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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. OK. I agree with you. You are correct. One holocaust is the same as any other holocaust, I guess. Nobody likes them... BUT, apparently, they are necessary?
  2. If ONLY I were a SHEEPLE.....then....getting rid of parasites would be.... Just so EASY.... See this video to find out how it is done for the lucky ones.... And... This could all be done for me without...any.... Loss of Life!
  3. Does CARGOLUX fly there? I once often enjoyed flying on CARGOLUX. You mentioned CARGO. So, then, I immediately thought of my fond memories of CARGOLUX.... I used to fly CARGOLUX from Taipei to Luxembourg, and then on to ICELAND. But, maybe Cargolux flies to Australia from Singapore. IDK... However, it's worth checking out. Best of luck to you. IF you want a touch of class, as you say....
  4. I am thinking about leaving my house for about SEVEN DAYS. Anyone here in Chiang Mai who might wish to invite me to your house..... While I wait for the scabies in MY house to die...... Just please PM me....IMMEDIATELY! I will call a GRAB Taxi and be at YOUR house...in a flash. I really need to get out of my house, and go to your house....if possible. Or, if not YOUR house, then, maybe ... Daryl's house....
  5. Thank you for your good suggestion. However, I prefer, as I say, to take the scorched-earth approach. a. I will get rid (burn) most of my stuff. b. After this, and on the same day....I will go to Ram Hospital, to consult with the dermatologist there. c. I love Ram Hospital. I really like Ram, although I very infrequently visit Ram. d. In the future, I will try to discard any extraneous FOMITES around here, or Potential Fomites. e. No worries, Folks! I will, eventually, ..... BEAT these mites, even if I must use napalm to do so. f. One more thing: If you had asked me, 6 decades ago...IF....I might ever be infested with parasites during my lifetime...then...I would never have even imagined it. g. Still, being infested with Thailand scabies just might become my ONLY claim to fame on this forum. And so, I would say..... This is a very small price to pay for my Stardom on AseanNow Forum.... And, I would do it ALL OVER AGAIN...if given the choice, a few months ago.
  6. I agree.... 100 percent. I have decided to burn everything. The SCORTCHED EARTH approach leaves nothing to chance!
  7. IF I need any form of pain medication, other than, occasionally, ibuprofen, then.... I go to the hospital. This is why they have hospitals in Thailand. Hospitals in Thailand are super low cost. The physicians in Thailand are very understanding and helpful. Therefore, there is NO REASON not to go to a hospital, if one is experiencing pain.
  8. I eat Thai food, exclusively, when in Thailand. I eat Chinese food, exclusively, when in China. This is the only way to go....!
  9. I knew what you were staying...but.... I just took your thought a step further. Anyway..... I never take praise or castigation, on this forum, to heart. It's all good, Sir! This IS the Farang Pub, after all.... One must take all.... In stride.
  10. Re: Scabies If you REALLY want to rid yourself of Scabies...then.... Just imagine some phantom Phantom F4 wiping them out doing a napalm strike on every inch of your body. The F4 is the most beautiful machine ever created by Man. Scabies cannot survive napalm.... Those were the GOOD days.....! I recall, very well, the F4 Phantom! FANTASTIC!!!!!!
  11. From my rubber room.... Please enjoy!... TOKYO, Baby! So solly that you were never there with me, Sir!
  12. You know....sometimes I wonder..... Just how many Thailand mites can one good man from America....support? I have done my best.... But, these Thailand mites are beginning to overwhelm me.... Enough is enough! There comes a time when..... Enough is ENOUGH! This evening, I said to myself...... I MUST shed these Thailand mites. (once and for all)
  13. By the way, Folks.... During the past seven decades, I have never become ill with any sort of parasite. IF only my mother could see me NOW!, Folks... What would SHE say to me? I have always done my best to remain CLEAN, clean of almost everything, both morally speaking, and also physically.... And so, this is why this scabies infestation has hit me so BAD! It's not ME, folks. No, no, no, it's not ME, folks! It's somebody else that infested me... And, these scabies don't really want me, I think.... Anyway, after living most of my life, parasite free....in some of the richest places in the USA, including Greenwich and the wealthier small villages around New London, ... Now, having been completely infested with the scabies in SE Asia..... I remain, at the moment.... DAZED AND CONFUSED, to say the least. Note: As Led said.... These mites, both dust mites and scabies...are..... EVERYWHERE EVERYWHERE EVERYWHERE!
  14. I am a contributor, and NOT a parasite, in MY opinion. Can we agree about THIS, at the very least?
  15. Hope you are feeling BETTER! And, I hope you are feeling GOOOOD!!!!!!!!
  16. Hey, Man! Thank you for sharing your experience! I am doing what you did. No other way, IMHO. I am getting rid of every single piece of bedding in my home. I must buy ALL NEW stuff....BUT.... Here in Thailand, it's not so easy to get quality bedding at a reasonable cost....and.... Even if you overpay, STILL, the bedding here is substandard.....I have found.
  17. Chomsky loves him, as I recall. Also, there was the economist, Sam Peckinpah: Sam is the economist I love most!
  18. Nothing new here...move on! Some of us have been watching the Keeling Curve inch up for DECADES....!
  19. Are you saying that our Fellow TV Members are doormats, or dormice? I can not abide such talk!
  20. Your GF suggestion is a very good one. However, your thinking that vinegar might kill scabies needs review, by you. This is simply not the case, in most cases, unless, I guess, one uses acetic acid in very high concentration. There is not much to complain about concerning my personal hygiene. It is only the health practices of others that I worry about. Scabies is an infestation that needs to be eradicated through an effective vaccine. Unfortunately, here in SE Asia, scabies is just too prevalent for our own good. I will keep you posted concerning my campaign to rid myself, and my house, of both scabies and the dust mite. When I am successful, as I know that I will be, I will notify you, first, of course. But, please do not hold your breath, because, this might take some time..... Concerning crabs, I have never had a case. The only crabs I know of, in my case, are the ones that I once caught while in Massachusetts and Connecticut, while living among the HoSo society there. While we were out yachting on the bay, our conversations never turned to the discussion of lice, scabies, or other such parasites. I wonder why...though....
  21. I think you meant something like "interfering with our lives". To intercede has a totally different meaning. Anyone from Scotland would probably understand this. Where are you from, Sir? Note: Why do I mention this? Because, IMHO, guys from places like Ireland and Scotland have just about the BEST command of the English language of anyone on Planet Earth. And, I say this.... Informedly...because.... I have read a LOT of books written by great authors from places like Ireland, Scotland, and England. These are my favorite books...other than.... Of Time and the River, and others from the deep south of America.
  22. Your comment of yore, in my opinion, was just good fun. Therefore, just take all comments, good or bad, in stride. And.... Carry on! It never pays to be overly-sensitive when posting on the Farang Pub. (counterproductive, in fact)
  23. I second your sentiment, wholeheartedly. I am willing to endure, almost anything, in order to provide fodder for the grist to this Forum Mill.
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