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Everything posted by glegolo18

  1. I am using a REALLY good and fresh site called www.torrentday.com they have the up to date newest torrents. However you need an invite to be able to use it. Try to find anyone here that have a "spare" invite for you.....
  2. ONLY 2 <deleted> meters....a Python???..... That is a quite young Python I might say.... 2 meters is nothing. most of them are actually more than that...... 2 meters AND 40 kilos, 55555555 I do not give this reporter too much credit....
  3. Or you are talking about an "Extension of stay" based on retirement. Which NOT is a VISA..
  4. Dont you know it...... ALL people are a bit scared of death..... YOU without any protection at all, problaby are really afraid of it....
  5. I dont know what you guys get your "info" from really!!! For me the vaccin has all the time, from the start to now, being about.... If you attract Covid with the vaccin you will have a lighter version of it, and therefore be better off..... Nobody has ever never said anything that it would stop Covid 100%..... And never ever said that the vaccin would stop transmitting the covid-virus.....
  6. So dealing in drugs are a step forward.. Hmmmmm interesting view of life
  7. I think you are completely out of line here,, this guy is trying to protect people from this <deleted>. If YOU are a daily user, than stay home and do not talk bad about people trying to behave in this society..
  8. OK Thank you..... I just did read the article and missed out on the remaining info on internet..
  9. verb past tense: forecasted; past participle: forecasted predict or estimate (a future event or trend). "rain is forecast for eastern Ohio"
  10. I thought the parents were in Bangkok or something, it says in the article "His family believe he is now staying in the notorious party city of Pattaya some 90 miles (145km) away".. Away from what?? From the family????? Did I miss something here??
  11. didn´t you read????? This guy will NOT adhere to the law or the rules, he will drive in spite of whatever the law decides.. He do not give a <deleted>..... And local police seems to be whimpy like hell...
  12. nonsense!!!!!! This is just a drunk or under the influence man, nothing more nothing less.... Do not make this to something else.
  13. Or even where shall the "world" go now, when this thai "rathole" (Pattaya), will be closed for prostitution????? They think they can remake this swamp into families spending loads of money there, 55555??
  14. May I ask you guys.... Is there anywhere a link where I can direct my thaiwife to read this, she is not good with the computer so she can not find news about the election in thai language..... Anyone that can give me a link plse?? Thank you so much..
  15. THAT was a kind of ¤%¤%#"&% comment. If you ever were living here or leaving your "village", you would have noticed that the military actually have taken Thailand many steps forward in it´s development... Corruption immy was down a great deal as from 2014 when the military here stopped the upcoming civilwar..... And the building of the country has been fantastic.....
  16. Most and best sales of secondhand shipping-containers are being done down in Bangkok Area..
  17. Poor Mr John (last name withheld) he was drunk and in the end Mr. Viljoen (last name NOT withheld) paid his debt..... hahahaha
  18. spidermike007 The desperados army goons will do anything within their power to avoid a free and fair election, where they will lose by a decisive margin. No doubt the election commission is as corrupt as the army. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So your view of a free and fair election is to hand out 10.000 baht to each voter, great opinion.... Maybe you should think things over a bit..... The desperado red party do whatever it takes to take power again, maybe they will start to shoot thai people like they did 2014 again???? No for me, of course if these corrupt offerings continue this election will be a place of joke and not a serios election...... For me, time since 2014 and onwards has been a great time for Thailand with great development and progress despite all this bull<deleted> on social media..
  19. What do you mean Dr Jack, with all respect I do not get your wording at all.... I understood it as his O-A VISA was expired, but NOT his period of stay/permission of stay connected to that VISA!!! AND he can not extend a VISA, you know that very well... That was what I did say...
  20. Ops, I nearly missunderstand you, considering the wording of "extending your Non Immigrant O-A"... So you did NOT at all extend that O-A..... That you can only do by passing the boarder.... What you have done is that you have made an extension of stay based on your period of stay/permission of stay.... Nothing else.....
  21. Sad to hear this. A good man who helped numerous people with his knowledge of VISA-stuff. R.I.P. glegolo
  22. So in my mind may, june and july is the small rainy season, why the serious one up here in Isaan is september and maybe october down further south like Hua Hin.......
  23. So "Crossy" is completely wrong then???????
  24. yes good idea, you probably live up north then.. Why not move??
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