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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. English is strange. Why cannot we spell it.... to LEED astray, rather than LEAD astray? I thought that lead is something one might find in crystal STEMWARE. It's no wonder that foreigners find the English language so tough. What say you? Note: Compared to the guys from the UK.... I would say that we, in the colonies, can only pretend to use the English language as it should be used. Americans don't speak REAL English, in my opinion. It is only those from Ireland who speak English well. I can substantiate my claim if you might give me more time.
  2. Anywhere there are grapes, there will be wine made of grapes. Don't worry about WHAT wine... Just.... DRINK the wine....and SPILL that wine.... Just... Please... Try to refrain from spilling your seed....
  3. This seems to be a drunken utterance, if I have ever seen one. Syntax is important for sober people... Next time, I hope to see a better-constructed sentence... After you sober up.
  4. Nice one! I have never listened to this before. And, now... I wish I never had. I guess they do not call you the stoner for nothin'.....
  5. Au contraire, my love. You will never know what I am thinking. And, this is the problem, me thinks.
  6. Hi Folks, I guess there a many here in Thailand who worry about why the Chinese have not returned, like the lemmings, in the same numbers as we witnessed in 2019, which was a peak for the influx of Chinese to our place of Heaven in the Sun. But, have you ever wondered about the Chinese Room Argument? What about "MIND", and consciousness, and Artificial Intelligence. Well, you are in luck this evening, just because I have been saving this link to share here, for many years. Now is the time, I think. Searle is not a NITWIT, but Noam has never been impressed with Searle, and I always agree with Noam. So, anyway, here is the presentation by Searle at Google Talks, and I do hope you will think about his arguments. The Chinese Room is Searle's main claim to fame, it seems. He has been dining out on it for decades. If you want to know what Noam thinks of this guy Searle, then you can easily google it. Meanwhile, Searle is a very entertaining personality. Hope you enjoy, maybe even while watching on your iPhone at a Pattaya Go-Go Bar. Maybe even the B-Girls will enjoy listening to Searle. Please don't say I never gave you nothing.... Regards, Gamma
  7. Do what you like.....! Just remember... Blind Faith will always lead us astray.... Stick with the Scientific Method. The Rhythm Method never worked well.... Science is the only thing that can lift us out of the bog of our plebeian existence. F=ma!
  8. Before anyone becomes much too PO'd with me.... First listen to this... We are all human beings, after all.... Even the Egyptians. This is the greatest rendition of this great tune. Walk like an Egyptian....Is my best advice to you..... Such Irony!
  9. Still licking I see.... Getting in your licks at me. Go for it, Sir!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Such IRONY! I was just, yesterday morning, listening to a podcast about Chapman. YESTERDAY....
  11. What you FAILED to mention, my friend, is that there are different forms of irony. Even some young students at CMU, at the grad level, can list them easily. Here, you can find an incomplete list of the different forms of irony.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony
  12. I once had a copy of the OED sitting near my desk. No longer. The OED is actually NOT your average dictionary. And, it's not so useful, unless one is interested in the history of changes in the English language. There are better dictionaries for everyday use, depending upon your needs. Still, the OED is magnificent!
  13. Hi Folks, I am very disappointed in some, especially the VOCAL MINORITY. Because, I think this minority has no understanding of IRONY! Does anybody even remember LAUGHTER, much less IRONY??? So, just in case you guys are TOO DENSE to understand: When, I submitted a recent Topic, I asked the rhetorical and ironical question: "Where is McGill, ANYWAY?" I was just posting a question concerning WHY nobody knows that McGill is almost every bit as good as Harvard. And YET, nobody seems to know McGill, or even where it might be. And...WHY? Is this just ELITIST mentality, and prestige mentality???? NO... I was not asking WHERE McGill might be, geographically. I just hope, in the future, that the vocal minority will use their pea brains to see between the lines of a question, in order to see the REAL MEANING of my Topics. This is the least I can ask of you, I would think. Let me spell it out for you: a. The JOKE, the ironical JOKE, was that McGill is such a great school, and I should know, just because I HAVE BEEN THERE. b. I was merely pointing out that even if a school is so great as is McGill, yet very few people have heard of McGill, much less know where it is. I was NOT asking you guys to tell me the geographical position of McGill University. This sticks in my craw, simply because you guys do not seem to get my Topics, try as I might to make them crystal clear to you. NOW.... NOW.... Do you finally get the JOKE, and the point of my Topic? I just meant that TOO FEW PEOPLE seek out good schools, and opt, mistakenly, for Prestige Schools. McGill has fantastic teachers, and a school culture that might be even better than Harvard. But, most people, both here and elsewhere, could not care less... And this is not right. Fondest regards, Gamma, as always.... Please NOTE: I have NEVER had any interest in posting topics about LOLLIPOP GIRLS, and I never will.
  14. Yes, like vagrants and most like garbage collectors. This is why I always sport the PREPPY Look, with pressed slacks and polished shoes of high quality. Pinpoint Oxford is my shirt of choice.
  15. I always think that it is better, when making comments, whether here, there, or anywhere, to always think outside the box. Shouldn't we all do our best to be less narrow and expand our minds like Timothy instructed us?
  16. Just say the word.... And I will close them myself. Obviously, your interests are not the same as mine. If my posts get closed, then things around here will become even narrower than they already are. And, I thought that people like you might benefit from broadening your horizons.... Obviously, I was mistaken. One can lead a horse to water, as has often been said. Maybe a horse, such as yourself, should take of its blinders. Or.... Not. There is no cure for narrow thinking. One is born with it. And one sometimes dies due to it. Ups to you....
  17. Just curious... a. How many here have studied at McGill University? b. What are your thoughts about McGill? c. How did you find the food? d. How did you find the teachers at McGill? e. Did you appreciate the architecture? f. What was your focus of study? g. Did you get laid while at McGill? And, was the girl ugly? h. How was dorm life for you at McGill? i. Is the very name, McGill, reminiscent of Scotland? j. Is McGill really the Harvard of Canada? k. What do you think of Steven Pinker? l. Any more questions you can think of concerning McGill? m. It gets cold at McGill. And, the buildings are constructed of stone. Why? Enough questions about McGill, for now.... And so, what are your thoughts about this school, and how long were you there, and did you graduate, or did you FAIL to graduate? So many questions, and so little time.... Gamma
  18. Absolutely. He must have collected his clipped toenails in a jar... And, the same jars in which he saved his urine for safekeeping. When one is super rich, all rules go out the window.
  19. Why do your words so ring true? Once a stoner, .... As they say....
  20. As I say. First, use amoxycillin to reduce infection. Second, after the pain subsides, due to the reduced infection, then immediately get to a dentist to solve the problem. This is the only way.
  21. Lidocaine is ancient. There are better drugs used in dentistry today. (Anyway, there is really NO pain killer that works on severe pain from dental infection. The only way is to use an antibiotic to reduce the infection. No other way. Stop dreaming about lidocaine. Nothing works, really, for severe dental pain.)
  22. Amoxycillin did the trick. Broad spectrum antibiotic. Takes a day or two. Meanwhile, before the infection dies down, one is in agony. After the agony, one feels heavenly.
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