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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. I just said that you do not have to eat too much sugar. Neither do you have to drink too much cold water or too much of anything else. Please go back and read again. Maybe the baht will finally fall down.
  2. Out of your comment I totally understand your choice of handle. Thank you? Why would I be overweight? I know how to eat a balanced intake of different ingredients. Everyone can, if they just push themselves little bit and not fall for all the sweet and good stuff. And after that just blame it on the product. It´s not the products that is bad. It´s the humans that are malfunctioning.
  3. Yes, what people of today do not realize, is that it has to do with the combination of what they consume. Not blaming one single ingredient. For example sugar binds fat.
  4. Apparently that must be a sign that it ain´t as dangerous as @bkk6060try to make it. ????
  5. And how crazy is that? Why in the world should you ban sugar? it´s a perfect addition to many things regarding cooking and baking. It´s the easiest thing in the worls to not take more than 1 piece of sugar in the coffee or none at all. People should drink coffee because they like it, not because they love sugar. That´s just one example out of many. After that you have all the coke, fanta and sprite that must be drunk all the time or given to children at low age. Why, have people forgot how good and lovely it is with a glas of cold water? You are talking about banning the products, just because people can´t control their sugar intake. Really??? I think it´s time to grow some balls, say no to to much a show some self-control. What´s next? Are you going to ban food totally just because some people get fat? Maybe forbid the use of water because people are drowning every year? Just tell me your great concept for the people and the planet.
  6. I think most guy just lost track of the concept to eat balanced food. Most people who get that can live a good life eating what they like.
  7. If he is doing it, you can do it Will. It´s time to stop be good! Loud speaker system is not expensive in Thailand, but they sound like hell. I am pretty sure you can play speed and death metal for a month and he will pack up and leave. ???????????????????????? I mean, if his customers can´t drink a coffée in peace or hear what they are signing. As I say, same as he is doing to you.
  8. A new moron is born every day. This time it was a 45 year old baby. Diaper Tiiime! If you play with fire, you will wet your bed. Ops! forgot. He burned that one, right?
  9. Funny answer! Means that the work is done online, which it probably could be in Thailand too..... hehe! Mean that it has nothing to do with where you live as you just admitted. You are right in one aspect, though. No need to say more. ???????????????????? At the same time, "I say no more........". What a laughable comment. ???????????? Sounds like you think it´s a secret how to make money online. Really? Do you realize how many years after the comment is? FYI, I do math with whom ever I wish.
  10. Sounds like she didn´t worked at all in Thailand then! ???? Another explanation is that you are comparing what she made 30 years ago in Thailand, with what she makes in a foreign country today. We all know that salaries are very different as you try to point out, but you are really over exaggerating. Today the lowest legal salary per day for a Thai is a bit over 300 baht, but let´s calculate with just 9 000 baht a month which is a very low salary in Thailand today. In the foreign country you are talking about she will probably work Mo-Fr, or equal with other days off. Let´s say she have a yearly salary far over the US median and takes home 60k dollar per year. That is 5k dollar per month, which equals to 165 000 baht. After that we divide that by the lowest of low, where many make the double, 9 000. The result is that a 5k dollar salary per month would only be 18 times more. Also if she makes a salary of 5k dollar per month, means she have an education that would give her a minimum salary of 25 000 baht. So, in reality the true story would be 6,6 times more. Also something that sounds more realistic. Something that is more realistic. Ok, I do not know what she is doing. Maybe she make much more. If so, what she is doing would probably be possible in Thailand as well. Probably also something that would give her more than the salaries I have been taken into example.
  11. 2 weeks left to open the country to tourism, and they are still punishing their own people that wish to party. Great! That´s solid!
  12. Please, feel free to go on with your childish behavior. It seems like only you have knowledge of Phuket. Everybody else that have a different opinion has not been there, right? That´s what you post all the time as soon as somebody have a negative opinion of Phuket.
  13. Well said! I would say, there is a slight chance that you might be right.
  14. Passes away? It was not like he was 85+ and slowly fell into eternal sleep in a hospital bed, right?
  15. I can read that brown envelopes are working fine with the US magazine too.
  16. And anyway you managed to make a pointless post. Great job! Why would go on about that. I wouldn´t have done if Professor Phuket just been leaving an opinion like I did from start. Better post your opinion instead.
  17. Get back on topic, instead. You have been presented with hard facts that many countries demand Covid-19 insurance, but still oppose that, laugh at people that post links to the information and say you can only read that Thailand demands the insurance. There can only be three things: You do not understand what you read. You just don´t care what you could read to get the facts. You can not read. As for what it is, I can not care less about. However, it would be nice if you presented some facts that informs us about that all the links you have been given is incorrect, as well as some statement about that Thailand is the only one that demand such insurance. If you are unable to do that, then a suggestion would be that you actually try to read the links given to you and understand the information in those. Thank you for your consideration, and have a nice day.
  18. No, I do not. I based my post on that you excluded "Except for the times when I don't tell the truth", in your post presented as "I never lie" and referred to the same signature. I also based my post on that you seem to not react on facts that are presented to you. I can not for my life see that will be something for the "cops" to have anything to say about. My post was based on your comments here, and not on your life. Why would I be interested in that? It´s not relevant to this forum, but what you post is.
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