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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Hi Bobby, Is ya hooky still with ya at Koh Changy? If tat, ya got a real faityfully honey, ya handysome manny.
  2. You failed to grasp the important part of my post, and just focused on they or one person. I said I hail the proposal, or the idea if you want, to outlaw it again, as the population here is not ready.
  3. If you just bothered to read my post that was 9 minutes before yours. And also, where did I post that it was ok with alcohol? If you can find that, then you can continue to laugh hysterically.
  4. Sure, that´s a perfect way of handing over a part of the country to Islam without saying it straight out.
  5. Totally true, but there is still to much people with poor education, or the will to look though or whatever. So, I keep my opinion on that they have enough problems to deal with, so they definitely do not need another.
  6. Really? Were did you meet her? Where did she work? It´s 2022! No one can still be that clueless about Thailand! Impossible to answer. My keyboard has a limitation of 20 000 words per week.
  7. Don´t bother about big letter posts. You are travelling with a child. You can can chose to go either the Thai line or Foreigner. They can handle it in both lines and are very used to such situations. And, yes, I have experience of trying both ways.
  8. Just forget it! The meaning of the word education and Thailand does not compute. They have tried for decades with the drive safe campaigns. Just asking. How long do you think people will remember this if they do not post it in the news once a week for infinite time? Also, the Thai population is not ready for legalization of pot. It will just add the the massive amount of problems they already have.
  9. Just another lame way of global marketing to push up the value of the baht.
  10. Ok, they are undecided as usual, going back and forth. Nothing new, though! However, I hail the proposal of recriminalization, as the Thai population is not ready for a thing like this.
  11. Ok, so that means they know about it. How would it be to put a stop to it, or will that make a too big dent in the wallet?
  12. of course it´s going to be a health problem. Like all drugs as alcohol and tobacco. The question is just how many different substances we need to legalize to make people stay dumb and put.
  13. No that is not possible, but he should definitely leave the country. There is no place for such individuals here.
  14. So, it´s Thailand killing tourists, that chose to go on a raft not knowing of the danger they put themselves in? How do you figure that?
  15. What? Didn´t he ask for the best way to bring money to Thailand? Then I am giving him an answer about the best way. The bets way is always to not carry to much money on your person, which includes risks.
  16. Doesn´t matter how you do. Same easy whatever you chose. It´s only about 27k USD we are talking about. No bank in Thailand will lift any eyebrows. Of course, if you have a reason to give for the transfer, that will make it all better.
  17. They do absolutely nothing to me. It´s not even remotely possible to wake my state of disaster, after party, totally piece of left over feeling. But, thanks for effort. ????
  18. Just look at Man U vs Liverpool. There you have real hate! This is nothing!
  19. Yeah, I can recommend that you take care of the child you plan to adopt. Otherwise, you can just give a sum of money and not give one child in an orphanage an unfair advantage. All children in such place have the same needs.
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