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Everything posted by FridgeMagnet1

  1. Another expat moaning because they failed to follow clear instructions
  2. What’s the point of that? The government is (rightly) focusing on the serious cases where people are being admitted to hospital. What does adding symptoms to a list achieve?
  3. I know people who have had SV, SV months ago and now had 2 x AZ back in UK. Other friends had Double Sinopharm in Bahrain and now had first dose of AZ last week. I was double dosed SV in Thailand and had my first Pfizer 2 weeks ago back in UK and the guy giving out the vaccines (not a doctor) said it was quite common for people to have had 4 vaccines due to different counties not recognizing different vaccines. I asked if there was any safety issues with this and he just laughed and said it’s only a vaccine, not brain surgery.
  4. But you were criticizing Sinovac for requiring booster shots only a few minutes ago. that’s weird
  5. You’ve had this pointed out to you again and again, but you chose to ignore it 1 last time The study only lasted 60 days, so the headline that the antibody level drops 50% every 40 days is complete rubbish. That’s not what the study says at all
  6. “Imagine what it is” that’s what you are reduced to now. Imagining things and posting them on a forums
  7. I came back 3 weeks ago Day 2 Negative Day 5 Negative (ended isolation) Day 8 Negative Day 9 (home test) Positive! Day 10 PCR Test Positive Back to isolation
  8. Believe it or not, They have a system for managing these things and there have been 0 cases where people have been unable to get their 2nd jab.
  9. How many doses of Sinovac have been administered in Thailand? 10 million? who are these people, if “the Thais won’t take it?”
  10. Millions of people have been vaccinated with Sinovac in Thailand. When people say “Thais won’t take it” they really mean “I won’t take it”
  11. The idea that some people won’t take a potentially life saving vaccine during a global pandemic because “even the Thais don’t want it” is quite incredible. but peak Thai Visa
  12. You don’t know what most Thais “want” You know what you want. You understand what the difference is, don’t you?
  13. Why on earth you make up a story like that? how did you get to this point in your life where you are making up stories like this on ThaiVisa? seriously
  14. I don’t believe that for a second.
  15. Because it might save your life
  16. Thanks, so I could just transfer it to my BBL, keep records and not have to alert anyone? (Novice business owner)
  17. Im an Estonian e resident and have set up a company using Xollo that I’ll be running from Thailand. Totally legit small consultancy with Wise as a bank account, turnover €5,000. Month. Im not a tax resident in my home country or in Thailand. So question is, can I pay myself dividends from Estonia to myself in Thailand into my BBL account? Thailand doesn’t tax on overseas income? Bit lost with all this stuff
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