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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Never said that. My tolerance was for 3 k in a row. Just looks like someone missed their spelling lessons.
  2. Strange for you, and everybody else, as you seem to think. Still, not for me. ???? Who´s that? Hitler´s boyfriend?
  3. If I am not mistaken, it was bad people that done what you are referring to. Not the letters
  4. Probably both of 2 bad things. Pick-up driver flooring the pedal and an ignorant foreigner just driving out in the street. Nor saying it´s necessary to be in this case, but it happens too many times.
  5. So, a lot of sex with one or many women was what logic meant to you. I have hard to see that qualify. @GammaGlobulinNeither do your post!
  6. Wrong formulated by me. I was referring to travel insurances in that comment. In that case it can be hard to find one that covers driving a motorcycle in Thailand. Sorry for my poor focus in the comment.
  7. Hell Yeah! Just stop with what you like to do, because it´s not safe enough. The fact is, that it´s as safe as you make it as a driver. Wear protection and gain experience. Then it´s not at all as dangerous as you wish to make it. And then again, the statistics of how many car accident claims that actually gets paid, please. ????
  8. No, you are right. In this case he should have had a Thai insurance that covers it all. And of course there must be a drivers license and a helmet on the head. That, I just took as an unspoken rule. I know that is not the case in Thailand, but as foreigners we should know better.
  9. Yeah, you are right there. Can also be hard to find an insurance that actually covers motorcycle driving in Thailand at all.
  10. Unfortunate accident, and I really hope he will pull through. However, it makes me think it´s just another one without an insurance.
  11. Yeah, but it has only got sick 17 times in 10 years. Quite healthy little guy. Never seen it, though. ????
  12. Oooh Noooo! Not that old one! Have you checked the dusty drawer on the top. Maybe they are still there, and you just started to forget when you used them last time.
  13. Hey, have a heart! There´s always that single one, that will believe anything.
  14. They just forgot to sign: This information is an ad, sponsored by TAT
  15. You are just taking it far too serious. Relax, enjoy! Thailand is wonderful. Here you can be sure they will be prepared for war. See all the submarines that are soon to be delivered with Skoda engines. You are safe here. ????
  16. Yes, of course! P as in Putin (please refer to Z for more information)
  17. Yes, it´s much better where you are coming from. There everyone is honest and truthful to each other.
  18. Let´s just face it, and calm down a notch. Z is just another letter. Like A, T, H........and so on.
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