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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. So, anyway, I returned to Amazon USA to buy a case. I found one that seems good. But, the shipping cost from the USA is almost as much as the case, itself. What is the best case for my motherboard? I do not like glass on the case, just because I see no reason for this, and it looks CHEAP. I am OK with this price: I was just about to CLICK .... BUY.... But then, I saw that the shipping cost was CRAZY.... So, anyway, if anyone might be willing to chime in here, then I would be grateful, as usual. TV is really good for helping members to find better choices. My budget for the best case I can buy in Taiwan is about USD140.00, or so. Still I would like to save a few dollars/pounds, if I can get something better than this for LESS. Thanks to anyone who might reply in a helpful way. Tks, and , regards, Gamma Note: I like my boxes big. I have plenty of space on my computer desks. Even a full tower might be acceptable if I could get some sort of special discount. I just need reliability on the switches, power buttons, ports, etc.... Thank you again. Note2: I do not use a GPU, a discrete GPU, and so I will not care too much about the width of the box, simply because I have only a CPU cooler (air), and no cooler will be required for the GPU, which I never use. Note3: FYI... I have this motherboard sitting in my desk drawer just collecting dust.... I need to buy a case for it, and then I will assemble it.... Tks, once more....
  2. Hello my Fellow CM Inhabitants: aa. I do not know why, but, several months ago, I posted this important link concerning how to make your own DIY cheap and effective Air Purifier from a Fan and a HEPA filter, and....I was derided here for my good efforts. bb. Here the link, once again, how to easily make your own DIY AIR PURIFIER: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/how-to-make-diy-air-purifier/ cc. In my case, I have three small Hatari fans: dd. These Hatari fans are cheap and low cost to operate. ee. I just need to put a HEPA filter on the back (I think the FRONT will work better) of each of these fans, and then I will have plenty of air purifying power, at a ridiculously low cost. ff. I have two XiaoMi (large) air purifiers which work quite well. But, the filters are fairly expensive. gg. So, my best option is to continue to run these two XiaoMi purifiers, 24/7/365. But, also, to run the three Hatari fans, in addition, during the Smoking Season. This will help a lot. And, at the low setting, the Hatari fans draw a very small amount of power..maybe about 15 watts, each, as I recall. I just need to get to HomePro, or some place, where I can buy the HEPA filters to stick on the back of each fan. hh. The LINK that I have provided is excellent if you want to know a little, or a lot, about air purification. So.... Let it not be said that I never gave you guys on TV, nothin'..... Take care, and breathe easy, guys. Best regards, Gamma GO with HEPA, Folks! You will be glad that you did! Air Pollution is a BEACH.... ========== This particular brand and size of the Hatari fan seems to just never break down. Just my experience.
  3. Dream of the RED Chamber, Sir.... You can never have a better dream than this one.... (I have the entire series on DVD, somewhere, up in the cloud, on Google Drive. Worth keeping, Sir.)
  4. Thailand has many first-class universities. There are many topnotch researchers here in Thailand doing cutting-edge research, such as researching servicing ACs, etc., etc., etc. And so, one wonders, when will the Nobel Committee finally grant a Nobel Prize to some researcher here in Thailand? Do you think that some researcher here in Thailand will be granted a Nobel during the next five years? What are the odds? If not during the next five years, then what about within the next decade. Also, if not given the Nobel for household electrical work, then what about being given some sort of prize for servicing household appliances? We know that guys here in Thailand will receive the call from the Nobel Committee, sometime, in the dead of night. The only question is when. When do you think this might happen? Regards, Gamma Note: If only the delivery persons, the couriers, might be able to deliver a package without asking 20 questions, then I would give them the Nobel for knowing where they are, and where they need to go.
  5. Egypt has invited billionaire Elon Musk to visit the country and see for himself that its famous pyramids were not built by aliens. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-53627888 How could he Egyptians build these structures without the help of Aliens, one might ask. Therefore, is this not evidence that aliens helped to build these things? Musk, my fellow alumnus, must know what he is talking about. If Musk stated that it was aliens who built the pyramids, then this must be true. Correct? ==== Some might wonder where Musk first came of age, and where he lost his virginity. I know where.... It was here. He began by just holding hands. And then, he progressed to kissing. Then fondling.... It all happened here: But, is that REALLY Elon? Probably, not. No doubt, these days, he wishes he were back in the Quadrangle. Life passes too, too quickly. Regards, Gamma
  6. There is always Ireland. But, only if you can afford living there, these days.
  7. In my view: It's rather miraculous that.... Almost anyone, today, can hold the equivalent of an Egyptian Pyramid in one's hand.... For about USD300.00. Nuff Said....
  8. Not only two possibilities. And, was being born inevitable? Was there no other option? Were we.... FATED to be born, no matter what we might have wished?.... The Who?
  9. Yes. Culture continues to progress. Pyramids were very high-tech, back in the day.... But, now, we must all worry that technological progress might eventually destroy us. The Drake Equation, and all that... (Why are there no aliens, for example? Have they destroyed themselves due to technological advancement?)
  10. As we now know, the pyramids were built on ancient Egyptian beer. But, these days, nobody drinking beer would be allowed to work in modern-day FABS..... Times have changed.
  11. Dear Modern-day Technophiles and Humanists: Every time I hold a modern-day CPU in my hand, it's like holding the entire weight of Cheops. If you do not understand this, then I feel sorry for you, because, perhaps, you do not comprehend the true MAJESTY of the modern-day CPU. I am talking about MAN-HOURS. Some say that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built by aliens. And some say that the modern-day CPU was built by the same people from Outer Space. Every time I hold a CPU in my hands, I feel just so helpless, not knowing.....what...is.... INSIDE this tiny thing. Also, I feel helpless, not knowing what is inside my own brain. I guess I will never know, unfortunately, as long as I live. Still, we can all marvel. Best regards, Gamma Note: Are you not just so happy to be ALIVE, these days, to witness what we are witnessing? Note2: My question is now..... How many tens of thousands of years would it require for an Egyptian to create just one CPU, as pictured above? Note3: Therefore, I say unto you, the Cheops Pyramid was never such a miracle as the modern-day Intel CPU.....
  12. What is worse than having a cancer patient taken advantage of by some charlatan doctor? Has this ever happened to your loved one? If so, then what might be the proper punishment for one so evil? Obviously, there is only ONE PUNISHMENT which might fit this crime of scamming the weak and sick! The only punishment suitable for this crime is.... DRAWING & QUARTERING. What is this punishment...anyway? There should be a special place in HELL for those who prey upon those suffering from Cancer. Almost worse than pedophiles, in fact. Terrible. Terrible. Preying upon those so vulnerable is a crime beyond most crimes. Dostoevsky never even wrote about this crime, in fact, so terrible was it to contemplate. What say you? Regards, Gamma Note: Psychopath Doctors are Despicable..
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_humor Irony Satire Who could ask for more? (And, that guy, Mr. TNT, Timmy, thinks he knows what IRONY might be? And, he thinks that Americans might not know? This guy deserves a lesson in attitude! He has not a clue about irony, obviously.) Such a wingnut.
  14. BALER.... On the Mainland! You either surf or fight.....
  15. Let me get back to you on this, .... Shortly. Mel Brooks is not what I had had in mind, originally. Not even Zero Mostel, in fact.
  16. All (most) humor is culturally based. Much of Jewish Humor (NOT Jewish jokes) is not so easy to understand if one is not part of the culture. This has NOTHING to do with any form of arrogance, as I am sure you realize. I did not post some of the better examples of Jewish Humor, although I might....
  17. How do you chill water in 40-degree heat? The tap water comes out hot? Oh.... I know.... Buy an industrial ice machine to cool the water to cool the air cooler to cool the air....to cool you. BUT, this does NOT work well due to DEW POINT and evaporation of sweat on the skin. Unless you get the humidity down, using an AC, then.... You will feel cool and clammy. I eat clams, or used to. But, I would rather eat a clam than be one.
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