Do you get questions at the airport when coming and going?
  8. Did he ever even apply for a visa or was it just another troll post?
  9. You never get an update on these cases, do you?
  10. No update? Still on the phone to the embassy, no doubt
  11. It means exactly what they said it means. Thai ID is a scan of someone’s ID card
  12. Yes I am calling you a liar.
  13. Mate, we both know this never happened.
  14. No you didn’t
  15. Yes total fake story. The old trope about 1 beer and 5 straws. never seen it and speaking to bar owners they all say they have never seen it either daft old racism for attention
  16. If you log into the Evisa website, what does it say the status of your application is?
  17. The immigration grass?
  18. Ah I see! You don’t like the current rules so are taking the government to court. on behalf of everyone. thanks for that, let us know how you get on
  19. I think it’s someone trying out a Chatbot?
  20. Anyone have a clue what this guy’s going on about?
  21. Notice how he ignores all advice and solutions and just carries on doing exactly what he did at the very start of the thread? He’s happier on phone to the embassy rather than actually going to Thailand, i think.
  22. I see you are continuing to ignore all advice and are ploughing on for days and days on the phone to the embassy have you not yet figured out that they probably aren’t picking up and when they do, won’t help you in anyway whatsoever?
  23. I can’t really understand what his specific complaint is (other than the “doctored passport” thing, which sound like nonsense. seems like he doesn’t like the 800K BHT rule and wants to put the whole damn system on trail? (actually I think he’s just on a wind up)
  24. I got a single entry TV just over two months ago and they required only a bank statement with my UK address on it. Must mean you have to provide one of those things
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