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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. I would say it´s more about the money. Where he runs, they usually do not care about as long as he is financially stable, which is more likely to be an older man. Later he dies and they inherit everything. At that point they usually start to stay with men their own age again.
  2. Hey bendejo! Doesn´t matter to me. A hole in one is a hole in one. Sometimes two holes on the same court makes it easier for the balls. But on the other hand, it´s a funny game, where the club should be in the hole and most agree to that the balls are preferred outside. But, hey! Everyone to their own.
  3. It´s just that the posters quoted you missed to calculate with a very common thing. Many husbands in Thailand that marry a woman of same age, they will later in life have an extra doll on the side. Then the age difference their will be accepted. That will make it more or less equal to the foreigners in Thailand too. Just that it took longer for the Thai man to understand the younger model was the better choice.
  4. The best idea is to put people like him up on a line, put them out of their misery and send the bill for the bullet to the parents.
  5. Maybe he knew how hard he had to find one with that kind of mentality. Still no reason, but it might have been the only woman in the world that accepted him for some time, anyway.
  6. Totally irrelevant. If paying 5 bath for such low class human it still too much.
  7. Yeah, it is! But it´s only regarding your comment, as you are just digging too much into this.
  8. No, never said that. Only base my belief on what normally goes on in the rich and mighty´s circles.
  9. Poor fragile little 17 year old boy. Don´t handle rejection very well. How in the whole wide world can this be tolerated to continue? It´s stone age behavior.
  10. Ok, I assume it´s Ramadan Mubarak for you then. However, that is just an excuse to eat unlimited and party like an animal after the sun gone down.
  11. Sorry to break it to you this early in the morning, but they have both been dead for about 40 years. But sure, go ahead dude. Keep calling for them.
  12. According to me and what I read, the land is already confiscated, and the only reason this will go to court is if the family are trying to fight it.
  13. Sorry, looks like there is already proof of that, or did you miss the original article? ????
  14. Sure, all up for that. On the other hand, I do not want Thailand to have to pay for such <deleted>. Better to send him away, persona non grata for ever and let another country pay for it at the end.
  15. Yes, @billd766I understand it is your favorites now. Sorry to step on fragile toes. Just wonder why you are so quick to comment and protect them? Do you think you can make a difference? ???? If so, sorry to take you out of the fluffy clouds.
  16. That´s what some people would call a huge chip on the shoulder. Hope it will not cause terminal damage.
  17. Sounds terrible for you. Although, I just think it´s you that have a problem. I have been to the Philippines many times and are very happy with the food. Also I do not se bad culture or more poor people than in Thailand. And then you formulate yourself in such bad way. Horrible, actually. Listen to this: Are Philippine people unfortunate for having a bad food cuisine and being poor. What a strange question! Not that it´s any truth in it, but would you think somebody consider themselves lucky for such things and circumstances?
  18. Gottfrid


    What? About 10 years ago, this was the hottest and most dry period of the year. It still is. What we see and feel now is the reaction from a taifun.
  19. They have info in the Thai news. Apparently it´s some kind of reaction from a taifun again.
  20. Yes, you are right. It´s a perfect time to dig dirt on the opposition. However, that is what every side and party do all over the world before election.
  21. What has Thai scammers to do with this? Just had to put some negative on Thailand again, right? Here we have an American that comes to Thailand and engage in criminal activities. Not the first one too. Just let the police do their job and send him the heck out Thailand with a note of PNG-no-return.
  22. Yes, it is only theories and opinions. But, as you also are very aware about, most of the rich people in Thailand move the rules and gain opportunities that are not totally lawful. Why in the world would this family be different?
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