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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. The machine was invented to protect us from the Chi-Com Bandits. Just ask anyone in Taiwan or Hong Kong, or....wherever. Sure. Vietnam was a slight error. But, sometimes politicians make mistakes. However, you can't just throw out the baby with the bathwater.... Can you?
  2. Incorrect. I had a ThinkPad in 1990. I recall the date clearly. The screen was monochrome. Clinton was elected at that time. So solly....
  3. I was sitting in Philly, almost front row, in 1970, when he was there singing it. You are correct.
  4. Cheap shot, Baby! I am talking about the machine. You are talking about something entirely different.
  5. This is a known known. And, as far as I know.... Rummy suffered from scabies, crabs, and lice, as well. That was a known unknown.
  6. Or... You can call me... Mark Twain. As you will recall, Twain had the greatest respect for rivermen on the great Mississippi, the same ones who told tall tales. In my case, though, I always tell the truth.
  7. No worries. I am trying to raise awareness of the importance of protecting against transmission of scabies. If I should die, during my crusade, then, at least, I will be remembered for this attempt. Thank you.
  8. I will not fly in the friendly skies, anymore... PERIOD.
  9. Yes. I do have nightmares.... The nightmares I have are about.... The Storms of My Grandchildren, and yours.... Read it and weep, my friend.....
  10. WAIT! Wait! NO! I am NOT making this up. I would NOT write about it if I were making this up. I write about this because it agonizes me to see. This is NOT fiction, Baby!
  11. Two years ago, a young friend of mine married an Israeli Arab she met on Tinder, about four years ago. She is Thai. He is an Arab born in Israel. So, I am just wondering. What, might we imagine, from a cultural perspective, might be their chances for future happiness in this divisive world of ours? All men are equal. However, this is not the point. There is such a thing as.... TRADITION And, I sometimes wonder.... What this Thai uni student has to look forward to. Will everything be coming up ROSES? Speaking of The War of the Roses? Tradition is more important than most young people realize, until they realize that TRADITION is more important than they had originally imagined. I mean.... Even Mostel knew this. So why don't young people listen to Zero, anyway? Will these two Tinder lovebirds beat all odds, and be happy, in the Middle East? You think so? A hard row to hoe, maybe.... TRADITION! TRADITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Traditionally, yours..... Gamma
  12. Well, if you are unable to,....then..... I am willing to forgive you.... This once.
  13. What? Are you NUTS? I did not "doctor" ANYTHING!!!!! Get a grip, Sir!!!!! BUT, just to pander to your insanity....HERE is how you can find this definition:
  14. I purchased my first ThinkPad in 1990, in Florida. Monochrome screen. I loved that little red pointer button, which, when playing around with it, sort of felt like a clitoris. Just saying..... I have always loved the ThinkPad, originally from IBM.
  15. Why not go with the THINKPAD from China? You can get it cheaper by getting it direct from China. Also, install Linux, is my advice. The ThinkPad is a very nice machine. I would buy one....IF.....I were not already buying a new desktop.
  16. You want me to send you the OED? Also: Your utterances seem a bit grammatically contorted to me....but..... You be the judge, Sir!
  17. Nobody will willingly stop reading my content. My purpose, now, in my waning years, is to contribute to both society and, also, in my spare time, to TV. Otherwise, then why would I contribute so much? There must be a reason, as in Heaven.
  18. As I already stated, I am most reluctant to engage in debating NITWITS... However, I will leave you with this: a. I am against discrimination or persecution of anyone or any group. b. I do not favor one group over another, for bombing purposes. c. As to antisemitism, I am completely foreign to this concept. And, I do not entertain it, myself, in any way. d. As to those who bomb innocents, I find their choice to be despicable...AND....UNFORGIVABLE.... e. There is NO excuse for the bombing of innocents. NO EXCUSE. What more would you have me say? I am apolitical. I am a pacifist. I, also, am a genius, as I know you know.
  19. Your illiterate sentence, uttered here, speaks WORLDS about you...Sir!
  20. Sorry... I am WAY ahead of you....Baby.... Anyway..... I do not debate with NITWITS.....so there! I really do not know how old you are....but.... I am old enough to have been thinking about relevant issues for over 65 years.... Can you say the same? I do not feel any inclination to debate anything with you.... So solly.... NOTE: See you in Cambridge....next time...I am invited to speak there. You will be most welcome to express your opinions there among a much more erudite forum than this one. I will be waiting there for you, Baby!
  21. A rose by any other name... I know porn when I see it. And, I know a holocaust when I see them. Please.... Do not belittle my opinion, just because it might differ from yours. Thank you.
  22. Perhaps, however.... My grandmother always told me.... What's good for the goose....is also good for.... The gander. I am a serous person. So was she, by the way. So, please do not dismiss our opinions, so very dismissively. Thank you!
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