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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I think the research is on Ashkenazi Jews, actually, showing superior intelligence.
  2. You are saying Japanese women are very particular about their taste in pricks, and tend to not like pricks on the whole, no matter how small or demoralizing they may be?
  3. Yes, well, I can tell you that Thai Culture is about the BEST in the world, at least for me. It will be a sorry thing for me to leave Thailand bound for Japan, but what else can I do?
  4. Actually, I began learning Japanese in the mid-1980s. Japanese is tough going due to grammar, as well as the fact that spoken Japanese differs somewhat whether spoken by a female or a male. I think that Japanese will not be a problem for me after about one year of re-learning. But, yes, learning the local language is highly important.
  5. I cannot say that I am in complete agreement with Jordan Peterson's thinking concerning IQ. What about YOU? Do you agree, disagree, or differ in important ways, with Jordan' views about IQ, the importance of IQ in daily living, and the importance of IQ in determining the mix of IQ in the workplace? Please be specific in replying to Jordan's IQ points... Also, enjoy these short UTUBE videos made by Jordan...
  6. I know what I need to do. But, will it be the best move for me, rather than remaining in Thailand, I wonder? I am happy ONLY with smart people, and this is one of the reasons I have been posting Topics somewhat less on TV. I am trying to figure out how I can move to Japan, live a quiet and simple life, and enjoy Japan's beautiful natural environment while living longer in a Japanese village, and happier, maybe, as well. But the logistics of this need much thought, before I act and leave Thai culture, which I think is the best. So, any thoughts about this from anyone else who has contemplated such a move, would be very helpful in keeping me from making any huge irreversible choices. Here is a graphic which clearly shows why I will choose Japan. The graphic is so obvious. I have spent a lot of time in HK, and I really prefer the average IQ there of at least 107. Some here have doubted my genius level IQ, but they are the fools. Oh, well, we know that it's a fool's errand to argue with fools. Still, thanks for any input here about my impending move... And, I am NOT joking about this, either... PLEASE NOTE: It is conceivable that, upon reaching the Japan countryside, I may be able to do a bit of multiplication, as was told to me by GOD. Stranger things have happened in this life, for sure.
  7. Has anyone a clue why GOD would say this to me, an inveterate celibate? What do you think He meant? Has GOD ever said the same to you? If so, then what did you do? After GOD spoke to me, I checked my Bible. The only reference half-way applicable to what was commanded of me by GOD, yesterday, seems to be this: How can GOD ask this of me, I have been wondering. Surely He knows my limitations. What would YOU do, if you were I? Thank you for any help, forthcoming from YOU.
  8. Or, at least, populated by readers who never studied FORMAL LOGIC in a serious way at university Two semesters of Formal Logic at McGill University, in my case.
  9. IMPOSE The word you were looking for is "impose"... Right? Anyway, what was meant by "establishing" a religion, anyway? And why are we even talking about this here? Do you find GOD trustworthy or not? If so, then give a few examples, why don't you...
  10. If I did "check it out", as you seem to be suggesting, and, as usual, in your lowbrow idiomatic way, do you really believe there might be anything of redeeming value in the experience? Also, must you continually pack all your utterances full of slang? Have you never thought to put a bit of effort into your writing in order to feel more pride in the writing of your comments? I can understand that today is a rainy one, which might cause some to feel more relaxed. But do you also need to relax the quality of your writing on this Friday? When you write, try to write while holding your shoulders back, figuratively speaking. Write with clarity. And use a few well-chosen words, too. But please direct your well-chosen words not at me. Thank you.
  11. The Question Is: If, and only if, you believe in God, do you believe God to be trustworthy? If yes, then why? If no, then why? IF you do NOT believe in GOD, THEN, this TOPIC is NOT for you, …and... Therefore... Please do not comment here. Since I DO believe in GOD, I will only comment that... I have not found GOD to be completely trustworthy. However, I assume that your views might differ from mine. In God We Trust, is the phrase like the Greenback? And when you cannot trust the Greenback?... Can we trust in GOD to always be trustworthy? How has GOD proved Himself to be trustworthy during the past few years, for example? Ever thought about it???
  12. Exactly! We are now living in an age of TRILLION-DOLLAR Companies which are NOT democracies. In fact, most governments were never so powerful. Google rules our lives. Google is God. NOBODY talks to Google, these days. The only thing lacking in the Google story, these days, is the burning bush. YOU FOOLS!!!! You SEETH NOT! You
  13. UMMMMMMMM...maybe you should read more Chomsky, because he discussed this at length, many years ago...
  14. The question is... How can we rid ourselves of Google? GOOD QUESTION Good for Society... Google IS EVIL. (Do no evil?)
  15. It was only Google which said that it would do NO HARM. And, now it has.
  16. Petition to make Milo Minderbinder economy minister This is such an obscure meme and I love it
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