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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I think you need to define what you mean by "genetic intelligence". There are environmental conditions that influence intelligence, such as disease, nutrition, early stimulation, and many more. We are not talking about who is more intelligent (general intelligence (IQ)), some guy from P&G, or some undergrad from Harvard.
  2. If I see one on a Match-Making Site... I will swipe LEFT.
  3. I accept NO THEORY based on some sort of whacky thinking concerning GENETIC difference in intelligence...BETWEEN two cultures or between two countries or between two or more races. Cannot we learn ANYTHING from History? Remember the book... The BELL CURVE?
  4. I would prefer a woman who is smart. Then hire a cook if she can't. Life is better with intellectual equals. I don't have stupid friends. Why would I have a stupid girlfriend?
  5. The only blue pill I have ever heard people talk much about is Viagra. However, Viagra is by Pfizer, and Valium is Roche. That looks like an R to me. Just take it down to the nearest good pharmacy near any large hospital. They will probably be able to identify it. Obviously..NEVER ingest what you cannot identify. And also, don't ingest if you cannot trace the drug back to the manufacturer.
  6. As I recall, although I have not checked in a long while, there used to be some way to correlate SAT scores (at least the older SAT scores) with the MENSA test... That was some time ago,... But still, I don't think anyone interested in MENSA would, in the least, interest me...
  7. I think they are more like upwellings from the pit, actually....
  8. So Solly! But, I in NO WAY buy into the Triarchic theory of intelligence postulated to exist by the Lady from Yale: Elena Grigorenko This is her own alternative theory of intelligence which...I believe...is just Hogwash. Still, it ups to you to be a believer of her theory...
  9. Yes, I do know. The type of intelligence I prefer is the type which is often referred to as: General Intelligence
  10. I am merely looking for a mild-mannered genius girl in Thailand, and not some Farang-eating Tiger Woman who will have me for breakfast.
  11. To have a girl either beneath me or above me is all I am really looking for, provided that the girl above/beneath is a genius girl in Thailand.
  12. This is very good advice, and I will take it to heart. Too often, men pick up girls beneath them, and this becomes the beginning of everlasting discord. Rest assured that I will not fall into this trap.
  13. I hope you did not think that I had rejected your good suggestion, outright! After reading your comment, I did go to the Mensa website. However, after checking the proper webpage, I was unable to find any National Mensa chapter in Thailand....as you can see... https://www.mensa.org/join-us/find-your-national-mensa Besides, I don't think most genius Thai women know of Mensa. Most genius Thai women probably work in jobs which require genius, such as university prof, or other similar jobs which require an IQ of about 145, on average. I think your Mensa suggestion, good as it is, might not help me find genius Thai women. But, thank you!
  14. Actually, not necessary. Doesn't Mensa accept other tests as proxies? And anyway, I don't join groups.
  15. Dear Friends, I have never actually used an internet dating site. I cannot say that I haven’t looked on dating sites, though… When I look on Matchmaking Sites, the problem for me is… None of the girls with profiles ever say:.... "I’m a Genius." They just never even write it in their profiles. My guess is that there ARE no genius girls having profiles on various Thai dating sites, because… If there WERE genius girls on these sites, then wouldn’t they tell you? Therefore, what advice can you offer me? One thing though, when I find my genius Thai girl, I just hope that she wears prescription lenses, but not too heavy. I am OK with heavy girls, though. I just don’t want any genius Thai girls who must wear eyeglasses with lenses thick as milk bottles. So anyway, here is a picture of an Asian girl that I would be attracted to…IF she happened to also be a genius: She not only has glasses, but she has a mask, AND a pipette, too! So, recently I have become interested in dating a genius Asian woman because I am tired of not having a GF. I am thinking that I might do EVEN BETTER with some genius companionship from a true genius Thai woman. This Topic has been on my mind for the past few weeks, in fact. As they say (or as I say), you just can’t find what you didn’t know you were missing… Unless you come upon it… Suddenly, and out of the blue. Will I ever find what I had not known I was missing? I sure hope so. But… HOW? I hope you guys can help me to get the word out, thereby helping in my new quest. Thank you and regards, Gamma
  16. Screen Time is different for everyone, and how much screen time is too much is a question that cannot be answered. Anything over 16 hours per day might be too much screen time when writing or editing a thesis. As you say, exercise is important, as sitting for too long can cause deep vein thrombosis, etc...
  17. Keep Calm, and Carry On... Positive Words to Live By... And, very healthy advice, too...
  18. Actually, surgical masks, even cheap ones, do work, but less well than a respirator. It's all about the physics of particles in the air adhering to the fibers of the mask.
  19. More like... Original Sin, IMHO... Because, ... The Apple is a symbol for Knowledge..and.. Thinking can lead to questioning...and... QUESTIONING can lead to... KNOWLEDGE... So, anyway, this is not... A circular argument.
  20. YES! This is most definitely the case if... This Thai person you mention visited Newcastle and found that everyone she spoke to, Farang too, were speaking Thai with a Newcastle accent, then gradually this Thai woman would adopt the Newcastle accent when speaking Thai. Here, I think that you are referring to crosslinguistic influence (drift).
  21. Do you think your statement is logical? Or, clarifying, are you saying something that I agree with which is that if there was only one ubiquitous language, say English, there might still be an almost limitless number of different English accents...
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