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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Speaking of the SADDEST event, concerning Japan... For me, it must be the death of Jeff Beck. I had always entertained a very fond love for Jeff. And now... He is no longer with us. Jeff played AMAZINGLY in Japan in 1999.... Those were the days before the Y2K, and so much more BS. I LOVE Jeff. Jeff is the ONLY one for me. Jeff is the ONLY one I will ever regret losing, including, even, Dolly Parton, with her giant boobs. So... What made Jeff so special? Just listen....unless you are asleep..... Never again will there ever be anyone as great as JEFF BECK. F Clapton! Even Hendrix must bow down to JEFF BECK.... There is NO doubt about it.... So solly. I am a ChinaMan.... And, and Old China Ham, as well.... And I know JEFF BECK is the best that there has ever been.... No debate is even warranted.... F if he is not!
  2. We are born alone. We will die alone. The saddest experience...we will ever know.
  3. Even in Japan.... ONE...IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER THAT YOU'LL EVER DO.... For sure... And, please believe me.... Japan is the LONELIEST Island that you'll every try.... DO NOT Try to live in Japan unless you are OK will loneliness... BELIEVE ME! Everybody gets lonely in Japan. Even the Japanese get lonely. Just check it out if you don't believe me....
  4. I agree. But, it might take them several years to do so. Whereas, a HK person could do this in a day. This is the importance of IQ, as I say. HK people have it. Thais do not, on average, as everybody knows. So sollly. But... True.
  5. Yes. But. You cannot say IGNORANCE! Can you? I mean, with an average IQ of 89. would it even be possible for Thai people to call any other people IGNORANT?
  6. You seem to be quite ill-informed about IQ. Congratulations. You fail this basic general-intelligence question on the IQ test. If you do not know anything about IQ, then just take the SAT test which was provided by Princeton People pre-1980.
  7. Such irony. And, that idiot Tim thought I could never appreciate irony, in the true Australian fashion.
  8. If I do not care... Then.... Who will????????????????????????????????????????? Obviously, almost NOBODY! There is definitely an underclass, and it serves well to those who are far more educated and smarter. Maybe the Chinese here, I would guess. That's right, folks. The Chinese here are super smart.
  9. IQ is IQ. There is NO Thai IQ. There is no American or British IQ. There is only IQ, by definition. Go to your local library, and read up on the meaning of IQ, and then you will know.
  10. Yes, I can see your point. Better to have human dummies, like robots, with lower IQ scores, working for peanuts. I can totally understand your point of view. Somewhere between the trained primates who climb up to collect coconuts and those in the malls trained to just keep on mindlessly walking, without providing customer service. No difference really. Someday, Thailand might work to increase the average IQ of its citizens.... Maybe....in 3023. There is a HUGE difference between HK and Thailand malls, and it can, fundamentally, be found in the IQ scores of the employees. Such a shame, really. 89 is NOT a happy number. ONE is a also not a happy number, some say... I am very lonely. I am a genius. And, as we all know.... Geniuses are the loneliest guys of all.... F IT... So be it! I must DEAL WITH IT!
  11. Having an average IQ score of 89 is like having a box of chocolates, and all of them taste the same. In order to discriminate fact from fiction in life, one must have...at least...an IQ of about 135, in this day and age. What a dummy!
  12. IQ is important. How can we increase the average IQ in Thailand, 89, up to 107, like HK? This is SUPER IMPROTANT. IQ of 89 is not suitable for most things in today's world, like office work, or being a manager of a store. This is why we have so much trouble shopping in Thailand...I guess. The sales clerks, and especially the managers of the shops at malls, just don't have the brain power to sell anything. What do you think? How do we improve the IQ in Thailand, the average or mean IQ, or the median IQ, I forget which....UP TO the level of HK? Or, should we just keep the average IQ in Thailand at 89? Which is better for you and me? Two questions in one... Obviously. Best, Gamma
  13. F Christmas I always hated Christmas. All that sad music. And then, there was the actress who drowned... She was one of the best to act in a Christmas film. What was her name? Natalie Wood. F Christmas It's not good for anything. Christmas music and Christmas songs give me the shivers. Shiver me timbers; F Christmas.
  14. NO! What's wrong with you? Twisting my words, are you? (You must be really TWISTED for doing so, in this case....)
  15. I LOVE Yukio Mishima.... Spring Snow.... Nat was great... But....NATTO...not so much...
  16. I LOVE the snow of Japan. The snow of Japan is DIFFERENT. I was at the Winter Olympics years ago in Japan. The snow was magnificent. I have NO negative things to say about Japan, maybe.... I might live out my final days in Japan, if not Thailand... It's still a toss up... TKS for posting that you are enjoying Japan's island paradise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I have the time to spend with Japanese women, for sure. I am in no hurry.
  18. Dateline KYOTO, Japan What do you imagine genius Japanese girls are really like? No doubt, most of you have many misconceptions on the subject. Many of you might think these girls wear glasses. Some of you might expect that these girls have different bra sizes, for example. So, what are your thoughts about what a genius Japanese girls is....actually? Why not try to guess what these girls might feel like to be with? Most of you are missing out. But, if you guess wrong, I will let you know in the comments section below. Japan has only gotten better since I was away. Japan is a true island paradise, for sure. Regards, Gamma
  19. This makes no sense. A dose of senility. A dose of sense. A dose of the clap? Well, you got two out of three, and two out of three ain't bad.
  20. If you REALLY want quality insults, then Don Rickles is your man. However, in my opinion, insult comedy is just NOT your genre....
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