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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. What were you doing in Antarctica? Finally, you have piqued my interest. Did you just visit the South Pole for a sauna session? Or, did you go there to drill holes in the ice? Or, what?
  2. Reading Philip Roth, again, with new meaning. Looking forward to the next pandemic. Being able to talk to children, since one has the patience, and being considered by them as an antique of some curiosity, if not a complete oddity. Knowing that one will never die young.
  3. A better view of N. gonorrhoeae. I LOVE electron microscopy. A thing of TRUE BEAUTY!
  4. What I worry about most is that "Some Government" might release some form of Andromeda-Strain-type Sexually Transmitted virus which might be targeted at one segment of the world population, and be transmitted through human sexual intercourse. It is scenarios that keep me up at night, as they should, you, as well. Until we get this sorted out, maybe best to wear a sheath, otherwise known as a "safe", in some places.
  5. Unless you believe in MIRACLES, then our Sexual Revolution will not last. You Sex Machine. You Sexxy Thing. Ever increasing intimate contact between BILLIONs of People, over time, can only lead to transmission of new diseases. Sooner or later, after pouring tons of antibiotics to combat existing STDs, then there will be, sooner or later, a Super Fly Bug which will dampen our sexual desires. Please keep in mind that it has been an extremely short time since antibiotics have been used around the world. Evolution is what it is. Evolution has been with us for 4 billion years, here on Earth, and even longer in the Universe. It's going to be us against them, our sex machine against the microbes, the bacteria, of our universe which are ever evolving...
  6. I have had the clap, several times, in the distant past. But, many years ago, I noticed that the clap was getting worser and worser, and worser. I finally wised up. And, I stopped fooling around. During the past thirty years, I have not had even one case of the clap. My faucet never drips, now. No more need to call the plumber. These days, I go to sleep at night and dream of sex. I wake up refreshed, after sleeping with many young girls in my sleep. You might think that you would be safe with a dedicated partner, but this is not the case. I once knew a woman whose husband gave her the clap. She tried to off herself. And then, after she was cured, she immediately mounted me, just to retaliate, and in retaliation against her husband. Human sexuality is a very complex and terrible thing. I have had enough of it, other than in my dreams.
  7. Before hooking up, First plan to visit the local hospital, To test for the clap, etc.
  8. A vaccine effective for preventing gonorrhea will materialize in the fairly near future. It's mostly a matter of will, and also investment of time and money and resources. But, on the other hand... Why spend money to develop a vaccine for gonorrhea? Is it not far more satisfying to see sinners get the drips?
  9. We can never change basic human behavior. Also, sex is a natural drive. Therefore, I have recently been toying with the idea to set up my own chain of franchised hand-manipulation clinics manned by qualified nurses, both male and female. The way this type of franchise would work, is that anyone could just walk in with a doctor's prescription, and get relieved at a nominal cost, and using the most hygienic methods. With proper oversight, and with just a nominal fee, just one such clinic would be sufficient to milk thousands of clients each week. Such a clinic could be designed in such a way that it would be completely asexual in nature. In the future, as well, as AI tech improves, human nurses could be replaced by robotics. I would envision locating such clinics strategically in areas which are at high risk for STD transmission. The logic behind this is that, if clients are adequately milked, just like cows, once each day, everyone will be happier, down on the farm. Let's not be prudish about this need. Instead, clients can be milked, even daily, at a nominal cost, hygienically.
  10. You are 100% correct. This same thing happened to me in HK, around 1990. Worst case of the clap I had ever experienced. Dripping for days. I thought it would never end. I thought my faucet would never recover. I learned my lesson, that time. Never again. The clap is nothing to fool around with.
  11. Speaking of monogimy and chastity, I can't understand how guys derive much pleasure when wearing safes. From my perspective, it's far better to not have a girl, half way, compared to not having her, at all. If I were to take the trouble to lie with Bathsheba, then I would want the entire experience. I would want to feel the moist warmth of her, deeply. Far better for me to just quit before I get started, rather than have latex between me and the object of my desire.
  12. We could easily rid the world of STDs if only we would practice chastity and monogimy.
  13. The only sure way to avoid VD is to just hold hands. Or, maybe, to just get a foot massage. The only risk in doing this is that, holding hands leads to the foot massage. And then, the foot massage leads to massaging of the thigh. And then, before you know it, the woman is atop, and it's... HI Ho, Silver... Away! This is why I never go for a massage. It's too risky.
  14. It seems to me that antibiotics are no longer the solution, since we are fighting a losing battle. Maybe, if we are lucky, then we will discover effective vaccines. If we can eradicate VD, then we can all act as do bonobos, and remain worry free.
  15. These days are NOT like THOSE days, early 1970s. These days, for sure, VD is extremely hazardous to one's health. One would be a fool to take the risk. Why do you think I have been celibate for the past many years? Fortunately, I had enough in and out during a time when antibiotics were much more effective. I would not wish to be young, these days, an on the prowl.
  16. It's really difficult to be in Asia, single, young, and in love, and be able to avoid a bit of pain, once in a while.
  17. And sometimes, the worst we would get would be NSU, nonspecific urithritis. Just 5 days of penicillin, or whatever, and the drips would be gone.
  18. When I was young, catching the clap was not much worse than catching a Rhinovirus, or a Rhinoceros,.. remember the film with John Wayne and Red Buttons? You might even say that testing positive for the clap was a badge of honor, when we were young.
  19. I wish I could take a poll: How many of us here can say that their pole has been under the weather with a dose, twice or thrice, during their lifetimes? Would anyone admit to it?
  20. There is this myth, still believed by some, that the clap originated from sheep. I would like to debunk this myth. In my view, it is sheeple.
  21. I have yet to meet the woman so attractive that I would risk for her a case of the never-ending drips. I have just too much respect for my member.
  22. I used to read a lot about the social implications of VD when I was young. Can you even imagine how discomforting, not to mention inconvenient, it was for men to be compelled to self-catheterize any time they felt the need to void?
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