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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Ops! It´s the wrong pedal. Panic and press the foot to the ground. Frozen stage. Kill people.
  2. Not possible that it´s fine, when you consider buying a scooter a costly affair. ????????
  3. What? Costly affair???? Really? I assume you are living in Thailand or planning on living here, as you want to compare renting or buying. However, if you consider buying a scooter a costly affair, then I would say that you will have a hard time to afford living in Thailand.
  4. No, there is no way to avoid losing it all! As soon as you enter Thailand, you are doomed! The best thing you can do to stop the suffering, is to hand over your wallet, bank information and change as well as online accounts to the first 20 year old you see. After that, just turn around and walk to departure, rebook you return flight and go home.
  5. Easily fixed! Just for then to use real bullets against water. That would probably work as a possible stop to the infants water wars.
  6. Only if you never learned how to cook during your 50-70 years on the planet.
  7. We have no information if you have Internet banking or if you have a card connected to your accounts? If so, you can do and have options. If not, then your best option is power of attorney to someone you can trust who goes to Thailand.
  8. Oh, stop it Mr Spider! Covid is a simple thing. What is deadly, is to read your comments. You, you just beat Anutin. Be proud!
  9. If it is farming land, it´s most likely land given by the government for the purpose of farming. Many times not even allowed to build a house on. That is why it does not come with a real land title deed.
  10. Sounds to me that you can file that into one of your bad decisions in life then. I sincerely hope you find a way to quickly solve your problems. I am saying bye bye already, as I trust you are a resourceful guy. ????
  11. So, what has that to do with things? Do you have something relevant and on topic to post?
  12. Yes! It should be 100 000 baht fine, 3 month in IDC, deportation and a life time ban. It ain´t so terrible to show respect for the rules in a country as a visitor.
  13. I read the first sentence, which has no relevance. This is Thailand and not some UK ghetto outlawed city. After that, I can´t read it more. Please put it up in some paragraphs if you want me to read you replies. ????
  14. See the CCTV???? What? Everyone knows that one is not working.
  15. At least, him drinking modest Lao Khao, might be proof of that he did not steal from the collect.
  16. Alright, there it came again. You are saying you do not consider yourself above, and still it seems like you are the one deciding what is important or not regarding rules. Laughable!
  17. Why would I break the rules for something as silly as playing with water? I can make my own decisions, don´t you worry. No need you sarcasm either. If you feel it´s ok to go against the government in a country where you are the guest, you are welcome. Good luck!
  18. No, you not get it to be the fault of the locals. The only fault on them is that they play, not fault them for foreigners playing. Yes, I think they are aware, it´s just to read the news. I simply thing to do and a duty to keep yourself updated. It´s up to the locals to encourage it as much as they want. How hard can it be to say no to a water fight as an adult. A 5 year old, I would understand. I am not for openly sell water guns. However, it´s more stupid to buy one, when you know you are not allowed to use it. So, if the locals put out water, then you must break the rules? Really, are we that weak?
  19. Yes, they should start deport people coming to this country that can´t hold themselves within the laws and rules. Will be much nicer and better here after that.
  20. You misinterpreted my comment. I did not mean they stand above regarding this single thing. The standing above, was the attitude of posters on this forum, that always seems to be above the Thais. However, most of you like to stay here anyway, right? How you read it, is totally up to you. My opinion is that as a visitor of a country you show some respect and do not engage in breaking the rules just because you see locals do that. No, I do not believe they did it separate from the locals. Never wrote that! You might put a lid on your justifying imagination a little bit.
  21. Yes, but they do not put a bad stamp on us or tarnish our reputation in Thailand. I am also sad for no arrests. They should be deported immediately. And yes, I have read the OP. Makes you lame reply as an excuse pathetic.
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