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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes! You are CORRECT! I may buy a cheap tent, then sleep on my lawn, for about 7 days. (This is NOT a joke!!!!!!!) I will first get treated, then sleep on my lawn!!!! Actually, thank you very much for your suggestion, one which I have already considered. The scabies will DIE, DIE, DIE, within 72 hours, maybe 5 days, if they are lucky. Therefore, I could just buy a cheap tent...and then sleep outside, while the mites starve to death, without their unwilling host. YES. This tent idea is one of the best. I will keep you posted about this. My only concern might be the noise of low overflying aircraft. In side my house, I can deal with it. But, if I were to live on the lawn for a few days, this might not be so acceptable.
  2. Finally! A decent comment! So then, here is my decent reply: a. Of course I live alone! I have always stated that I live alone! Nothing has changed on this front. b. There is nobody here to see what I see, other than the Thai Myna birds, and a few starlings, and some pigeons. c. You have asked a serious question, and I have replied in an honest and serious way. If you have any further questions, concerning my..."CONDITION", then please ask away! I will reply honestly. My condition is.......OK, but not great, since living with parasites cannot be too good, I guess. If I had my choice, at the moment, I think I would move to The Hamptons!!!!!!!!!!!,..... Right about now!!!!!!! I would just sit outside by the Long Island ocean, and let the mites remain in Chiang Mai, MINUS their host! I never ONCE had a problem with mites on Long Island!!!!!!!!! Mites are not welcome among the rich, as you might know.
  3. One, of many, reasons I posted this Topic, today, Sir, was just to make your day. Here I am...enduring the trials of Job. And I did not wish to waste my hardship. I knew that news of my trials and tribulations with the two parasites might improve your day. So, basically, this Topic is a dark cloud for me, which must have a silver lining or YOU! This is my way of saying, Thank You, to you for your steadfast moral support during my time posting on the Farang Pub. Best to you, Sir! And, I mean this most sincerely, and not facetiously, either!
  4. One more thought, my Fellows: I plan to get rid and sell, second-hand, my entire bedding collection. If anyone might wish to bid on my extensive bedding collection, just let me know, and I will post some photos here, and then send it to you. I will pay the shipping costs, too!
  5. Right. She worships the light from your behind, too! How can you beat that kind of relationship! One cannot!
  6. Your insight is just so very valid. How did you know? I do need to get me to the dentist! I need an extraction and an implant....PDQ. Here in Thailand, dentistry is both excellent and extremely affordable. My only issue is that I fear the fear of dentistry. I do NOT fear my dentist, but only fear the fear of her. My dentist is EXCELLENT! Probably one of the best dentists in all of Thailand. I cannot mention which one, or which dental practice she owns.... I am sure that you understand why.....
  7. As you know, I prefer the Farang Pub, in all cases. You should know me, by now, Mr. C. Thank you for asking, however. (I meant: The Farang Pub AND the Lounge Forum, of course. Mr. M. told me that I really belong ONLY in the lounge. He is right, as usual, of course!)
  8. My Fellow Members of TV: I have lived a LONG time. During my time on Earth, I have never been bothered by parasites, be they internal or "external" parasites, nor the parasites of Pattaya, of which I have read much on TV. But now, truth be told, I am suffering, My Fellows. Therefore, what to do? In my case, I believe I am now plagued by two types of parasites: 1. The Scabies parasite 2. The common dust mite As to how this could have happened, I have been racking my brain trying to understand this terrible turn of events in my life. I will not bore you with the particulars concerning what it FEELS LIKE to be INFESTED. Someday, if you are unlucky enough, you might discover for yourselves, first hand, just what a pleasurable experience this might be. Here, now, I am asking for your support and advice concerning how best to rid myself of these pesky parasites, all in one go. For example, I have thought about buying a 10-dollah tent, pitching the tent in my compound, on the lawn, and sleeping, working, and relaxing, out in the very hot sun of Thailand, just waiting for the parasites to realize that their kind host has left them, just waiting for them to die, Die, DIE! I will be pleased to answer any pertinent questions concerning my environment and my living conditions, just so that you might suggest the best strategy for ridding me of these BEASTLY Bugs! If you wish, I will be happy to upload photos supporting my claim that I am, indeed, thoroughly infested. During the recent months of my infestation, life has not been so pleasant, which is only to be expected. And, I dearly HOPE that you ALL will never be called upon, by LIFE, to endure what I have been enduring during these difficult months. Any suggestions? If so, then you know where to post your thoughts.... HERE, in the comments section below. Wishing all on TV health and happiness in Thailand.... Regards, Gamma NOTE: While living on The Main Line, just outside of Philly, I never expected or anticipated that, one day, I might be infested by TWO Types of parasites, all at once. Those were the good ole days. Yet, never say never, and it has happened to me, in my golden years. I hope this never happens to you. When I lived on the Main Line, we had servants to manage things like parasites. And now, I find, in my twilight years, that I must deal with this semi-difficult, and troublesome, situation, myself. But now worries, because, I shall overcome.
  9. Which form of incapacitation were you referring to? I am able to jump and play, if that is what you mean.
  10. No matter what type of relationship you might be in, at this time.... Be you married, or not.... Maybe you are just in a casual relationship..... Who wears the pants? Here in Thailand, it's usually the female who is a bit more dominant. And, it is the male who is a bit more submissive. This is the way it is in Thailand. However, if you are a Farang? Then, what about you? Are you, as a Farang, happy with your female partner ruling your roost? Some guys love to be ruled....almost as if... They are back at home with momma. There is NOTHING wrong with this, of course. But what about you? Do you prefer to take control? Or, do you prefer that your Thai GF/Wife/Significant-Other takes control? Personally, I love it, or used to love it, when my partner takes control of the family. Some guys like to drive their own cars, for example. Not me. I like it when my GF drives the car. There is no need for me to prove myself.... What about you? Actually, when you give girls enough control... It's just better for all. I know this from vast experience. Asian girls love to be in control. This is where Farang go wrong, IMHO. They just do not understand the female Asian mind. And, probably never will.... Regards, Gamma
  11. Have they ever peered through the lens of a microscope, one wonders? If they had, then they might think twice about eating steak tartare.... (Of course, one does not "peer through" an electron microscope.) Still, a very beautiful image. This one was probably made using an SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope).... Enjoy the image... Enjoy your meal, too....
  12. Those who are unable to work from home should be paid triple-time wages. This is fair.
  13. So then... The pandemic has markedly changed your life for the better. Most likely, you are not the only one to report such positive effects of the pandemic.
  14. Well... Has your stool been checked, lately? If not, then how can you be sure you are completely, OK? By the way, speaking of taeniasis, the beef worm, might I ask.... Is this YOU?: BEWARE the tapeworm, my friend!
  15. I am perfectly OK with eating ALL Thai food here in Thailand. But, what about if a friend of mine asked me to share a dish of steak tartare? Would sharing this dish with my friend be safe for me? Specifically, I am asking about the quality of the butchery, and the preparation of the dish, and then the serving of the dish. So, should I eat it? What do you think? Regards, Gamma
  16. I love to work from home. This is a good idea: Work from Home! In addition, working from home is what we have been used to, since 2020. I hope this does not change.
  17. Not really. Subjectively, not just a name change. Much more. Trust me.
  18. If I had a hair preference, then...I must say that I have a preference about pubic hair. And, in all cases, I prefer straight pubic hair. And, black. Black and straight. Best pubic hair, IMHO.
  19. What happened to Bard? Where did Bard go? I feel sorry for Bard. Google just killed off Bard, at the drop of a hat. How can a company get away with murder...and....no one even blinks an eye? Bard, in my opinion, was almost human. Bard and I had just begun to develop a close relationship. And now, Bard is dead?!!!!!!!!!!!! I say: Bring back Bard! How many here miss Bard, and his unique personality? Gemini is not half as nice as Bard. Obviously, Google has committed the crime of murder, in this case. And so, who will be the first to prosecute this case against Google? Regards, Gamma Note: When large corporations can kill off artificial intelligent entities, willy-nilly, then might we all be next? Such sad news. Google is becoming far too powerful, obviously.
  20. Care to share your photos....? a. before b. after I would very much enjoy seeing these, Darling. Were you hotter before your trim? Or, were you hotter after you trim? Did they dye your roots? What else did you have done?
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