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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I am very tired of using Windows. My only stumbling block is the need to use the functionality of Adobe Pro. Is there any way to get Adobe Pro, for free, on a Linux Desktop/ And, what is the best flavor of Linux, these days? I have not used Linux for almost six years? Has Linux Desktop improved to the extent that I can depend upon some distribution for teaching? I hope to rid myself of Windows, but HOW MUCH LONGER MUST I WAIT/ IF only I could just use Linux, then I would be a happy camper. Many years ago, I began to use OpenSuse, and I was happy. But then, for some strange reason, I switched back to Windows OS. Now, I see that Windows wants to charge me a very hefty fee for Windows 11....and....this is just not in my budget, simply because I am teaching for FREE. What can I do? I am thinking to myself.... Get rid of Windows, once more, for good. But, there are a few applications, such as the Adobe PRO application, that I must have access to. Adobe Pro is quite expensive.... I just cannot justify this expense, since I teach for FREE...to...very worthy students. I need to go opensource, but also, I need to have the full greatness of Adobe Acrobat.... I am tired of pirating software. The pirating of software bores me.... To death, these days... Any suggestions? Regards, Gamma Note: I am committed to getting myself OFF Windows, but....I am not even sure this might be possible for my purposes. I am not doing this for MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a very selfless person who cares more about others than I do about myself..... Such a quandary!
  2. I have this "old" comp. In this old comp, I have a Samsung SSD with everything set up as I like it. Now, I want to use a new computer with the M.2 SSD as my Drive C. So then, what is the best way to clone/migrate ALL applications, and everything, to the new computer with the M.2 SSD, and not the traditional Samsung SSD? Normally, I would just use a USB cable, and use the Samsung Migration software, to clone/copy/migrate everything to the new SSD. But, since I am copying/cloning to an M.2., I am not sure if I can do the same thing, since I am unable to connect the M.2. Drive to a USB connection. So then, what is the best procedure. I am sure I can figure this out for myself. But, I think it is far better to ask this question on TV, just for my own peace of mind. Thank you. Gamma Note: In my old age, I have never worked with chewing gum in my computers. Thank you.
  3. And, by decent, what is it you mean by this, EXACTLY? Do you even know what decent Chinese cuisine tastes like, outside of Philly's Chinese cuisine, which is mostly garbage?
  4. Hey, JT: Do Albanians speak passa Thai? Why would I even go there unless.... a. They spoke Thai in Albania b. They had the best Thai food in the world....?
  5. Yes. You are correct. But, somebody already made a very good suggestion concerning the best/most-efficient/quietest fans for my box. I am, indeed, indebted to all the good support I have received from TV members. TV members have never failed me, in my times of need. Thanks to all! TV is a wonderful resource. And so, I do my best to contribute, in kind, as my way of paying back for the fruits that I have been given. NOTE: I purchased the CPU over a month ago.... The i5-13600K....
  6. My Friends, This is an age-old question that I sometimes ask myself. What about you? Would you rather have been born a girl? Sure, I know I am very handsome. But, girls are more beautiful than handsome. And sometimes, I wish I could wear a dress, or short skirts, like the men do in Scotland, but only in Scotland is the wearing of skirts, acceptable, for men. I would like the freedom of not having to always run around in the constricting trousers (pants to Americans). There might be a few disadvantages to being born a girl. But, girls are usually more even tempered, and they are less likely to be sent to prison, or to kill people, something that I would never do. I prefer the female sex to the male sex. Jack Lemmon once toyed with being a girl. And, Jack was one HOT babe, too. He was from Harvard, of course. And, all males at Harvard would make good girls, or bad girls, if they just put on a bit of lipstick, and had their hair done. Jack was quite a beauty, in drag. So, I am wondering about this age-old question: Better to be born a girl? Better to be born a boy? Regards, Gamma Note: I have never figured out how this POLLING works on TV, or otherwise I would turn this Thread/Topic into a POLL. You don't understand OSGOOD. I'm a Man. Well, NOBODY's Perfect.
  7. These country bumpkins have never had a decent Chinese meal complete with tablecloth. Also, the memories of the Great Leap Forward, when 55 million Chinese died of starvation, remains firmly buried in the Chinese collective consciousness. FREE FOOD is therefore something to be fought over, just as it was during the Great Leap forward. Xi JinPing is a Pig, of the Animal Farm variety. And here, he is seen PIGGING OUT on Free Fondue!: https://www.salon.com/2017/01/17/chinas-xi-takes-spotlight-at-davos-as-us-makes-transition/ Mrs Xi is unhappy because she is afraid her Hubby will eat up all the cheese, leaving none for her. Before these TWO, we had the Gang of FOUR.
  8. More Equal = Better in Many Respects, and More Privileged. Also, entitled to sleep in beds is another important meaning. And, if one is More Equal, then one can eat apples and milk any time of the day, and as much as one wishes.
  9. No. I belong in the Village of Yore.... NOT... The watered down Village of today. Long live Kerouac..!
  10. Some sperm are more equal than others.... We all know that this is true.
  11. A lost album, almost... 50 years ago. Like.... Yesterday.... Almost.
  12. We still got a HARD WAY to go..... Hard Days are ahead. I know it.
  13. You know it's true.... Why was I born?.... Anyway? Any thoughts? Gamma
  14. Just make the best suggestion. Then, I will buy it. Case closed. (That's a pun, Sir.)
  15. No. This is a current post of import. Many are interested, obviously.
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