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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Anyway, sorry folks... I am in such extreme dental pain that I cannot even write straight, must less think straight, as usual..... F It hurts! I put myself on Amoxycillin, this morning, but I still need to wait for the pain to subside. Meanwhile, I have no Bushmills at hand, so sorry to report. F It. I will endure. But, it's not a pleasant experience, for sure....
  2. F Tramadol, Man! But, Irish whisky is OK for toothache... And, I have a DOOZY, right now!
  3. Hi Folks, Here's a question that often comes to mind, anytime I have a toothache. Is Scotch better? Or, is Irish better? Do people from Scotland have less toothaches, due to their Scotch Whisky? Or, are Irish people less plagued by dental pain? In my opinion, Glenfiddich is the all-time cure for quick dental-pain alleviation. Drink a liter of Glenfiddich, and even dental pain soon subsides. As for a good time, however, then a good Cognac is my choice. What's your opinions? Regards, Gamma https://drinksgeek.com/best-glenfiddich-whisky/ Sometimes I get things mixed up, when I am drinking. BUSHMILLS is the drink for me, when I have a serious toothache.... What about you? Regards,
  4. Have you ever visited the nuthouse in Chiang Mai on the Thanoon Yai? Near the uni hospital. I have never been, but I would sign up for a tour if offered. Maybe celebrate there?
  5. She is a 35 yo woman. Obvious to me. But her hair color is not real. And, she is not a natural blonde, either.
  6. I once had a wife who walked the streets. She had no sense of direction.
  7. Maybe that's because you never saw this photo...
  8. At the very mention of thrift and the Mercedes Benz, one is immediately reminded of the girl from Texas. She was thrifty enough, but did not drink Scotch. She sang about the Mercedes Benz, but was too cheap to buy one, though she probably could have afforded one. She killed her talent with Southern Comfort... Such a Bonnie Lass... Unfortunately, she did not know....
  9. This might just be a stereotype. But, these days, frugality is no longer in fashion in Scotland. Most people in Scotland spend a lot of money. Many drive around in a Mercedes Benz.
  10. What you say is true. However, it is only the men from Scotland who leave their bonnie wee lassies....
  11. Surely, the women in Scotland are better. Therefore, why do some men come all the way to Thailand just to find love? There must be a logical reason. Or, are their reasons illogical? And, does their impetuous impulsiveness lead to a downfall that could have been easily avoided if they had only listened to reason? Hindsight is never very helpful in most cases. One wonders what leads these men from Scotland to their far-flung Thai girls? Like lemmings to the sea...so to speak... Do they even care? Regards, Gamma
  12. Now.... Completely... Out of Touch with Reality. Obviously.
  13. You know.... When I was young and in Form Four through Form Six... Many of my friends had English Butlers to serve them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on silver trays. Soon after, I left for Vietnam, but only as a tourist in places like Da Nang and Cam Ranh Bay. There, in Da Nang, one could buy the best French bread. Much better than White bread, by far. I enjoyed MANY slices of the locally available French bread. That was in 1971, when the F4 Phantom was king of the skies. What a magnificent aircraft. Such a tragedy when it was finally retired. FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Man! I really DIG those short skirts of the Shipley School girls, as they were many years ago. And, those Bryn Mawr girls with their hairy legs, still turn me on. You guys have not lived, just simply because you never grew up on the Main Line. So cool to grow up among the hoi polloi, but you will never know....most of you. I feel so sorry for you....REALLY! If you have never had a Bryn Mawr Girl..... Forget about it..... They taste like cheese steaks, between their legs..... I DO know.... After all.
  15. Wow... That Aerosmith song reminds me so much of past days at boarding school. And.... I have NOTHING to complain about....about that!
  16. Just this moment, I had an epiphany: I just realized that Mick Jagger has been with me for most of my life, from when I was 11 to 71. Not too bad, really. But, I still think his lips are too big. \ \ No need to complain about Jagger's lips, again, after all these years, I guess. \ \
  17. After only one week... I cannot say for sure. (Their loss, of course, since...Now that TV is back....no need to post elsewhere. Right?)
  18. I can only tell you this: When TV went down for about a week... I tried my best to comment on another forum... But, I soon found that that forum was not for me. TV is still the best in Thailand. So...then...here I am now... Like it or Lump it.... You decide.
  19. This is one HECK of a beautiful young woman. I just wish I were young enough for her. Yet, I would not wish to be young again. Note: I really doubt her spatial reasoning score on the IQ test might be up to par, nor her Verbal, for that matter. Oh, well.....
  20. I have never had a REAL Japanese girlfriend. I have never had a REAL Thai girlfriend. So, now, maybe this is my chance? Personally speaking, Chinese girlfriends have always been my forte.... Up to now.
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