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Everything posted by dabhand

  1. OP, I used that same link when initially included on a The Pattaya News article. Received an appointment confirmation straight off. Strangely the article then deleted the link and some posters were advising of the possibility that the link only should be used if sent by way of an SMS. If not, then it would possibly not be accepted by BPH. Anyway, eventually received direct confirmation of my appointment via the BPH facebook messenger with added info that the SMS noted in the confirmation was that sent out the day before the appointment and needed to be shown when attending BPH. That worked just fine when I was there yesterday (19th) for the jab. So, yes, the link came from a genuine BPH source and just shows that even the most modern hospitals suffer from left hand / right hand issues!!
  2. This link, that I posted earlier, has such details in respect of qualified residents of Banglamung. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/08/17/2300-banglamung-and-pattaya-residents-get-first-dose-of-a-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine/ For expats, my experience is that, for expatvac, Pfizer is offered in Pattaya (Central Festival) for over 60's or with medical conditions. Also had BPH appointment for same day (19th) with choice of AZ / Pfizer, again for over 60's or with medical conditions.
  3. Agreed, certainly happening, also just in my limited experience. My Thai wife has has the Sinovac/AZ combo recently. Her older sister had the AZ and is due the 2nd dose shortly. Both at Banglamung hospital which has had a number of vaccination sessions. A niece recently had her 1st dose, at the stadium. The stadium has been used a number of times for local vaccinations and in quite high numbers. Just a few examples.
  4. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/08/17/2300-banglamung-and-pattaya-residents-get-first-dose-of-a-pfizer-covid-19-vaccine/
  5. Not seen the latest posts but, as an update, I contacted BPH by Facebook Messenger and was advised that I was booked for 19th August vaccination. They indicated that they will send me an SMS 24 hours ahead of the date. The response by BPH to my query was fast. So the link seems to have been OK. As a further update, I also tried to book for the BPH Intervac appointment, going live at 9am today (16th). Just in case the 19th August booking fell through, but would cancel before the end of the registration period if i did get the jab this week. Filled in the form and after submit received a message that indicated I was already booked for 19th August. So sounds good.
  6. Went there this morning, both to the main building reception and the Building D reception. I showed the confirmation slip for the vaccination date / time and both said that showing my passport and the confirmation slip will be sufficient and that I should attend on the day noted. I mentioned the SMS issue, but that did not appear to be understood. They were unable to directly confirm that the appointment was OK as, from what I could gather, they only receive details of the confirmed persons on the day. I have also emailed BHP but don't expect anything more substantial from that source. I recall your earlier comment on the initial SMS / link. Presumably that's why the Pattaya News article (who had published the link for all to see), deleted it sometime afterwards. They made no mention that an initial SMS was needed as part of the process. Indeed, they, to my knowledge, did not admit that they had included the link in error, it was merely deleted. Similarly BHP, if it is indeed the case that an SMS is needed, have not contacted those who appear not to have gone through the whole registration process. and advised that the appointment will not be fulfilled.. They must have that detail on their system. I feel bad about this uncertainty and the part I may have played in causing worry on this major issue by passing on the link. Apologies to all for that. For my part I am still hoping for the expatvac site to allow for another local option in the near future and I will also attend BHP on my appointment date (19th) unless it is clear that similar 'appointments' are not being fulfilled by BHP. Your comment about the late notification on vaccine availability is also noted, no surprise that not all will turn up for their appointments. Maybe gives a further option.
  7. Thanks for the heads up. I will make contact with BPH tomorrow to reconfirm my appointment, with jab due on 19th.
  8. This might work. Still available on 31st. https://healthrisk.bangkokpattayahospital.com/rvi_covid/rvi_add.php?fbclid=IwAR3gjxvyzylikklW0IA85gBWFjBOWkui0dlqRWM4pEnaoa1SfWCmTWOMqRg
  9. I registered with that Sriracha hospital when it first came out. Not a peep since. Whereas the BPH registration (with patient number) was a quick registration process including being able to self request the date / time for vaccination with a prompt confirmation sent thereafter.
  10. I also have a BPH patient number and was able to register with no drama for their current vaccine offer. Am due to be jabbed on 19th. This was done direct with their online registration form. Did you apply by using the online form or via another application method?
  11. Can you not attend BPH for a consultation on a minor issue that will then give you that required patient number? Being over 60 you must have some minor ailment that can be used as an excuse for a one-off appointment. Maybe even the cheapest screening package. Would likely be not far off the cost of a taxi to/from Bangkok and certainly less hassle.
  12. Seemingly so.......... https://www.lazada.co.th/products/watties-spaghetti-in-rich-tomato-sauce-420g-i1553276210-s4155282484.html?exlaz=d_1:mm_150050845_51350205_2010350205::12:12654756915!117524295342!!!pla-294682000766!c!294682000766!4155282484!264278322&gclid=CjwKCAjwpMOIBhBAEiwAy5M6YK_hRT2s0WjkLIjJsKIM-jxc_cGYwe-LmHTNkCHTqmPDJqW62rppmBoCY-AQAvD_BwE
  13. My son (dual national: Thai/British) obtained a child UK passport when he was about 8/9 years old. As it was only valid for 5 years and no pressing need for an earlier renewal (he has a Thai passport so no visa or nearby country travel issues) decided to wait until he was eligible to apply for a 10 year adult passport. This was via VFS in Bangkok using the gov.uk website for the application forms and also had his school teacher (UK national) sign off on the photo, etc. No issues with expired passport and the new passport came through normally after processing by HMPO and return to VFS, Bangkok for collection.
  14. Yes, the booster issue is of concern. and will no doubt be pushed by those who are looking to benefit from supplying these in the future. There is an article in the Daily Mail (yes, I know....) that seems to suggest that AZ / J&J might not need early boosters. No doubt the other vaccine suppliers will be ramping up their responses to protect their future revenues. In the case of J&J this has already happened, plus AZ, I believe, is still to be given emergency use authorisation in the US. Hmmm. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9866531/AstraZeneca-vaccine-longer-immunity-suggests-boss-UK-drugs-giant.html?offset=133&max=100&jumpTo=comment-729887859#comment-729887859 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9865463/CVS-says-STOPPED-offering-Johnson-Johnson-Covid-vaccine-pharmacies.html?offset=24&max=100&jumpTo=comment-729890267#comment-729890267 You pays your money............
  15. dabhand


    Noticed that. Possibly a combination of increased slots /day and cancellations (block bookings now released, or other options now taken up?). As noted above, no appointment priority as it is self chosen. Out of interest, anyone give me an idea as to where exactly Building D is located in the BHP complex? Thanks.
  16. Are you a registered patient at BPH? If so, and over 60, etc., you may qualify for a free AZ jab via this link if still available appointment times. https://healthrisk.bangkokpattayahospital.com/rvi_covid/rvi_add.php?fbclid=IwAR3gjxvyzylikklW0IA85gBWFjBOWkui0dlqRWM4pEnaoa1SfWCmTWOMqRg Even if not registered, maybe you can go to BPH for a simple consultation (cost should be less than a taxi fare to Bangkok?), get registered as a patient. That might work.
  17. dabhand


    Maybe try this BPH registration link from a couple of days back. May still be open appointment slots. https://healthrisk.bangkokpattayahospital.com/rvi_covid/rvi_add.php?fbclid=IwAR3gjxvyzylikklW0IA85gBWFjBOWkui0dlqRWM4pEnaoa1SfWCmTWOMqRg
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