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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Will 2022 become the pivotal year dividing what once was from what will represent our sorrier lot in life? My Dearest Endearing Friends, Some of you may not recall the Great War of July 1914 through November 1918, involving numerous countries, and causing death and hardship for our grandparents and great grandparents. Still, some of you, very few of you, may recall the year 1918, dimly, if you are lucky. If you recall this Great War, and it was truly great, then you will remember that this was a turning point in social order, a time of leveling of the upper crust, for example. And now, here we are, once more. We are poised, sitting on this divide, a division which will change society and social order in dramatic ways from what it has been to what it will become. Here are a few reasons, among many, why 2022 will become the year which divides us from our past. aa. We just received the IPCC report which is, as expected, just more of what was predicted during the last IPCC report. Except, this time, the IPCC tells us that its new report is more dire. And this was expected, also. The IPCC is a governmental panel, and so, the IPCC must kiss the ass of all governments, and therefore cannot actually report on real science without the approval of governments. This means that the IPCC is just soft-pedalling and downplaying the actual thinking of most scientists. And, unfortunately, Mother Nature will not be listening to the IPCC. bb. And now, we have this Ukrainian thing, which is not a small thing, this year, 2022. The Ukrainian thing, as we can see, involves the world, and important alliances, which have the possibility to draw the world into increased confrontations and conflict. cc. Recalling the Great War, the Great War was a turning point for much of society. Some might say that we lost our innocence, what little we had, during the Great War. And, maybe the Great War even led to the Flappers. dd. What we probably can expect is that, after this Covid virus, similar to the Spanish Flu in its effect on the world, is that its impact will cause follow-on effects, not necessarily flappers, but likely far worse. In fact, when something bad happens, like a Great War, or a pandemic, then the flap hits the fan, but good. We know this from history. ee. We can probably expect to see a few Phoney Wars before we finally see the Greatest War to end all wars, FOR SURE! ff. However, preliminarily, before we see this Greatest of All Wars, the Mother of All Wars, we are likely to see a sea change in our social order around the world, similar to the repercussions caused by the events of the years, 1914 through 1919, which saw a fairly major upheaval, as you will recall. gg. There is no point in listing here what you already know is ongoing, and unstoppable, due to the momentum in the system; I mean the momentum in the CO2 emissions, and the momentum caused by these emissions during the past 100 years. Everyone here, any person who can read has already read the science. Instead, let us speak about how to cope with this fear of what we all expect will happen on Earth, what will happen due to our inattention to detail and negligence, if we might be willing, and not hide our heads in the sand. So, knowing that we all wish to hide our heads, I have stopped worrying. And, instead of worrying, I have come to love the Thai myna bird. Watching the Thai myna birds interact with one another, flitting around and vocalizing incessantly, has become one of my greatest pleasures. Maybe, if we do not destroy ourselves before next week, then I will upload some interesting photos of these intelligent social creatures. hh. Speaking of Flappers, and thinking of the Ukraine, here are some flappers from the 1920s: ii. I wish I had some interesting video of Thai myna birds, the birds which always lift my spirits, no matter how down I might feel about the state of the world.... BUT, there is no need, because, if you are in Thailand, then you know that these fantastic and miraculous birds are now back, in force, in Thailand, and doing what they do best. I love these birds...so much! Take care, everybody, Regards, Glob
  2. My Dear Friends, In fact, during most of my life, I have never used a mouthwash. The reason for my reluctance to buy mouthwash is that I had been convinced that the advertising behind mouthwash use was hogwash. And then, recently, I read a few seemingly trustworthy articles which purport to draw a correlation between the use of mouthwash and the reduction of dental plaque, which might lead to decreased tooth decay, etc. And then, after reading these articles, I hastened out to buy a certain well-known brand of mouthwash which comes in about 4 colors. Of course, at least in my opinion, there is not reason enough for so many colors, and just the yellow mouthwash should be adequate for most purposes. Well, anyway, I just wished to mention this because, during this season of the virus, when it is more difficult to get to the dentist, maybe using mouthwash might do some good, and even a minimal amount of benefit is better than nothing. I really cannot believe I bought two bottles of mouthwash last time I visited the mall complex. Actually, I paid for one, and received one bottle free, as a promotion. Now, my breath is kissingly fresh. I don't use mouthwash every day, but only on odd days of the month, in order to not develop a habit, and to prevent the bacteria in my mouth from becoming resistant to this brand of mouthwash. I now highly recommend using a decent mouthwash for the purposes advertised on the bottle. Truly, I do feel better in the mornings, as a result. Just passing on a bit of folklore, here, which might help others. Regards, Glob
  3. Sorry, and maybe I should have qualified this, even though this is an English-language forum, and I had thought this might be understood. However, as you say, Russian authors are sometimes translated into other important languages, besides English. For example, I am thinking of translating Crime and Punishment, one of the greatest novels ever written, into a click language of the Khoisan group. Can you even imagine how magnificent it might be to listen to Crime and Punishment, on an audio book, in a click language. In case you cannot imagine this, then here is an example of what C&P might sound like using a click language. And, it might be great for listening, while walking in the hills here in Thailand.... By the way: I LOVE this guy, and I love this language which might be lost, so regretfully, in the near future. Therefore, might it even be possible to fund the translation of Crime and Punishment into this click language? For SURE, if I were a rich man, I would fund such a project. Crime and Punishment should be read by every man, and Everyman. Take care, My Friends..... We are All ONE, and we all must recognize our sameness, despite our various cultural differences. Here is another video I like: By the way: There is a linguist researcher from some major university I read about several years ago who attempted to learn a click language, and the more he practiced, the more his larynx changed, and it change radically! I am not pulling your legs, here. If you wish, i will support my claim using peer-reviewed references in future posts. Thank you my friends, Regards, Glob. Crime and Punishment was the first Russian novel I read, at age 12, and it changed my life. (All landladies, everywhere, should read this great book, in my opinion. Treat your tenants well.)
  4. OK. But, are there any Russian authors even half as adept as Voltaire at using satire to poke fun at governments? Such as Candide? Anyway, my apologies for mentioning Voltaire on our beloved Farang Pub, beloved by me, at least.
  5. Have you read Candide? Voltaire was not an especially nice person, when it came to some people. What might be good for the goose, is sometimes not so good for the gander.
  6. Base 2 Base 10 And, Hexadecimal, which is Base 16, basically.
  7. And now? Now that life is longer, and still very brutal? And now that we all know plenty of stuff? Do we qualify as being wise, just due to having lived a long and brutal life, do you think?
  8. I do not read Russian, but I wish I did. Even though everyone is upset by current events, still I do not burn my Russian books. What really bothers me is having so many different translations of Russian books. There must be thousands of translations of Russian books, over the years, and which is the best one; one wishes one knew. I have read a few translations of Russian books, and not one can explain current affairs. The thing that disturbs me more than the translations of Russian books is that Putin remains inscrutable, and there is no easy way to translate him. The only thing I know about Putin is that he loves to ride horses. I have never ridden a horse. And, I have never ridden a horse bareback while riding bare-chested. Maybe, this is just something Russian, which I missed in translation. The most powerful man in the world, perhaps, might be the craziest man in the world. Who knows what is in the mind of a man on a horse without a shirt...... Some of you might think Putin extremely sexy, and you would not be mistaken. Putin is sexy, for sure.
  9. All I am saying is that, before the so-called Internet, there was ARPANET. And, during the days of ARPANET, long, long ago, while in Asia, things were not the same as they are now. During the days of ARPANET, men like me were considered rather exotic, by some girls. And, now, those days are long gone.
  10. What I mean is that, if you don't act on your fantasies, while you are young, then, when you reach my age, you just might wish you had. Therefore, if you might possibly think that sleeping with two women is something that you sometimes dream about....then...you should. In my case, I slept with two women for many months. Every day, during those many months, was good. But, of course, I slept with one Chinese woman and one Korean woman, and probably it was this multicultural experience which contributed to my overall positive outcome. In fact, there is nothing better than sleeping with two women, unless it might be sleeping with three. (By the way: I am not just blowing hot wind, here. I am just recalling a true experience I had during a time in my life, when I was young.) Please note: Those two girls were so fine, and so nice, and so good. Really nice women. That was in 1982. We were all the same age, just having fun.
  11. How do you deal with fear of complete annihilation? Do you just laugh at it? Do you laugh in the face of fear? Anyone my age knows about years and years of worrying about the very real prospect of annihilation of our species, or even life in total, except maybe for organisms which live deep below the surface of the planet. Whether or not microbes live deep down there. Who knows. Many years ago, even before Nagasaki, we knew that we were entering the Age of Anxiety. Most people, when faced with an undeniable existential prospect, enter into a state of denial. But for you, those who are able to actually consider the end of Homo Sapiens on Earth, how do you deal with this anxiety-provoking prospect, and this resultant angst? For example, do you watch movies in order to divert your attention from the prospect of impending doom? What defense mechanisms work best for you? Just wondering.....
  12. At the time, sleeping with two women seemed fairly normal to me. We shared a small room for many months. Now that I am old, I recall these experiences of my youth, which don't even seem odd to me, now.. One girl was my GF, and the other was the just a friend. At the time, all seemed fairly normal. Two women seemed right, back then. No jealousy to speak of. I can recommend three choices for sleeping with women or not sleeping with women: aa. Sleep with one woman, and eventually get into trouble due to jealousy, for example. bb. Sleep simultaneously with two women and enjoy talking with each other before bed, and while bedding. cc. Live alone with no woman, and avoid the chitchat. Anyway, if you are young enough, and in Asia, the best thing to do is to find two women willing to sleep with you, and to be your friend. In my case, these two women are still my friend. Regards, Note: However, since this is a true story, and not a fairy tale, something happened to one of these girls, and it is not nice. Sometimes, what seems so good when one is young can end up not so good. Life is like this. I won't say what happened to one of these very nice girls. Still, sleeping with two women is better than sleeping with one, in my opinion. Some say that this is not true. But, anyone who says this is either full of baloney or has never tried it.
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