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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I have been drinking the same old green tea from Sichuan for the past five years. I am so used to it now that I can’t even say for sure how good it is, probably. So, in February 2024, I plan to switch from Sichuan green tea, to Taiwan TieGuanYin tea. I really like TieGuanYin, and I think you might like to sample some if you can find the good stuff: I know that some here think, just as the Mainlanders think, that tea from China is somehow better than tea from Taiwan…but this, IMHO, is wrong. A lot of good things were ruined under the commies, after the revolution in 1949. And I believe that Taiwan still has the edge over China when it comes to the best Chinese tea…(feel free to disagree). So then, my tea buying strategy for TieGuanYin tea to last from Spring 2024 through Spring 2025 will be to contact this store 全祥茶莊 in Taipei…in business for over 100 years. Here is a video of the store, and the owner who talks about his father and his father’s tea store (sorry but it's in Chinese, yet at least you can see the inside of the business): This store also has an online store on Shopee, and so it would be simple to buy the many tea stuff listed on their Shopee storefront… https://shopee.tw/chuanshangteastore#product_list Here is a writeup in Traditional Chinese about this shop, but I am sure that Google can translate this writeup if anyone might be interested.. https://saliha.pixnet.net/blog/post/563038286 If I were in Taipei, I would definitely go to this shop and drink a few cups of different teas. Anyway, if you just want to order some TieGuanYin from this store through Shopee, then here is the link to the Shopee page for TieGuanYin from this particular tea merchant on HengYang Road, and I must have walked past this store a hundred times on that road since 1979: https://shopee.tw/全祥茶莊-30年老茶-鐵觀音(每兩400元)-i.299006288.7348882746?sp_atk=f25268a3-0a99-453d-9ce4-27dc1d36d3aa&xptdk=f25268a3-0a99-453d-9ce4-27dc1d36d3aa Obviously, just login to Shopee, and then switch to English on this page: So anyway, when I stated that I drink “FINE Chinese Tea”, I sometimes do, but not often enough, and just too rarely. This shop has the good stuff… What's the price? Two Ounces is NTD800.00 This stuff is 30-years-old tea, or so it says. And I believe it. Great Tea Shop, I think. I will order next year. But I won't be making Iced Tea with the good stuff. And, I will order cheaper Taiwan tea from this shop, for my Iced Tea... (Hope I'm not boring anybody with all this talk about tea....)
  2. If I were buying really good tea, tea that is REALLY to my taste.. Then I would order from Taipei, and from shops located on HengYang Road... For EXAMPLE: https://tw.mall.yahoo.com/search?m=list&sid=888tea&ccatid=40&path=40 If You are in Taipei... Then feel free to just walk along HengYang Road... Walk into any of the shops there... They will make you a quick cup of tea from the hundreds of selections in the shops, And then you can decide based on flavor, texture, etc., AND on PRICE... Here in Thailand, it's far easier (and less expensive) to just order from China. But the tea from Taiwan is the tea that I prefer. Therefore, I am not saying that the tea I order, annually, is especially good compared to REALLY good tea. It's only what I care to afford. For this reason, and ONLY for this reason, I sometimes wish I were back on Formosa...
  3. By the way... Just so that other tea drinkers here will NOT think I am a total NITWIT... Of course, I do know and often use the idiom: money is no object. Why did I, this time, inadvertently add in the word 'option' instead of 'object' to this well-known idiom? Well, then why do you add sugar to your tea, for that matter.... Sheer stupidity.
  4. This company has higher grade tea than the tea I buy from this company. I like ICED TEA in Thailand. So, I just buy the grade that is "good enough" for my iced tea. The sales office is located in ChengDu, China, as you can see. But you can also buy this tea ONLINE from the Online Marketing companies, such as TAOBAO, etc.....
  5. Does THIS information help you? I have been buying this same tea for several years. This is a photo of the back of two tea boxes from the same company, including the website of the company. I will add more information in a following comment.... After I finish my cup of tea... This tea is only what I drink, but I am not saying it is right for you. Buy what you like. TEA2BOXESandINNERpack.pdf
  6. Google is not very welcome in XI's China... But, OK, I will search for the factory info and post the contact information.
  7. I, personally, do not enjoy sweets. I don't add sugar to my bread recipe. But, it's a hideous offence to add sugar directly to tea. That's like adding ketchup to Chinese roast duck, or even worse. Still, have your tea as you like it. You only live twice.
  8. My Fellow Lovers of Cha, Cha, CHA! When I say fellow lovers-of-tea, I am not speaking to those who pollute this leafy-green beverage with secretions from cows, or the sugar of Cain, for sugar surely is the devil. Just listen to the bitter truth, as told by Dr. Robert Lustig if you are in any doubt: So then,... Sugar Bad Chinese Tea Good Black Tea is OK, but you gotta get it from China. And NOBODY adds sugar to tea in China…because… They would laugh you out of the country if you put the poison sucrose in their tea. So what does the packaging of the Chinese tea I buy look like? And how can you get this tea, too? If you want to buy this tea, just order it online. This tea is grown in the mountains of Sichuan. The quality is VERY GOOD, and the price is GOOD for the quality they provide. I usually order about 12 250-gram boxes. And I buy it in the Spring of the Year. So what Chinese tea do you buy? Is Vietnamese tea as good? IDK because I have never tasted Vietnamese tea, as far as I know. I have never been to the tea plantations in Chiang Rai, but I want to go. Still, I think that the Chiang Rai tea, from what I have tasted, may have been supplied by growers out of Taiwan, or so I have been told, and maybe mistakenly informed. Also, HOW can you drink tea with milk, which is just secretions from the cow containing LACTOSE?! And, why would you add sugar, as Lustig might ask?! Don’t you even know HOW to drink tea?! You are supposed to drink your tea with sweets, like cake, or sesame treats, or similar scrumptious items… You Do NOT add the sugar DIRECTLY to your tea!!! I could tell you a lot about how to drink tea in both China and Japan, but not in Vietnam. I would add more here, but nobody on TV seems to enjoy a bore. Well then, Back to my tea drinking… Gamma Please Note: Anything you wanna know about TEA, just ask ME… ALSO: Believe me I DO know that there is some REALLY DYNAMITE tea being grown in Taiwan. IF money were no option, I would buy nothing other than Taiwan-grown tea. That tea, some grades, you can add water up to 5 times, and you still got PLENTY of flavor. AND...as I say...the good tea from Taiwan is just incomparable to that grown in China.... And you pay for it too.
  9. I've been back, many times. Surprised you haven't yet noticed. As Alice said, after she had fallen down the rabbit hole: "I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh, ever so many lessons to learn! No, I’ve made up my mind about it: if I’m Mabel, I’ll stay down here! It’ll be no use their putting their heads down and saying “Come up again, dear!” I shall only look up and say “Who am I, then? Tell me that first, and then, if I like being that person, I’ll come up: if not, I’ll stay down here till I’m somebody else”––but, oh dear!’ cried Alice, with a sudden burst of tears, ‘I do wish they would put their heads down! I am so very tired of being all alone here!" And maybe, if I, too, am Mabel, I shan't return again.
  10. Haha! CRAZY MAN! Where did that even come from? I was a-posting on my Note4, with everything seeming to be hunky-dory, But then, after posting, out of the blue, comes this list, stating that I am ignoring myself, too much. On my Note4, the size of the text is so small that it looks like nothing. I hadn't even tried to read the list until reading this comment of yours. But I guess I am not the only one who, very justifiably IMHO, ignores @GammaGlobulin. By the way, what happens when an ampersand is attached to a profile name? I basically know NOTHING about posting on a forum, you see.
  11. Here is the projected Thailand population pyramid for the year 2030. Looks GOOD to me... https://www.populationpyramid.net/thailand/2030/ This is an excellent site, with great graphics for computing and visualizing future of population in many countries...
  12. In order to be able to get richer, one must first be rich. If you are rich, then why would you want to be richer? You wanna be like a member of the Walton clan? Enough is never enough?
  13. I have been celibate so long that I sometimes forget that there are actually 3 genders in this world we live in? And now, I am so hungry that everything looks to me like a woman? Anyway, your guess is as good as mine, maybe...
  14. gone. "When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while." Frank McCourt Angela's Ashes Great book! When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of course, a miserable childhood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish childhood
  15. OLD. The Demographic looks OLD. Same-Same for the rest of the world. And... THAT'S the way I like it....
  16. If you REALLY want to know how lucky you were to not have a father who was a drunk, Then I suggest you read the Frank McCourt book: Angela's Ashes which describes Frank's childhood in Ireland. This is an amazingly good read. Buy it on Amazon if you choose to... Or, here is a link where you can read it online (but poorer reading experience) https://d-pdf.com/book/4008/read Or, I will attach an epub file of the book (but also not the best quality, IMHO) Anyway...enjoy.... angelas-ashes-a-memoir.epub
  17. I will upload the book when I find it...somewhere in the cloud... https://www.theguardian.com/books/2009/oct/18/john-cheever-blake-bailey
  18. Those were very different times. You might enjoy reading the autobiography/biography of John Cheever. If I can find a copy, I'll upload it for you. He talks about how his very excessive drinking detracted from the quality of his written work.
  19. As a rower, I never broke training. And I never drank as much as any Chinese Commie at a banquet... Gan Bei!!!
  20. If you're bored... Then you should read all of John Cheever.
  21. We were too young to drive, too. We would drink 10 STINGERS and then sled down our snowy wooded mountain in the nude, at 2AM. Didn't feel a bit cold. In this life, we all have ONLY ONE chum in our teens. That's just Psych 101...
  22. I am GAMMA. And I approve of this comment.
  23. You can try to turn ignorance, or this Topic, into a joke if you wish. However, the lecturer whose UTUBE Heat Transfer lectures I linked in my last comment teaches at Cal Polytechnic, which is a very decent school with median Math SAT scores of 620 to 740. What were yours? Could you do well in this course about Heat Transfer? Have you even had the math prerequisites to be admitted to this prof's class? The OP posted a Homework Question, which was a serious question, and not a joke. But I guess, if one is ignorant of science or any other academic subject, then they are free to tack on the prefix "Pseudo", and then be dismissive of it. Is that any way to learn anything in life? Lack of curiosity is a sure way to stay ignorant. Why don't you, instead, challenge yourself, and watch the 37 lectures, and download the free courseware for this class, and then do the exercises in the book, and then try to improve your understanding of the reality around you. Don't waste your time, because life is just too short for doing that.
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