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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. In all fairness, this guy built his cabin himself over a period of three years. Please watch his entire series of videos to get the full story. He is no Sam Bankman-Fried of Palo Alto, by any means.
  2. If only life were as simple as a few logs, woodworking tools, spruce trees, and Christmas lighting. Still, we have passed another year, since last Christmas.
  3. Do you miss the ski runs, the piste, while in Thailand? Especially at Christmas holidays? But, one thing one never misses is the runs in Thailand, if one does not eat right. Always remember to cook your food well. And, keep your food refrigerated, as well. Use a food thermometer when cooking a turkey, for example.
  4. Hey, Man.... I have the perfect solution for you. Instead of reading anything I write, rather you should begin watching this guy's YouTube Channel....which deals mostly with Arctic sailing. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed..... You will not be disappointed unless you like watching, exclusively, idiotic-sailing YT channels with IQ-Zero girls in bikinis. I have great admiration for a young man who is able to do what this man is able to do. This guy is a well-educated, extremely skilled, happy, and fairly self-actualized person. Also, this guy is, just, very likeable. It has taken me many years to find a sailing channel on YouTube half as fine as this. This YT channel is my gift to you, this Christmas morning. I can almost guarantee that you will not be disappointed. If you choose to binge-watch the whole channel, then here is the link: In my humble opinion, you can find a great deal of beauty viewing this single YT channel created by just one young man with very few resources. I was struck by what this man created with minimal outside support, except the support from friends. It ups to you. You can either read my comments in the future, Or, you can take some time out of your busy day to watch Alluring Arctic Sailing. Take your pick. I know what my choice would be. It ups to you. Best regards,
  5. Nothing better than this: Who does not love a man in underwear? https://youtu.be/IUj79ScZJTo
  6. Such a waste. (pun) After 88 years of living, this has been this guy's 15 minutes of fame? Warhol did better when he painted a can of tomato soup. Kudos to Warhol for just painting it, rather than inserting it. Such restraint is admirable. Some artists go the whole hog.
  7. The PRESUMPTION is incorrect. Please review the differences in meaning of these three+ important words : Assume Presume Surmise Suppose Etc. I once knew the difference between assuming and presuming. Dr. Livingstone, I assume. Dr. Livingstone, I presume. Dr. Livingstone, I surmise. Doctor, Doctor...
  8. Proficiency and fluency. I think you meant. When correcting another, it's always best to be correct, oneself.
  9. Is punning completely beyond the ken of the Farang Pub, as we once knew it?
  10. But, are they able to read books written by the Brontë sisters?
  11. By your reasoning, a Thai urologist needs only a long catheter. I think that this reasoning is not sound. But, the question is... Do you understand the pun? And, do you understand the pain?
  12. As old as I am, I have never had the privilege to sleep with a black woman, same as you, unfortunately. This, of course, is not due to any disinclination on my part for a bit of miscegination on Christmas Eve. Maybe Santa is real. If Santa is real, then my wish is to have a white Christmas in Thailand with a black girl sleeping beside me this Christmas morning, and the darker the better. I'm talking Conrad's Heart-Of-Darkness dark. I'm taking Marlon Brando kind of dark. What I am saying, really, is that I am just getting bored with always seeing Christmas Eve through the limited lens of Frank Capra productions... Sometimes, NICE just gets to be too boring. Sometimes, a Bad Santa is the very thing we most long for. Fortunately, this year, I have not been exposed to even one Christmas tune.... Such as Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls. The strange thing is that my Asian friends who think they know me think that I enjoy Christmas. They wish me a Merry Christmas. In truth, I hate this Christmas holiday. Thank Goodness, in many places in Asia, nobody gives a twit about Christmas. So, then, Jingle Balls, Jingle Balls, Jingle your Balls, this Christmas Eve. And tee up your balls, tomorrow, too, instead of spreading useless gifts under the tree. All I have to say is that... No matter how freaking silly the game of golf might be, STILL, the game of placing presents under the tree is dumber. In fact, I would not be surprised if this whole idea of Christmas trees and Christmas gift-giving has become a complete perversion of the Christmas holiday. So, anyway, Dear Santa... What I wish for, on Christmas Day, is a black woman sleeping beside me. I want some very BLACK version of Annie Hall beside me, tomorrow, Christmas Day.
  13. If you have decided, My Son, that you're gonna be naughty, one more time, or even two more times, this Christmas Eve, then you may have to pay the price on Christmas Day. Let your conscience be your guide. If you choose to play with those dressed up as Santa's Elves this Christmas Night, then don't be surprised if you wind up paying double. Ho, Ho, Ho...
  14. It may be, maybe. If one smokes too much weed, then MAY BE and MAYBE may become indistinguishable for some.
  15. Dear Friends, It's always better to be nice, at least for me. When I am nice, then people are nice to me, Even though, no matter how nice I might try to be, Nobody ever respects me. But, I am more interested in the tales of the naughty people amongst us on this forum. This year, do you wish that you might have been as naughty as SBF? Probably, you would not wish to be THAT naughty, naughty enough to land you back in your parents' home; I mean, when one is almost 30, who wants to be in an ankle bracelet living at home, again? So, specifically: Would you please tell Santa just how naughty you have been during this past year? Because, if you confess, then Santa may not be compelled to put coal in your stocking...IF...you confess your sins and transgressions during this past year. Otherwise, then you can be sure that, if you do not confess, here and now, you may end up with nothing more than anthracite, and plenty of it. Everybody loves a sinner who confesses! Here is your chance to confess to the people who truly care about you on this forum. You go first. What sins have you committed this year? Best regards, Gamma Note: While mulling over your sins during the past twelve months, if you have not already done so during the past twelve days of Christmas.... Here is a tune for you... This is a very non-racist tune which might get your juices flowing...La-la-la.... Good One, Donny! Dig it......
  16. Even if one were to be able to to understand the likes of Sammy Bankman-Thief, how would this understanding lessen the suffering he caused to millions?
  17. In reply to the OP's question: How important might it be, comparatively, for a urologist to speak proper English?, compared to a phylollogist? The answer is obvious.
  18. Promise them anything. Pay them in FTX TOKENS.
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