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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I was invited. Many times. Andy Glick invited me, many times. As did many others. A great place to grow up. Note: Also, in my neighborhood, I was the TOKEN Gentile, and so they HAD to invite me, ... maybe....
  2. In my opinion, for what it might be worth.... There are several important similarities shared between Asian culture and Jewish culture. At least, as I knew it, while growing up. Do I even need to point these out? I think not.
  3. So say you. However, as I am sure you know, and in all honesty, I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood...and.... I loved it there. I am only reminiscing in my old age. I want people to know just how great it was. I thought it might be interesting to some. Plenty of great Deli Food, too!!!!!! It was GREAT, in fact.
  4. Why? I will TELL YOU WHY! 1. I am getting old now. And, I look back at my roots. And, I very much value the Jewish neighborhood in which I grew up. This made me what I am. 2. "These Days", as you say, are just like any other days. These days are just the same days as they always were. So then, can I NEVER broach this subject? Do tell! 3. I have never submitted a Topic which was totally harebrained. It might be ONLY YOU who interprets my Topics as being harebrained. 4. Also, I do NOT blame the Jews for making me live in a Jewish neighborhood! Instead, I THANK the Jews for making me one of them, during the time I grew up in my Jewish neighborhood.... I loved it there. 5. Something that you might not know is this: There is a high similarity between Jewish culture and Asian culture, and this.....most likely.... is why I have always felt so at home in Asia, not to mention Thailand, and specifically Chiang Mai. There are MANY things that you might not know about me, and about Asia. Feel free to query me regarding almost anything that you might not understand. I am Asian, yes. I am also, in some important respects, a Jew, too. Should I riff on further about this? I think, no need. Just let it be said that I am grateful to have lived in the place where I grew up, as a young hottentot, and I learned a lot, while there. I am a product of my environment.
  5. As you say... I am the ULTIMATE dullard, as everyone knows, on TV. See you in Princeton, Baby.... Next life. Or, I am sure it was not Yale. Take care, though.... And, thankfully, it was not Cornell, with all that ugly campus architecture to put up with for four years. How can they even stand to live for four years on that ugly campus?
  6. How about MICRO Banking? Ever heard of THAT? Or, JT, is Micro-Banking just to FREUDIAN for you?
  7. Only Mr. C. will, eventually, out himself, if he wishes. I, as you can understand, would never....
  8. No problem. I am very willing to pay the import tax which is only about 10 percent.
  9. Anything BUTT! Surely, you can be more humorous. I value my heritage given me by the neighborhood that created me.
  10. My Dear Gentile Friends: Maybe you wonder why I seem so .... Out of Touch, at times, on this forum. I think it must be that your sense of humor and mine...might.... Not be the same. Jewish humor is something to be savored, and also something that most gentiles cannot appreciate. This is not my fault. I am a product of my upbringing. Also, I have spent most of my adult years in Asia. Therefore, unlike most of you, I see the world from a different perspective, and ... NOT....from the perspective of....a.... Cabby in London. Would I trade my early years for anything? No. I would not. I love the fact that I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood, and I would not have it any other way. So, then.... Does anyone here know any good Jewish Jokes? And, do you even know what Jewish humor might be? Jewish humor is like fine wine...... And most cannot truly appreciate it, if one is a gentile.... Here is just one example: But, NO, the above is NOT, anywhere NEAR, the best example of Jewish humor. Maybe I will add a few Jewish Jokes...below,.... When I am ready. Growing up in a Jewish neighborhood, being one of the sole surviving gentiles is my principle claim to fame. I would not have had it any other way. I am grateful for this. Now, I guess, you know a bit more about me. And, also, you might know, now, why I stick out like a sore thumb, too....because... I know you care about this. Regards, Gamma Note: I bet that you might not know just how much an Asian neighborhood and a Jewish neighborhood might share in common. Please remind me to tell you, sometime....
  11. During the last few years, since the beginning of the pandemic, I have not eaten Thai food. Such a pity. I love Thai food better than almost any other cuisine.
  12. One can NEVER acclimate adequately to HIGH PM2.5. Therefore, just get an AC. And, just get at least TWO air purifiers. Or......then.... MOVE to Ontario.....Canada....where the Air is Clean, .... And, The fish are jumping.....
  13. Whatever happened to Trotsky? Stalin should be our REAL Hero! Menace to Mankind, of course. Same with Mao. Same with Xi. Long live these..... Here is Trotsky in his more tender year.... Such BIG EARS he had, even in his youth....
  14. One thing...though....Sir..... I CANNOT deny.... And, I will NEVER deny....that.... THIS Month.... ThaiVisa saved me about USD800.00, or more! IF it had not been for Mr. C., then I would have paid over USD800.00 more than I paid, for the very same thing. So then.... I do not mind GRUNTING my Thanks....to.... Mr. C. (And, IMHO, we all should do the same.) Hats off to this guy, whoever he is!!!!!! Not Joking, this time. TV is a great forum, for so many validated reasons.... Take Care, Comrade....
  15. Just buy a cheap AC. What could be simpler? Anyway, I would do nothing else. Hope everything works out for you, ....
  16. As soon as I get my new PC built, I will begin programing using Assembly Language. I look forward to this. I will emulate the IBM 360/370, and be able to get many error messages, as a result, which I LOVE..... How many Sundays did I beat my head against the wall of the dorm room? No Errors.... (Yay) I LOVE to use the IBM keypunch machine, in fact...... But, my new PC has no keypunch machine. Those IBM keypunch machines were..... A THING OF COMPLETE BEAUTY!!!!!!!! If you were there...then.... You know! A total work of art, in fact! (I like PIE, or Pi)
  17. NO! Mr. C! Please do not conflate the two! Mr. C. has a very delicious sense of humor, as I have already stated. What's wrong with you?
  18. OK. Whatever.... Take care, Man! Things could be even worse, one supposes....
  19. Credit should be given where credit is due. Mr. C., Our Main Man, who knows a LOT, told me to buy my computer components on Amazon. Mr. C. helped me to save about....OVER.....USD500.00 on building just one tiny computer. So, how much is this worth to me? Over USD500.00... Just because, over and above the money that I have saved, I felt such a RUSH of Good Will from TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You know, .... The last time that TV helped me so much was when I purchased some VITAMINS. Back in the day, someone here told me where to buy the Centrum Vitamins, for a good price, that I was looking for. And now.... Mr. C., due to his vast knowledge, helped me save WELL OVER USD500.00, this month. There is really no need to doubt me. I have already posted the comparison prices, during the past weeks. My last purchase for some M.2 SSD is this one: ============ Also, Mr. C. told us that we could get FREE DELIVERY from Amazon. This must be a new thing, because, I must admit that I doubted him, at first. BUT, NO.... MR. C. SPOKE the God's Honest Truth. Mr. C., IMHO, saved me OVER USD500.00, this month. My only question now is.... How can I send him a cup of coffee? Anybody know? Regards, and... Thankful! Tale Care, Mr. C.....because.... You are about FIVE years older than I, at this point, and.... Always will be. THANK YOU, Man! I wish you Good Luck.... Chok Di!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ============= Bad price here, Folks.... Maybe not the same thing? IDK...and... I do not care..... I am just too Slap-Happy for words, at this point!!!!! ============== Please Note: In addition to all of the other many good qualities of Mr. C., he also sometimes unveils his delicious sense of humor (humour), as well. What more can we ask for, on this great forum.... Anyway?
  20. As I say, Man.... I hope you get your citizenship here, if this is what you wish. GOOD LUCK, Man....! Thailand is just such a great culture.....for sure....
  21. Good Luck, Man! Sincerely! I would opt for Thai citizenship, if I could have dual citizenship....but....it seems to be such a long.... Row to hoe. Good Luck. Sincere best wishes for your success, Man! Note: Seemingly, too few try for this. Maybe, they think it's just completely out of their reach. Good Luck! I would do it, in a heartbeat....if I thought I could.
  22. Those in power, both in the USA and in China....are....killing....the... LaoBaiXing, obviously! I thought you realized this......?
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