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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Wait....! You simply CANNOT be a girl. But I have no doubt you are white. You are joking....Right? No Jokes!, Please....on this thread!!!!
  2. My Dear Friends, Among you, there might be just one non-robot who might wish to celebrate with me, my fifty-second year in Asia. Personally, I would like to celebrate this occasion with a girl. And, NOT a WHITE girl. But, a white girl might do, too. Hit me up via PM if you are a girl, of any color, willing to have a nice Thai dinner with me. This will be a ONE-TIME thing. And so, I hope you don't think I am seeking a GF, or nothing. You need not be a genius, but just a fun girl. We will have good food at a nice restaurant, and then leave in separate Grab vehicles. I am looking forward to it. This is NOT a joke. I do NOT care about your age. I only care that you will enjoy my company. My only requirement is that you are a REAL GIRL...and I might need to check you out before we sit down to dinner. Looking forward to many replies from the girls on this forum.... Best regards, And, January 21 will be a great evening, Gamma...
  3. I'm just sayin'..... REALLY, when you consider things fairly.... You really got nothing to complain about in Thailand. Sure.... The average IQ might be 89. BUT, there are plenty with an IQ of 145. I'm just sayin'..... Most people here do their VERY BEST to HELP..... Gamma Note: And, I know you are wearing NOTHING under that overcoat,......! Sometimes I go crazy when buying anything here... BUT, the FIX for that is just not to buy any more.... And then.... ALL WILL BE....HUNKY-DORY.... You had better believe .... Or, You had better LEAVE.... Best...to you.... The GLOB.... NOTE2: It is actually true that, in this world of ours today, one would be pretty hard-pressed to find a more helpful people than those in Thailand. NOTE3: Speaking of a HARD PRESSING, .... YES, I am still consuming my EXTRA-VIRGIN OLIVE OIL, and it tastes GREAT!
  4. If you think dog turds are so insignificant, then why step around them? Just step on them, is my advice. I'm sure you would hardly notice, anyway.
  5. I would not go if I had to have an inside cabin. I would prefer to go with Musk on his Three-Year Voyage to MARS...
  6. Japan, anyone? Seriously. Thailand is still OK, at the moment. But, what if Thailand were to continue to go the same way as the USA, and I am talking about the new youth culture in both countries. Japan is continuing to grey very fast. I prefer to live among old people who still remember what proper behavior was....many decades ago. That was a completely different time. People were civil, then. Road rage, by in large, did not exist then.
  7. The answer to this question should have been obvious, even to you. I am posting on TV.
  8. I did not travel 10,000 miles to live in a foreign land. I have been in Asia most of my life. How far from here to HK? Or, to Japan? Or, to China? Or, to Taiwan? I never had any trouble shopping in HK or Japan.
  9. Your statement makes no sense. You always seem to look at all questions just from your personal perspective, in other words, what is best for yourself, and not what might be best for others.
  10. IQ can be enhanced over generations of good nutrition, disease control, a rich environment for intellectual stimulation, and plenty of reading at a very early age, and other measures. It is NOT racist to discuss and debate IQ or tallness in humans, or beans, or peas.
  11. Amazing. You have just expressed my exact sentiments...to a T. Mean, indeed. And, as to throwing oneself on a funeral pyre, that went out of style years ago, for most of us.
  12. Yes. Wealthy people buy expensive waterfront property because they believe they can flip them, and get a decent ROI. But, such things will not happen in the near future.
  13. Yes,. We know. She worships the light that shines from your adze. You have stated so in past comments. I feel sorry for her, actually.
  14. Build it and they will come. Also, in the not distant future, sea level will rise in BKK to the extent that more office buildings will be built in CM. In addition, there are plenty of people in Thailand with IQs over 120. And plenty with IQs over 130. There must be between 300,000 and 600,000 of them. The question then is education. Probably best to first attend Chula, and then head to the USA for remedial work, plus an MA/MS degree program in anything academically serious. There are scholarships offered by the local government for PhD programs abroad, as well. But, chain store managers? Forget about it. Dumb as posts.
  15. No. But then, there is always Angela Hewitt if you prefer the piano and the late great JS Bach. Try a little WTC. Books One and Two.
  16. No doubt, they thought you needed a bit of correcting. My hat's off to them.
  17. 89 is not too bad. 99 would be better. 109 would be even better. 139 would be OK. There is, afterall, a definite linkage between higher IQ and the good things in life. Of course, not everybody can be tall. Not all peas/beans can be tall. Just ask Mendel. Mendel might have eaten the beans/peas he grew. Yet, he chose to study them, instead.
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