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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Having alluded to Tom Cruise in a previous comment, clarification is necessary: This topic is mostly about Bogdanovich's wonderful farce, NOISES OFF, as well as his other great films. Right? Tom Cruise, on the other hand, is mostly a total farce, at least it seems this way from his films. Here is what I mean: aa. Please note this image of Nicollette Sheridan in her beautiful white panties, in the movie Noises Off. She is fetching. bb. Now, please compare Tom Cruise in his white panties. He is not so fetching. He is a farce. And, Risky Business was twice as humiliating for Cruise as Noises Off was titillating and uplifting for most people. cc. Furthermore, who would you rather have washing dishes in your kitchen sink? The answer is obvious.
  2. Re... The Film, NOISES OFF.... HATS OFF, to Peter Bogdanovich! RIP, to Peter who died last year at age 82. Bogdanovich was a name to be reckoned with in filmdom, etc. He did not produce the insipid fantasy films of today. He lived during a time when Men were Men, and when the Director's target audience understood English. So Solly: These days, movies are indistinguishable from computer games. And, the target audience is not fluent in English, and most have never read a decent novel. So sad, on so many levels. Still, we still have Tom Cruise.... And so, all is not lost.
  3. Dearest Friends, You KNOW that it is just so very true! But why? Have you ever, and I know that you have, been relaxing, drinking your evening coffee, after a fine meal, only to watch your GF or Wife washing dishes in your kitchen sink? Thar she stands! Her behind is towards you, and she is intently scrubbing plates, pots, and pans, in your kitchen sink, and her behind is so fetching as she scrubs and scrubs to make her sink sparkle. SHE is so fully focussed on her work that she has not a thought in the world for you. YOU, on the other hand, are focussed mostly on her, as you watch her from behind. And, with each plate or cup she scrubs, and with each move she makes, your interest increases until you almost cannae stand it. You cannae wait! I believe that it is just these underappreciated moments in life which makes our otherwise humdrum existence here in Thailand almost bearable. And, in this same vein, I would like to ask your opinion about a sex-farce film starring one of my all-time favorites, Michael Caine, a man for all seasons, in every way. I am talking about this film: NOISES OFF (1992) If this film does not give you a chuckle, then…what might? No need to thank me, but thank Caine, instead. In my opinion, very few films, these days, are even half as hilarious. Yet, maybe films such as this are not your cup of tea? Regards, Gamma Note: Enjoy, if you will…. Note2: Or, are you just too busy watching her wash your dishes?
  4. By the way. A very important final note of mine: Richard Smalley once wrote an essay in which he entirely and absolutely credited his mother for encouraging him, throughout his life, to finally reach his success in Chemistry, and to be awarded the Nobel. Smalley was stating just how important parenting can be for children. So, anyway, I just wished to mention this. You can read his essay, if you wish. And, please let this be a caution to you mothers. Regards, Gamma
  5. I very clearly recall listening to Richard Smalley state, during one of his presentations just before he kicked the bucket, that American students are no longer willing to do the very hard work required to excel in the Natural Sciences. He stated that most students, at the time he was speaking, preferred to study Social Sciences. And most students who could tough it out, and work hard, in the Natural Sciences, were Asian. MOST of you GUYS have no idea what a BUCKYBALL might be, I know. You also might not know who Buckminster Fuller might be. What is a tetrahedron, for that matter? Anyway, I thought I would just post this because....Dr. Richard Smalley, of RICE University, is no small potato in the field of Chemistry. He DID deserve his Nobel. And, Bob Dylan did NOT deserve his. So, then, how much are we to invest in teaching our next generation? By the way, I would have far preferred to see Matt Dillon, of Gunsmoke, receive a Nobel, rather than Bob Dylan. If you do not know who Matt Dillon is, then here is a short reminder...(Enjoy).
  6. Sometimes I wonder why anyone would buy a condo in Miami, rather than to buy a Concert Grand Piano (Model D), in New York City. Well, of course, the condos in NYC are so small that you would not be able to fit one into your NYC condo, unless you were to sleep on top of it, or inside it. You can buy a very nice Steinway for only USD150,000. And, in Miami, for this amount of money, what do you get? Only a shack that will very soon be underwater, despite what the Florida governor might tell you. In this forum, it has been said that some people here wish to emulate the Miami model. Well, ..... Are you sure? Would it not be better to pursue some other more sustainable model? Most Chinese people I know invest all their money towards educating their next generation. I feel such great admiration. Take this young girl, for example: Unfortunately, she is not yet playing on a Steinway. Just a Yamaha, so far. Sure. Anybody with money can buy a sinking/stinking condo in Miami, or elsewhere. But, can money buy this??? Can YOU do this? Have you forgotten terms such as social capital and human capital? Very soon, Maybe not today, Maybe not tomorrow, But, soon, The buildings in Miami will be underwater, In more ways than one. And, after the buildings are flooded, This girl will still enjoy playing JS Bach. There is no doubt.
  7. Aria Reserve Miami - The Tallest Waterfront Dual Towers in the United States? IF ONLY If only we could have one of these here. No need for swimming pools, Of course! Soon enough, one will be able to go swimming almost EVERYWHERE in Miami. Free! Buy Now!
  8. Fortunately, the future world will very soon no longer be my world. Yet, still, no matter my age or location, every breath you take, every move you make, Every bond you break, Every step you take, I'll be watching you. Welcome to your world! Let's all have a moment of silence, Out of respect for, What's to come.
  9. Sir! Very sorry to report, Captain. We just cannae turn her! There's just TOO much momentum in the system! Been there. Done that. Now, let's do it again,... BIG TIME!
  10. Why are there so many USELESS political parties, these days? We only need one geomancying party... Unfortunately, very few wish to become a member of the.... "Save Our World" ...party. Therefore, if one cannot lead a horse to water.....
  11. 1968 And, FREE to SWIM, for FREE, in Washington, DC. This darling girl is French, Hawaiian, Chinese. Those were the days! Burn Your Bras, Baby!
  12. Only to be sung directly following either Saturday's or Sunday's services, Depending upon one's religious persuasion. It's all good.
  13. Personally, I love Angela Hewitt, but I don't know about you. Here is WTC Book 2......part of it. I LOVE Angela.... She is fantastic. I have listened to all of her Bach recordings. Over, and over, and over, again. Amazing.
  14. As you know, JS Bach worked tirelessly throughout his entire long life to glorify his god through his glorious music. As it turns out, We, the entire world, are the beneficiaries of his hard work, and of his genius. One could listen to JS Bach for a hundred years, and never tire. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a composer as great. There are many recordings and interpretations of JS Bach available, via torrent, etc., on the internet. For example, the WTC, Well-Tempered Clavier, Book One, and Book Two.... You can choose between various guys, according to your taste. It would be a tragedy to die and leave this glorious world without having listened to JS Bach, just because, when you get to heaven, there will be nothing up there half as good. JS Bach is often used to teach music theory in various unis, such as at Haverford. Anyway, here is a sampling of Book One.... UNFORTUNATELY: The world, the everyday person, is losing access to JS Bach, which is rarely played in the US. Maybe Bach is played on the radio more in Europe; I do not know. If you were to compare JS Bach to Newton, there is no comparison. Newton was a numbskull compared to JS Bach. Why? Because: If there were no Newtons, then there would have been a Leibniz, or somebody else, to invent Calculus. But, NOBODY could have created the music of Bach. You should feel lucky to be able to so easily download and listen to JS Bach's music. Don't waste this gift...maybe.
  15. "Overall warming of up to 5°C in this century projected for the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East" https://phys.org/news/2022-09-5c-century-eastern-mediterranean-middle.html
  16. There is NOTHING so grand as JS Bach on a Sunday. I have probably spent 20,000+ hours listening to JS Bach....since 1967. So far, so good. The Brandenburg Concertos, in my humble opinion, are for beginners. Then, you can branch out to organ and harpsichord, and then to solo cello. If you want to be uplifted, then JS Bach is for you. If you have your own chamber, then chamber music might be suitable. Hogwood is OK, maybe. Still, Midnight Cowboy and Old Yeller remain the most depressing and sad movies I have ever seen in my life. Both films should have been burned at Fahrenheit 451 degrees.
  17. HERE is TRUE beauty and happiness without being slaphappy: I hope you enjoy this. I have linked this just for you....on a Sunday....
  18. In truth, this Sunday morning, I would submit that there is no animal more depressed and depraved than the snake. "The Hebrew word נָחָשׁ (Nāḥāš) is used in the Hebrew Bible to identify the serpent that appears in Genesis 3:1, in the Garden of Eden. In the first book of the Torah, the serpent is portrayed as a deceptive creature or trickster,[1] who promotes as good what God had forbidden and shows particular cunning in its deception. " If only there were a cure for sad songs, then mankind would have very little music to listen to. What do you listen to?
  19. Electrochemical interactions inside your brain! are NOT a choice! Everybody knows this, even Chomsky, by now.
  20. You know? Probably, one of the saddest movie scenes I have ever watched, other than Old Yeller, is the ending of Midnight Cowboy. https://youtu.be/o_OZJcVAiXE YouTube does not allow embedding of the death scene from Old Yeller, most likely because it's too sad. But, at least, they allow the death scene from Midnight Cowboy.
  21. The fundamental problem with Human Life, as I see it, is that NOBODY is ever satisfied. We ALL live an existence of dissatisfaction, and die not fully satisfied, no matter what.
  22. Try to be satisfied with your God Given Blessings. Otherwise, you will live a life of bitterness, toil, troubles, and end up like Hamlet. One thing is FOR SURE.... None of us will EVER be satisfied.
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