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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes, but only if you are as smart as the Romans. Here, in Thailand, most Farang are just to ignorant to do as the Romans do. Too many misconceptions and invalid preconceptions. Talk about STUPID! Farang do not MEAN to be stupid, in most cases. Therefore, Farang should be forgiven.
  2. Yes. Agree. It's the newcomers who know nothing that cause problems, as usual.
  3. Actually, one does not understand this Topic until one has been here a very long time. Or, maybe you do not understand the Topic?
  4. I know almost all the levels of the wai. I just do not know the SUPREME, almost invisible, wai, which is so supreme that only the gods can recognize it.
  5. Sorry. This was supposed to be a double negative statement....but.... I left out a "not"....and so....the double negative statement makes no sense. So solly. The utterance should have been: "But this does not mean that it does not take a while to fully acclimate oneself to this superior custom." ============ Still, your practice of taking snips out of various comments, and then putting them in one single stew of leftovers, is very confusing. Also, I bet you are one that thinks he/she can multitask, too. Valid research has proved this wrong. I will not reply to your comments if you insist upon putting so much garbage from various unrelated comments into one of your garbage comments. Never again, Sir! Just keep it simple. Keep it simple. Simple. Here we are trying to simplify our understanding of the Universe. And there you are trying to gum up the works by replying to various comments from others, all in one of your leftover stews. Enjoy your multitasking, if you will. Freedom! As said Havens.
  6. I stopped shaking hands, many years ago. Not my style. Also, I don't shake it much, either, when visiting the head. As you say.... The wai is best. But this does not mean that it takes a while to fully acclimate oneself to this superior custom.
  7. You seem utterly intent upon.....SOMETHING..... Sorry, though, that I might not stay around long enough to see what your intent might be.
  8. I think you might be talking about RAM and not bandwidth. Bandwidth is useless without STORAGE and processing power. Or, in your case, maybe we should consider the mental power of the "kuai"....
  9. As a Farang in a foreign land, the act of the "wai" is foreign to me. During my initial long-term stay in Thailand, I was reluctant to wai. However, after becoming quite settled in Thailand, I now feel comfortable in returning a wai. Why is this? Maybe it is because the act of the wai was so foreign to me during my first many years in Thailand. And now, maybe, I have gotten to the point where I have...already... GONE NATIVE.... Do you enjoy the return of the wai when someone offers this gesture to you? Why? Or, do you feel a bit out of place using the wai? Why? Why? Please do not ask me, Gamma
  10. You seem to be misunderstanding the purpose of this entire exercise! a. It's not about wasting "bandwidth", as you call it. "Bandwidth" is almost zero cost. b. Instead, it's all about clicks. c. How many clicks can a comment generate....is the key to success. d. I have no idea how many clicks my comments or Topics generate. Not that many, comparatively. e. Thank you for your clicks on my comments, however. f. The more times you click on my comments and Topics, the better "others" like it. g. So, then, just keep clicking away on what I write. And then, all will be fine. h. Have a good one!!!!
  11. My understanding is that the people who post are NOT those who use much bandwidth. How much "bandwidth" might you imagine is required to upload one of my glorious comments? Do you have any clue?
  12. Sorry. I do not understand.... Too dazed and confused by your comment, maybe....
  13. No. It has taken me over 70 years.... ALSO.... Have not heard from you in a while.... You have been on vacation? Stay well.
  14. Why did the US Government allow Buffalo Springfield to sing this Song on the Government-controlled airwaves? With the lyrics.... "What a field day for the heat!".....? 1967 So much disruption. Yet. The world survived. What a field day for the heat..... I hate the cops.... BIG TIME..... They are just too uneducated. They are the dregs of society, .... As everyone knows. Most are almost completely uneducated.... About, just so much... This is why .... It's almost impossible to talk your way out of a speeding ticket....unless.... You got REALLY big boobs....or....if you do not have....then...you got to be willing to.... Go Down!
  15. Would it even be possible to.... Drive from Stockholm to.. UPPSULA in less than.... 15 minutes? (distance = 68 kilometers) Yes. But, just barely. Such a careful driver, too!
  16. Strangely enough, no matter what I publish on the Farang Pub, just like Rodney, I get no respect. For example, even if I spent two months composing a comment for posting on the Farang Pub, and even if my comment were of high-enough quality to be accepted by The New Yorker, still there are those, probably many here, who would spit on me. This is why, these days, I do not spend more than a week writing a single comment for addition to this blessed forum. IF I believed that anyone here might actually READ what I write, then I would be even more careful than I already am, in my grammar. From my experience, nobody here understands me. Nobody gives me any respect.....and.... Everyone here knows this to be true. What am I to do?
  17. How to condense everything into a nutshell. That's the question... That is, actually, the Big Question occupying the brightest physicists, these days.
  18. Hi Folks, There is sick humour. There is sik (sic) humour. And, there is gallows humour. Would it be possible to endure life without humor? During the Blitz, most could not have endured without humour. The world is spiraling down. How does humor help you to cope, to remain cancer-free, and to deal with your shrew, if you have one? There is just so much to cope with in this life, stuff we never bargained for, before we were born. Sometimes, I wonder if it's worth it, just to propagate and help our species to survive. It might not be worth it to us. But, in the grand scheme of the human race to the finish line, some in the future might be thankful that we persevered, and propagated. Most people, these days, continue to contemplate lying flat. But, is this the right course of action, the correct thinking? The people such as these, the ones who lie flat, just don't seem to have a sense of humor about the human race. What about you? Is this comedy of ours a comedy of errors, or a conglomeration of mistakes? Humour is your best friend. What, these days, do you find funny? Is ANYTHING funny, these days? There was a white horse; it fell in the mud. Now...THAT....is..... FUNNY. Just depends upon your point of view. Some, don't even HAVE a point of view....and...know not.... Where they're going to. There will come a time, when you succumb to dementia, a time when....you will really find humor.... Beyond your ken. In my view, some guys here are .... ALREADY THERE..... They are nowhere men, I guess. Think about it, because.... The day after tomorrow will be a Sunday..... A time for reflection and introspection. Best to you, Gamma
  19. Something is wrong, there, and perhaps nothing can cure it, other than bankruptcy, maybe.....
  20. The CocaCola company syphons off water from communities around the world, as you may know, leaving some communities without sufficient water. I once thought of doing a PhD on this types of local water source depletion caused by corporations. However, I decided against writing this thesis, simply because, personally, I have enough water for my own needs. As to the guy who needed a drink of water......? It's a sorry commentary on our world when a man cannot get a drink when needed. (You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. And, where there is water, a parched man will do almost anything to quench his thirst.) Who ever heard of denying a person, a human being, a drink of water? Such a very terrible world ours has obviously become. Glad I will be departing, just as soon as I have made preparations to rise up to be with Kurt Vonnegut, in due course, when the time is appropriate. Shame on anyone who would deny a hardworking motorbike delivery person either a drink of water, or a toilet, afterwards, when needed!
  21. Rhinoceros Is... I remember this play, well, from my high school years. Re: Mob Mentality..... We have seen it here, on this forum, if you recall.
  22. Just another UPDATE to this Topic.... The Deck Coating sold under the Brand PROTEGO turned out very well for me. (PLEASE, though, wear gloves and EYE PROTECTION .....from the moment you open the can, to the time you complete the work! I would hate to get ANY of that Protego in my eyes, or on my skin. For sure.) Water spilled on the coated wood beads up nicely, and even oils seem to wipe off clean and easily. Not bad Glop, IMHO.....
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