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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. LINUX is now EVERYWHERE....but....apparently....you....just....cannot.... See it.
  2. So, you might say that the US Gov knows what is going on, on JinMen? I very much doubt it. And, here is why: Definitely very difficult to get a lower score on the SATs.... If one just shows up...and... Sharpens one's No2 Pencil. Hard to find a dumber guy in the USA than this..... One would think...but.... There are millions of them..... All, maybe, are voting for Trump, too. In China, the guys in Gov are actually quite intelligent...... This guy, Hank, by comparison, has sort of a BLANK STARE about him..... What a NITWIT..... Hahahahaha..... How can we fight the ChiCom Bandits with guys like this on our team????????????????
  3. YES. I do agree. The Chinese people were always going to WAKE UP, in the long run.... BUT, as you correctly state: Xi is now putting this Wake-Up Call on "the fast lane", for sure. Turns out that Gordon Chang will have the LAST LAUGH, in the end.....! Cornell is not one of the better IVYs.... But, Gordon Chang is not stupid, either. He his a devout Christian....yet.... I will not hold this against him, either.
  4. I beg to differ. There are some Afro-Americans in Congress who do not realize that Guam will never tip over, and invert itself, due to the weight of the American Service People based on Guam. I guess you, ALSO, recall the idiocy of this Afro....? This guys has a HUGE IQ problem. Guam is a very small island..... Watch and smoke some reefer, too..... Haha.... 12 miles wide! (How many SQUARE MILES might that be?????????????. This is the state of affairs in the USA in Georgia.) Anyway, we DO NOT ANTICIPATE that Guam will tip over and capsize in the near future.....maybe.... Georgia is such a smart State of the United States! (Obviously, this guy must be a PNG grad, and not an MIT grad. There is no substitute for stupidity.)
  5. As both I, and many others, have already stated. I am NOT a troll. If you can't tell the difference...then.... Heaven Help you when you encounter a REAL Troll. Take care man..... I care about you, too!
  6. Happy to know this! Please do not FREAK ME OUT, Man! My old heart just cannot take these kinds of shocks, in my old age. Thank you for your cooperation.....
  7. Guys in the US Gov have NO IDEA just how very provocative this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is TOTALLY not acceptable to the CPC, and I am not just talking about Xi.....
  8. And, I thought that almost NO ONE valued my opiinions. So surprised, now!
  9. Do you have any links to more information? This...IS...quite an interesting development! I did not know this. Interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Game Changer, for sure, if true!) Sounds to me like some sort of JOHN WAYNE move...or....movie, even....maybe.... (Being the genius that I am, I do know were Jinmen is. I recall, in 1955, the bombardment of Jinmen, for example....)
  10. Have you ever known a psychopath to take a look in the mirror, and then to become overly worried that.... He might be psychopathic? Psychopaths do not worry. That is part of their nature. THAT is what makes them so dangerous. Mirror, Mirror, on the Great Wall.....
  11. Some geniuses, such as I, are just too FING full of lethargy. Maybe we are just too smart to get involved, at this late date.
  12. You are 100-percent correct, of course. I wish everyone felt this sentiment in their bones. Or....NOT... Because, I have already ceased to care, now realizing that the WINDS OF WAR are way beyond my control. Also, I am not a psychopath, unlike XI, and others of his ilk.... Bombs Away!
  13. Xi is a lover of Mao. Xi seeks to be remembered as the Second Mao, Just like the Second Coming of Christ..... Marxism is a Faith Based philosophy.
  14. Your post sounds a bit like other statements from ChatGPT and Bard, the one with the new name....
  15. I can only assume that this is a reference to the short novella, Animal Farm.....? Squealing, I mean, of course. Xi is one smart Hog, for sure! He got his fill, for sure!!!!!!!!
  16. Yes, Comrade Frog, But, did you forget the 45 - 55 million dead during the Great Leap Backward? Did you read Tombstone? Did you forget the Cultural Revolution? IDK, because I don't know you. Still, I am very willing to listen to your opinions. No problem....Sir.
  17. Yes. I agree with you. I buy what you say. No worries, Comrade. What is Comrade in Chinese, by the way?: (同志 = TongZhi = Comrade. Happy to teach on TV, by the way!)
  18. The problem with idiots (just joking, of course) using Linux is that some are just not capable of using Google when needed. Also, there are PLENTY of Linux forums where everything is discussed in minute detail. Also, the Linux Community is Super Strong and willing to help anyone using Linux. There is NO EXCUSE for being incapable of using Linux to a VERY HIGH LEVEL.....none! But, maybe the only reason I believe this is that I am a.... GENIUS? (not joking, of course)
  19. Stock up on food, and don't venture forth into the madding crowd.
  20. For many years, many have speculated that Xi might kill China, instead of saving it. Here is a report from DW. Is this just wishful thinking, once more? Or, THIS TIME, will Xi kill China, finally? Xi is in his own bubble, of course. But then, how much will this matter? These days, I don't really care, anymore, one way or the other. I gave up caring a decade ago. If Taiwan gets destroyed and turned to dust, I no longer care. If Taiwan attacks China and invades Beijing, I could not care less. There are also other cataclysmic events that might overtake the world, potentially, before the China Resolution of 1949 reaches its final conclusion. Wait and see. Sure, I am curious. But, I do not care as I once did. Regards, Comrade Gamma
  21. I watched part of this video. Quite interesting, actually. But, it would be safer to be fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan, maybe.....me thinks.
  22. It might have been a safer journey if he had tried this stunt in 1905. Much cooler back then, too, without the impacts of Global Warming and the increased effects of the present-day BURNING SEASONS. Maybe he should have taken along a large tank of Oxygen and Mask?
  23. What's new about an hour of darkness. There are power outages enough, already, here, one might opine.
  24. Douse with bleach. Rinse. Repeat. (If there is still the smell you describe, then just move.)
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