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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Actually not. I would take it as that is a result of my choices, continue live life to the full, based on possibilities, and stay happy for the time I have left. Anything else on your mind?
  2. As in most cases, it will be highly probable the truth is that the people that was supposed to take care of the girl, did not do their job.
  3. Chapter 11 verse 3 of the doomsday prophecy. Anyway, answer: I just don´t give a s-t.
  4. Of course it´s possible. Even highly likely. First bet is on bad drugs, and that they will be able to find out. Second bet is a little bit harder, and I don´t think they have the ability or knowledge to examine. For some sensitive people, the combination of high volume and a specific beat, will interfere with the heart rythm, and can in rare cases lead to death. However, rare, and thta two should drop dead in one festival sounds far fetched. So, betting on drugs in some form. In what way did you just quote the post you replied to? So, if some group would have done that, don´t you think there would be more than 2 victims???
  5. What are you trying to say. I get everything I need. That was kind of the reason I did not need to look. But, I clearly see you did not grasp that. However, I suggest you continue to look at what you can´t get. You know some people look, while other do. Have a nice day, looker. ;-)
  6. Yeah, you might be right. I was just thinking (read dreaming)..........fluffy clouds up here.......
  7. Okay! Yeah, I don´t need to watch porn at all, as I have what I need in home.
  8. No, they call it Canadian ham because it´s not raw.
  9. Both gammon and ham are cuts from the hind legs of a pig. Gammon is sold raw and ham is sold ready-to-eat. Gammon has been cured in the same way as bacon, whereas ham has been dry-cured or cooked. Once you've cooked your gammon, it's then called ham.
  10. https://bangkok.sloanes.co.th/gammon-large-boneless-raw-ham/ https://britishop.com/product/small-whole-gammon-1-1-5kg?srsltid=AfmBOoqb0ugrdZBTAZm9Ub2QGPAxQPD2zPZw0J4DEbzcx8dWcd8vHFhJ http://www.buntersfoodsbkk.com/products.html
  11. Do you have any clue about how misguiding Google translate is?
  12. Still thinking about if that is positive or negative. 😉
  13. Looks to me like a trimmed Sonic with slim back wheel again. Doing that and, high speed as well as bad driving will result in this. Maybe the father should have explained such things for his son, and he might still be alive.
  14. He probably have, but maybe he didn´t steal things and acted like a loser. on the other hand, not everyone is backpacking in their life. Some people travel with a little bit more style and class.
  15. Seems strange to me. If a regular person say he see that the body have arms, legs and fingers like a human. How hard can it be for professional people to see what it is.
  16. What in the world are you insinuating? I am a married guy with 2 daughters, living in Isaan. Not many barstools where I am. You seem to be totally deluded.
  17. Yeah, I lived there for over 26 years. What experience do you have? If not more, maybe you should put a sock in it.
  18. So, that means they learn nothing in university.
  19. Above are pure bull<deleted>! There are toilets available 24/7 on the other side of beach road. So, if these young incontinent animals don´t have prostate problems, they will have plenty of time to get there. The only thing is that they don´t want to pay 5 baht per person. Same like in pubs and bars. 3 straws and one drink.
  20. You do know there are about 200 000 foreigners living in different places in Thailand on a permanent basis, right? I expect to find them where I live, and when I go to another city like Ubon, Roi Et, Udon, Nong Khai and so on. Guess you have a lot to learn about Thailand. Please do not disturb me more until you are a little bit wiser.
  21. That would be if they go after your concept and experience, and are so stupid that they think only fans are the reality. Unfortunately, I thinks you are quite alone with the conception of weird fantasy.
  22. Yeah sure, let´s do that, as that was your comment to disguise you were wrong. Have a great day!
  23. No, you tried to tell me what I used to form my comment.
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