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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Now comes the fabulous numbers again, that will be revised about 25-30 times during the year.
  2. Duh! We are Back! It only took 1 day to get the next dumby, that smash into parked vehicle! I am starting to think Thais have a specific point system for this. Anyway, I give this full 10 point!
  3. If Thai culture and Thai people accepts it, then there is neither anything wrong. I never said you can´t question. I posed the question, who are we to do it?
  4. As I said to another poster who comment similar to you. Please feel free to point out what´s wrong with my post or if it contains any false information instead.
  5. We are talking about a Pitbull here. Same as Rottweiler and other fighting dog breeds. You can spend how much time you like posting that they must be trained and other rubbish. We all know they are ticking bombs, that are totally unpredictable and can attack at any given second. The sensible thing to do, is to eradicate these breeds from the planet. Preferably before it´s too late, as they now start to spread into the stray dog population as well. While you go on with that they must be trained, you of course have a point. Naturally, it will be better with a trained dog, than an untrained. That goes for all breeds and for all types of animals. However, both you and me know that is not the fact, as many people just let their animals be except for give water and food. Some also let them run free, which is very common in Thailand. That makes them cross breed and merge into the population of strays. So, in Thailand it´s definitely needed to ban and eradicate the aggressive breeds.
  6. So, in other words you are saying Thais do not have a degree of intelligence or knowledge. You have, so you are entitled to. First, I must ask why in the world are you interested of making discussions here, if you do not respect the people in the country the forum is about? Maybe you even live in Thailand. In that case, I feel sad for the Thais that have to be around you. Second, this is not your country. If you are living in Thailand, you are a guest. In reality, not entitled to anything. Neither do you have more knowledge nor understanding of Thai culture than the Thai people. In other word, you are just posting total crap and B.S.
  7. Maybe it would be better to express what is wrong or not true with my post, or what do you think?
  8. Seems to me, that you think people on medication are in chains. How could the family or the doctor see this before it was too late? I agree with you, that people that are on their meds can work fairly normal, and should be able to do so. However, in my opinion they should have a work among adults that might have a chance to defend themselves. Not place instable persons working with children.
  9. I think you should write a book. You seem to be good at fiction. I think it was you that was drunk.
  10. That the dog breed need to be banned, there is no doubt about. What I react to, is posters here who post like below: That just reeks of poor knowledge. There is nothing unusual with monks that owns cars. They are everywhere. If the Thais not question their spiritual leaders regarding that, who are we to do it?
  11. Sure it might be. However, I just posted that I would stand by my decisions and enjoy what I have left the best I can. I don´t understand why you and other have to try to tell me that it´s something wrong about that or anything else. Why not post you own opinions in the thread instead.
  12. Does that matter? I don´t think you understood the problem. A mentally instable person, who suddenly goes off her meds and kill her husband. Do you consider that a good person to place with children?
  13. That was this weeks frontal collision with a parked vehicle. Stay tuned, we will be back next week!
  14. Can´t care less if she is mentally ill without medication and kill her husband. My thoughts that bothers me, is how she can be allowed to teach.
  15. Sad for the girl. Luckily there was no injuries. Bet she got happy after the ice cream again. What I don´t understand, though. If a leg can go in between the frame and the spokes, with out breaking or causing any injuries? How is it then impossible to press gently on the leg while reversing the wheel? After taking off the shoes, of course. In my experience the spokes on a bicycle wheel is quite soft and bend easy.
  16. Oh, see! He got corrected for breaking Thai law. How sad for him. Maybe he got a few buck for the article as compensation for his terrible experience. Guess Brits just have to learn the hard way, right? Seems like they are the only ones to publish these stories too. probably the need to complain gene.
  17. Why in the world did you put yourself in the middle of the smog? That´s pure stupidity.
  18. Ok, so just because I don´t agree with you, you need to post ridiculous ideas?
  19. MAGA Monday??? That´s really grown up. MAGA is just an expression, that brainless followers turned into a cult. You guys are just amusing to hear. Let´s see how it sounds in a little bit over a year.
  20. Ok! I think we are making it a little bit big here, aren´t we? you get around 1100 USD per month. After that we have rent, electric, and mobile/internet. If you not live in a shoe box behind a garbage can, that will be about 12-15k in Bangkok. So, if you count a fair amount of Burger King and McDonalds into that, can be another 6k per month there. I might be wrong here, but you don´t sound like a booze free person. That might add another 5k per month. We can now be up in 24-27k. Leaves about10-13k baht for being a sex addict. If your lucky, that will give you 6 times a month. I am absolutely no doctor, but I think your addiction is under average and totally controlled.
  21. My god! You just continue to promote porn as an educational thing. We know enough moves, as we have something called fantasy, and like to experiment. After that, as long as me and my wife are happy, is that a problem for you? Now I suggest you go play with other blank minds without fantasy and own ideas.
  22. What are you saying? Are you telling me you have toilet problems? Please try the health forum for such problems.
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