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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. So many slaves in America... And you couldn't find even one? Maybe you are not the Twain scholar that you purport yourself to be.
  2. If not Thailand, then... CHINA. I love China.
  3. Thank you very much for this heads-up, providing me enough time to get on to Forbes 400. Take care, Charlie!
  4. You are a true Twain scholar Always take him with you, as you say. On the other hand, have you ever rafted down the Mississippi?
  5. Sometimes I feel like we are all innocents abroad in Thailand.
  6. Twain was a great tour guide, as you know.
  7. In addition to Twain's essays, just as a matter of curiosity, please do tell us how many times have you read Huck Finn?
  8. Or, are you saying that Twain is a child compared to serious writers in the UK.
  9. So, you mean, compared to Americans, Brits are children? Hardly!
  10. Did you mean Pinker from McGill? I was there when Pinko was there. Pinker is smart.
  11. It was Mark Twain who satirized James Fenimore Cooper, best. Unfortunately, Twain is not alive enough, now, to satarize the OP. But, even IF Twain were alive, he wouldn't have devoted spit doing so, most likely.
  12. James Fenimore Cooper was a proven idiot. Name the author who satirized Cooper, now, and you win a cheap bauble. Guys from the UK should not mention the unmentionable.
  13. Has this OP ever visited the Golden Walmart Family bunker? The problem with immense wealth, and the resultant bunker, is that one tends to go crazy, locked up in the bunker. Anyone here, after 19 months of lockdown, wishing to be locked up in the Walmart bunker? Raise your hand, and you will be banished among the rich and famous.
  14. What is a Mokican? Similar to a Mohawk When I was a young lad, I fished with native Americans in Roanoke. Mostly, we fished from canoes made of birch bark.
  15. 70 years? Do you recall Pol Potty? Christmas Bombing? Carpet bombing? Apocalypse Now? Martin Sheen?
  16. Women, of any country, are thankful if a man has wood.
  17. Most guys don't know too much about Roth. https://www.pw.org/content/the_art_of_reading_philip_roth_turning_sentences_around More, is the pity. I have read Roth for more than 50 years. If you want to know how to write a paragraph, then read Roth. I realize that most of you are better writers than I, however you are not 10 percent of Roth. So, then, what does this make you? Just 10 percent of a Roth? If you want to know how to write, then read Philip Roth. Or, if you want to know how to JO, then read Philip Roth. Take care, my friends.... Because, I love you ALL.
  18. By the way, I am not asking you to provide me with undue flattery. Far from it. However, what I would really like to know is... if my writing might remind you, only barely, of the writing of Philip Roth. Maybe just a little? Please don't worry about hurting my feelings, if you might think that Roth is in a different class, than I. Thank you.
  19. You gotta tell it as you see it. Otherwise, you would not be true to yourself, And, others would despise you for pulling punches. I thank you for being polite as you denigrate, disparage and downgrade me. Few are half so polite as you.... Therefore, thank you!
  20. NO! Your wife's blossoms are grown with tender and loving care. Your wife's blossoms are PRICELESS to you and to her. Beautiful! Thank you for posting. What camera did you use? Quite nice photography, too.
  21. Why does it bug you that I am speaking the truth? Subs travel faster underwater than they do over water. This is a simple known fact. They travel more efficiently underwater. Why does this simple fact freak you out? What are you, a naval engineer who missed your prime like Miss Jean Brodie?
  22. I have. Believe it or not. Believe it. Which is not really important, anyway. One can travel faster underwater than one can travel over water. I am sure you will agree.
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