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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Excuse me but... I know that you are not a hillbilly. So, you still can't find a soft bed in Thailand? And then, you make the ridiculous claim that Thai people are afraid of falling out of bed? Didn't any of your teachers ever teach you about the RISKS of making such blanket statements? Maybe this is why you have been, throughout your life, relegated to just benchwork, instead of more meaningful theoretical work. Or, was it the mathematics that kept you behind? The thing is, Sir, that Thailand is a very big country. And, if you are willing to pay, there are plenty of soft mattresses, and enough for you. You just gotta pay for what you want. In my opinion, this is sort of the problem with chemists like you who come to Asia later in life. You come here for a pedicure, but you are totally unable to assimilate in any meaningful way. You just want a young thing to worship the rays from your behind, unquestionably. And... You call your kind of objectification of women, not just Thai women,... LOVE. Go try your tricks in Taiwan, these days, Baby, now that the living standard is so high, and see just how far you get... Most young things in Taiwan, even 45-year-olds, would not give you, a guy 75, the time of day. They would snicker, and snicker, for sure. And, concerning a pedicure, it might cost you more than the price of your suoer-cheap holiday hotel, with your hard bed... I just hope that you don't fall out of bed, while tossing and turning reading this comment.... Maybe you should have practiced sleeping on benches, while doing your benchwork, before arriving here....
  2. This was your first and BIGGEST mistake, my friend. 4000 Baht should have been your minimum amount for a room for the night... Unless... You wanted a room in the manger, Biblically speaking. Personally, I have rarely stayed in a room that cheap. One time, many moons ago, I stayed in a room that cheap at the YMCA in Honolulu... It was as I had expected. My advice to you, Sir, is to stop paying money for your subscription to UTUBE, and then save these dimes so that you can, once per year, splurge on a quality holiday with decent accommodation. Personally, I prefer the Penninsula, either in HK, or elsewhere. Just, please, don't gripe about ANYTHING when you are not even paying the fair price for a flophouse in most countries. For some reason, you seem to expect premium service at flophouse prices. But then, as you have also told us, you expect to get your toenails cut for free, while the woman who loves you... worships the rays from your rear end... Yes. You DID actually say this. I think you used the word... WORSHIP. So, anyway, I think that if you want a first class holiday, then you should be willing to pay for it. Or, are you not only a benchworker, but a backpacker, too? I haven't heard so much complaining in my life, over nothing, since OddJob got cheated at golphing. Money talks. Nobody walks. What might happen to you if you ever needed to visit the BIG APPLE? Nobody, but, nobody, would entertain your complaints there... maybe. 5000 Baht for a cheap room. And no free pedicure, too!
  3. I don't spend much on omelets. If I were to feel the need to spend more, which I do not, then I really think I might move to Chappaquiddick. Nobody messes with you on Chappaquiddick, if you belong there. There is really nothing here that justifies spending much money on. Mostly, it's bananas and rice, as far as the eye can see. Once you've seen one banana, you've seen them all. The houses are mostly dilapidated and filled with geckos, chirping. What is it, REALLY, that you would wish to spend much money on? I don't know. Maybe I have become a bit jaded after over 45 years. But, there is really nothing here worth a dollah... Maybe, instead of coming here to Asia and the South Pacific, you should just stay at home, and read a few cautionary tales written by Michener. One thing is for GD sure.... Hell might freeze over before you ever become accepted, probably on account of your nose. In my opinion, there is really no place in Asia that the Farang will ever be accepted, completely. Therefore, spend as much as you can, in order to fit in,... for awhile. I just mean, WTF, you might probably expect that I have gleaned SOMETHING after over 45 years here. But, actually, more than 45 years. It seems that I have already lost count! No. I have been here 52 years, with 6 years off, for good behavior, at universities. And so, IMHO, there is nothing here worth spending much money on. But, really... IF I had the cash.. I would buy a Monet. Monet often painted dark and cloudy harbor scenes, which I love. I know that you know the ones I mean. So, if I had Bt.20,000, then I would buy a Monet. Otherwise, it's omellets for me.
  4. You are correct that there is no one around me. As we age, those we once knew and loved seem to keep departing, like the ten little Indians... And someday soon, there will be none. And so I say.... Thank God for Noam Chomsky!!! At 94, he remains STRONG. Noam still remains a beacon of logic in this world. Noam is my fellow-alumnus, you know. And, I would wash his feet, if asked.
  5. I did not say that my Topics are boring... Just that my Topics are long, in some cases.
  6. Surely, you cannot be serious. I have read at least one comment here more boring than mine.
  7. Read my Topics. You'll be asleep in no time.
  8. Here's a question for you... How many times do you think I rowed back and forth under the Strawberry Mansion Bridge? Powered mostly by Extra-virgin Olive oil, sucked from a jug we kept between the coxswain's knees... Try rowing in the dead of winter without it, while the ice from the Schuylkill builds on the oar locks, and flurries of snow is all to be seen, in the grey bleakness of a late afternoon.
  9. You know what? Nobody, but NOBODY, can comment like a SOMEBODY, from Philly.... And this is a fact. Have you ever run the steps? Cool Hand Luke....could not eat that many. But, Rocky Balboa could. Strawberry Mansions...Forever! Nothing is real. So true....
  10. Cancer is not a joking matter, actually. I just hope I do not get cervical cancer, though...
  11. When I first read this Topic, I thought the Topic was referring to the irony of the Hite Report, but misspelled. The Hite Report: A National Study of Female Sexuality: Such Irony!
  12. Never let your horizons become overly encumbered by toys, lest you lose sight of your dreams. The only necessity in life is to breathe, and keep on breathing. If you can just do that, then why complain?
  13. Maybe you should broaden your horizons? I recall that, about 1990, I managed to purchase a rather stunning copy of Hong Lou Meng. Glad I did.
  14. These two things are what dreams are made of. Have you been experienced? Have YOU EVER BEEN EXPERIENCED? Well.... I have.... What about you?
  15. Did you ever solve your problem with ANKI? As I recall, your problem with ANKI centered around a Thai vowel. Things of import, such as this, I find difficult to forget. Perhaps you should make one more donation to ANKI, for old times' sake...?
  16. Found, or not found.... I won't pay so much for meat, of any kind. Even the meat you might find in the Beef Market, as I mentioned above, which we used to enjoy in Formosa.... (I will just survive on chicken. Every chicken I eat, at least for me, means one less rooster in this world.)
  17. After I go on my Spanish (EXTRA-VIRGIN) OLIVE OIL Diet... I might just outlive you... Total Irony, if I do!!!!
  18. NEVER a truer word....! But, basically, it's mostly a matter of the aging process, I believe. As we age, we entertain different interests.... And, even though we might no longer be interested in fine and expensive dining in Tokyo...yet... We are very glad that we once had the experience.... Wait and see... You may, someday, feel the same. Old age comes to us all, if we only wait long enough,... And live long enough.
  19. Please let me know which posts of mine that you found both challenging and inspiring. If only you had told me before! I might have written more!!! Also, I just wrote a challenging topic concerning EPISTEMOLOGY.... Surely, this Topic is challenging enough! Don't you think? For example: HOW do we know that what we think we know might be true? Is this a challenging enough question for you??? Concerning Inspiration: Yes. If you want, I can talk again about Cognitive Complexity and Syntactic Complexity, if you find these topics inspirational. I would be HAPPY to do so, in fact!
  20. I once could afford the very good meal, in Tokyo, complete with the geisha servers...which cost A TON! Now, I am just satisfied to have the memories of those glorious days. (And, when I say geisha servers: I mean...STRICTLY serving food and wine.... These women were experts in providing amazing service at the table. NOTHING to do with sex or pillow talk! But, the dining experience in a private room cost a pretty penny, FOR SURE!) Those days are now gone, as I say. I am grateful that I lived in the 1980s, and 90s, in Asia, when people still cared about such things.... Truly...I am grateful for those experiences, now that I continue to age in this disgusting new age...(haha)!
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