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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Try to be satisfied with your God Given Blessings. Otherwise, you will live a life of bitterness, toil, troubles, and end up like Hamlet. One thing is FOR SURE.... None of us will EVER be satisfied.
  2. Personally, I prefer my teeth to have a natural color. I have no need for very white teeth, at this time. For some strange reason, many among us cannot accept who they are. It's like, we wish to be more than we are, or, otherwise, we cannot be happy. It's like we cannot accept not being forever young. Maybe this is why so many are so unhappy. Because, no one can be forever young. And, no one can have perfect teeth, for long, especially when they are long in the tooth. We now live in a Mad World, inhabited by people trying to attain the unattainable. Nobody is satisfied. Nobody is grateful for being alive. Everybody ALWAYS wants MORE. Until....they are close to losing their lives. Then...They always sing a different tune. Humans are such stupid animals... As we all know....
  3. Just an innocent question: How would you even know if you were alive? If you were following FaceBook life, then, how would you know if you were actually living your life? Because, you might just be living a FaceBook life, and not a life that you might have chosen, without FaceBook. How happy do you appear to be on FaceBook? Is your true happiness nothing but the INVERSE of the happiness you post on FaceBook? I know it is. And, you know it is. White teeth can get you only...so far..... All is an illusion.
  4. Brownian Motion is what you often see in Pattaya. Brownian Motion is what you pay for. How could you not know?
  5. By the way... Have you guys ever seen Brownian Motion up close, and personal, in a cloud chamber? Because, if you had, you would never doubt what you can't see, ever, again.
  6. Therefore, perhaps.... Maybe, ...we actually ARE alone in this universe.... Despite the odds. Maybe Kubrick is the greatest director in the universe, for example. And, Dostoevsky, the greatest writer, too. No AI has shown its face from other worlds, thus far, As far as we know. Except, maybe Musk.
  7. You know.... If there were REALLY such a thing as artificial intelligence, then... We would have seen it by now. AI would have, long ago, reached us from OTHER WORLDS. But, it has not, and it will not. F__K the Drake Equation. He (MUSK) forgot this important point. Or, not....
  8. TRUST in GPT3, please....! Mark My Words.....My Friends. Even Five Years from Today....by 2028... GPT3 will be able to write FAR better topics for you, then you or I could ever have imagined, or would wish to imagine. Listen, My Friends.... A NEW DAY IS DAWNING.... A new day. In the very near future, GPT3 will be able to write a topic which can take you from SNAKES to FRAMPTON, within just a few moves. DO YOU FEEL LIKE I DO? Snakes to Frampton? Someday....GPT3 will be able to do this. And then, our commenting days will be over. Dig?
  9. Have you ever been to Mexico? I mean, have you ever BEEN to México?
  10. 50 years ago, in Taiwan, when nobody cared about being PC, one could go to see snake shows. There were comely girls to be had, too, a dime a dozen. After almost 70 years, Formosa has almost stamped out this kind of baser entertainment.
  11. These dogs are not real Formosan Mountain Dogs... Still, they love to play with snakes. "ZOU KAI!"
  12. Here is such a very sad story of an unequipped Taiwan dog trying to save students from a cobra in Taiwan. So sadly, this dog was just a lousy mutt, and not a REAL Formosan Mountain Dog. If this mutt had been a Formosan Mountain Dog, then.... No Problemo! There are really so many cobras in Taiwan, and far too few, if any, REAL Formosan Mountain Dogs. So sad. So solly.
  13. Very unfortunately, this particular breed of dog has had its lineage much diluted during recent years. Such a shame, really. You probably cannot even find one, these days.
  14. The Formosan Mountain Dog. Greatest Friend to Man. Able to kill any snake alive. I would give my life to save any Formosan Mountain Dog.
  15. I would not lay down my life to save any old designer dog. I would lay down my life for a Taiwanese mountain dog, though. Quite a unique breed of dog. Even if they even EXIST these days, which I very much doubt.
  16. How much is a beloved dog really worth to you? Worth your life? In some cases, ....Absolutely! (Spur of the moment decision. One gives their life for their dog.)
  17. Are nocturnal snakes dangerous? Brown snakes and green snakes seem to be more active during the daytime hours. However, as you say, I have seen many cobras in the evening hours, just after dark. I once had a dog that would try to attack the cobras around our house. I risked my life to save this darned dog, many times, by putting myself between the dog and the cobra. Strange that I would have given my life for this dumb dog, but, I loved this dog.
  18. I would like to clarify further about, "The World According to Garp". Anyway: "The novel is about the life of T.S. Garp. His mother, Jenny Fields, is a strong-willed nurse who wants a child but not a husband. She encounters a dying ball turret gunner known only as Technical Sergeant Garp, who was severely brain damaged in combat. Jenny nurses Garp, observing his infantile state and almost perpetual autonomic sexual arousal. Unconstrained by convention and driven by her desire for a child, Jenny rapes the brain-damaged Garp once, impregnates herself and names the resulting son "T.S." (a name derived from "Technical Sergeant", but consisting of just initials). Jenny raises young Garp alone, taking a position at the all-boys Steering School in New England." So, you see? Even though one might be brain-dead, STILL, one's snake never sleeps! I highly recommend this book to all those who might mistakenly think they require Viagra.
  19. The Snake Never Sleeps: The reason I know this is due to my reading of books such as "The Sot-Weed Factor". and other books, in which a nurse is able to become inseminated by a brain-dead man in a hospital. I REMEMBER: It was The World According to GARP, John Irving. Too many books. Too many snakes. Impossible to even keep track of them all.
  20. Medically speaking, in reply to the question posed by the OP, though WE may be asleep, snakes never sleep.
  21. Cobra Strike....NICE! PRETEND we are Alive? Just pretending, probably. Are you alive? I doubt it!
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